Saguache County CO Archives Biographies.....Jewell, Samuel December 25, 1852 - ? ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Crook March 8, 2006, 1:22 pm Author: Progressive Men of Western Colorado Coming to Colorado more than twenty-five years ago as a young man, Samuel Jewell, the treasurer of Saguache county, entered at once into the spirit of the country and soon made himself known to its people as a man of unusual energy and business capacity, and taking his place cheerfully in the ranks of its workers, began a career of steady advancement in prosperity and public esteem which has continued until now and gives abundant promise of still further distinction and usefulness. He is a native of Chenango county, New York, born on Christmas day, 1852, and the son of Samuel and Matilda Jewell, who were born and reared in Massachusetts and moved to Illinois, after a residence of some years in the state of New York, first locating in Chicago and afterward in McHenry county. There the mother died in 1858 and after that event the father moved to Kansas, where he passed away in 1865. He was a shoemaker and prospered in his vocation. In political allegiance he was warmly attached to the Republican party. Two children survive them, Samuel and his brother James. The former received a common and high-school education at Marengo, Illinois, and after leaving school followed various occupations in that state until he moved to Missouri in 1866. There he passed thirteen years in Johnson county, then in March, 1879, came to Colorado and located at Canon City. From that place he freighted to a number of different points and kept a general store at Alamosa. From the fall of 1880 to July, 1881, he made Alamosa his headquarters and continued freighting until the spring of 1881. He then turned his attention to raising sheep and cattle, with ranching as an additional venture, on his own account. His present ranch comprises four hundred and eighty acres, of which one hundred and sixty are grain land and three hundred and twenty are devoted to hay and pasturing. Six artesian wells supply the place with an abundance of water for stock purposes, and it is otherwise well improved. Mr. Jewell has been prominent and active from his arrival here. He is a firm and loyal Republican, and has never withheld his aid in the campaigns of his party, and has always made his efforts in its behalf tell to its advantage. In the fall of 1889 he was elected county treasurer as its candidate, and at the end of his term in the fall of 1904 was triumphantly re-elected by an increased majority. From 1886 to 1890 he furnished by contract all the mutton used at the Aspen mining camps and ever since 1880 the town of Saguache has been his trading point, and for a number of years it has been the place of his residence. He is a shrewd, observant and progressive business man, and an exceptionally successful politician. In the fraternal life of the county he has been valuable and inspiring as a member of the order of Elks. On February 26, 1876, he was joined in wedlock with Miss Sarah Cleveland, a native of Missouri. They had two children, Sallie, who died, and Guy, who is living. The mother died in February, 1881, and on January 27, 1892, the father married a second wife, Miss Lucy Nichols, who was born in Illinois. The fruit of this union is two children, Hester and Edith. Additional Comments: From Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A.W. Bowen & Co., 1905 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb