Weld County, History of Colorado, BIOS: BAYLIS, Edward S. (published 1918) *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00015.html#0003643 December 2, 1999 *********************************************************************** "History of Colorado", edited by Wilbur Fisk Stone, published by The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. (1918) Vol. II p. 430-431 EDWARD S. BAYLIS. Edward S. Baylis, turning his attention to newspaper publication in early life by learning the printer's trade, is now proprietor of the Platteville Herald, published at Platteville. He was born in Rush county, Kansas, in November, 1876, a son of Edward and Ella (Stiers) Baylis, who were natives of Illinois and of Ohio respectively. The father was a carpenter by trade, which pursuit he followed throughout this entire life. At an early day in the development of Kansas he removed to that state and there his death occurred about the time of the birth of his son, Edward S, The mother died in 1879, so that Edward S. Baylis was only three years of age when left an orphan. He was reared by his mother's sister in Kansas and obtained his education in the public schools. After his textbooks were put aside he worked on a cattle range in western Kansas for a number of years, after which he started farming on his own account upon a tract of rented land, which he cultivated for a few years. During that period he carefully saved his earnings, actuated by a spirit of undaunted ambition and energy, and at length was able to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land, which he continued to further develop and Improve for five years. He then rented the place to others but still owns it. He turned his attention to the real estate and insurance business in Rushcenter, Kansas, where he remained for five years, and then went to South Dakota to the Rosebud Indian agency. A newspaper was started there and Mr. Baylis learned the trade. He conducted the paper for a year and a halt and his brother-in-law still owns and edits it. In April, 1914, Mr. Baylis came to Platteville and purchased the Platteville Herald, which he has since owned and edited. He has a well equipped plant and his circulation list numbers four hundred. He also conducts a general job printing business and turns out excellent work in that connection. He is putting forth every effort to make his paper an interesting journal, devoted to the dissemination of local and general news, and it has become an excellent advertising medium. In September, 1903, Mr. Baylis was united in marriage to Miss Anna Kirch and to them have been born two children: Fred E., whose birth occurred March 3, 1905; and Samuel K., who was born November 3, 1907. Mr. Baylis owns a five acre tract of land in Platteville and a pleasant home. He belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of United Workmen in Kansas. In politics he maintains an independent attitude. He has become well known during the period of his residence in Platteville as a stalwart champion of measures for the general good and his aid and influence are always on the side of progress and improvement.