Bio - Whetstone, James M, Hayden, Routt Co, Colo Transcribed by LecClier A. Edrich, on December 17, 1998, from "Progressive Men of Western Colorado", published by A.H. Bowen, 1905. James M. Whetstone James M. Whetstone, living on a fine ranch of eight hundred and forty acres two miles east of Hayden, is not only classed as a pioneer but as one of the most progressive men of Routt county, taking an active part in its political affairs as an ardent Republican and in its fraternal life as an enthusiastic Master Mason. He was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, on October 30, 1855 and remained there until he reached the age of twenty-two. His boyhood and youth were like those of other country boys of his locality and station. He attended a district school a few months in the winter and worked on his father's farm, remaining under the parental roof-tree until he was twenty-two. At the age of eleven his parents moved to Mahonoy City, Pennsylvania, where from the age of fourteen to twenty-two he was employed as clerk and bookkeeper in stores. He then started out in life for himself. In 1877, he left his native heath and became a resident of Colorado. Locating in Breckenridge, he gave his attention to mining and prospecting until 1882, serving however, in 1880 and 1881 as town clerk, an office to which he was elected on the Citizens' ticket. In 1882 he moved to Routt County and took up his residence on portions of his present ranch, which he secured on pre-emption and homestead claims. He has increased the land by subsequent purchases to eight hundred and forty acres and has what many persons consider the best ranch in the county. He can cultivate two hundred and fifty acres and raises two good crops of hay, grain, and vegetables with some small fruits. His cattle, which are his main reliance, and all of high grades and registered and kept in prime condition. During his residence at Breckenridge, Mr. Whetstone served as business manager of the Summit County Leader. He was married on December 30, 1890 to Miss Virginia E. Hooker. They have one child, their son Sidney H. Mr. Whetstone's parents were Elias and Hannah (Steigerwalt) Whetstone, natives of Pennsylvania. The father was a man of many pursuits, a citizen of influence and a Republican in politics. He followed his sons to Colorado in 1881 and died in 1898 at Breckenridge, having survived the mother eighteen years, she passing away in 1880. Five of their six children are living, James M., Emma, wife of G.T. Bailey, John A., Hannah, wife of E. P. Phelps, and Amos E. =================================================== Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archive Project ( and by the COGenWeb Archive Project USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, this data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist.