St Francis Cemetery, Platteville/Vollmar, CO Weld County Donated by Karen McGuire ***************************************************************************** Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Project ( Archives and by the COGenWeb Project Archives USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. ****************************************************************************** This cemetery is located in Section 11, Township 2 North, Range 67 West. To reach it ,go east on Highway 52 from I-25 toward Frederich / Firestone, turn north (left) on RD 13 at the Firestone sign. Go north to CR22 (Sable Road) , turn east ( right) and go 3 to 4 miles just past a natural gas pumping station. It is on the north side of road at the top of a hill where RD 21 intersects CR22, with a dead tree in the corner and a ditch on the east edge. It is in a very neglected state - grown over with grass and weeds and blow dirt has filled in to a depth of 2 - 3 feet so we feel many graves are completely covered. Some stones are mostly under the dirt and most are very difficult to read. Many of the markers are homemade of stone or concrete. We could find no cemetery records or any information about how the cemetery came to be located there. We did find a record of it being surveyed in 1976 in the Weld County Colorado Tombstone Inscriptions V. 1 book. At that time they found evidence of 28 graves and listed the names they could read. That book is available at the Greeley Museum and at the Platteville Pioneer Museum. We appreciate the gentleman at the Greeley City Offices who first told us about the cemetery and the generous help given us at the Platteville Museum by everyone and especially Sally Miller. We found the following 19 graves. 1-25-06 Wayne & Karen McGuire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Ayaka, Jesus d, 9-8-1930 Aged 6mo. 26d. Metal mortuary marker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Cardenas, Clorinda 1929 Naci O .2.7 Homemade stone-partly buried --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ De Lopez, Concepcion Sandoval b. July 11, 1885 4x4 wooden cross with metal inset d. October 28, 1935 Fenced Con Amor, Tu Hila, Amelia Lopez De Chavez ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Fpod ? , De Juan d. 6/26/30 En Memory Homemade mostly buried ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Garcia, Cecilia d. Aug 13, 51 Remember Pete & Mary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Garcia, Elvira b. 12-2-1907 d. 5-15-1958 Marble marker ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- Garcia, John b. 2-15-28 d. 4-13-41 Courtesy of Norman’s Memorial, Inc. Concrete with metal inset Wheatridge Brighton Greeley also footstone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Garcia, N. d. Sept. 24, 1931 Aged 79 yrs. Metal marker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Lopez, Andra d. Aug 30, 1931 Age 57 yrs. Metal marker Charles Lundien Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Martinez, Juan Francisco d. Jan 12, 1931 Professional granite marker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Mastes, Dolores Y Fallecio Nov. 26, 1928 Dela Edad 71 Anos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Sanchez, Serveriano Nasio 2-21-1927 Murio 4-16-1934 Concrete marker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Vigil, Alice Aug 23, 1923 July 5, 1931 Square Metal marker on post ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Vigil, C_ilia__l ______10 Murle _______Sept 25 1931 on top Homemade concrete- incarved cross with metal inset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Vigil, J.R. Murio 1-12-1936 Anos 1941 on top Homemade concrete - incarved cross ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- J. S. 7.13.34 Inscription on top edge of stone marker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Eda 80 mos 1941 on top Homemade concrete - incarved cross ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- 1936 Concrete marker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- PATD Feb 17, 1925 Dec 6, 1927 Metal tab ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- .