DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - NEWSPAPERS - Miscellaneous News ----¤¤¤¤---- This file is part of the DCGenWeb Archives Project: http://www.usgwarchives.net/dc/dcfiles.htm ********************************************* http://www.usgwarchives.net/dc/dcfiles.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ********************************************* Contributed to The USGenWeb Archives Project by: Barbara & Dave (barbara-dave@adelphia.net) ------------------------------------------------- Washington Post, April 4, 1912, Misc. Page 2 OLDEST INHABITANTS MEET. New Members Elected and Steps Taken to Name Executive Committee. Clam chowder, prepared by Frank H. Walker, was served to 75 members of the Oldest Inhabitants' Association at the meeting in their hall at Nineteenth and H streets northwest last night. Benjamin W Reiss, John R. Mahoney, and William H. Singleton were appointed to consider the matter of a selection of an executive committee. Mrs. H. L. Agnew presented the association with an old pass, issued during the war to people who wished to walk across the Aqueduct bridge. The following were admitted as members: Robert E. Boyd, J. G. Weide, Enoch L. White, and Alex. Dallas Tucker. Among those present were Dr. A. P. Fardon, John B. McCarthy, Judge Charles S. Bundy, Judge Ivory Kimball, Capt. Owen G. Willey, Dallas Tucker, J. J. Georges, A. F. H. Holsten, William E. Reiss, Washington Tupperman, George W. Evans, Joseph Carter, Charles Belirens, Sebastian Bauer, Lieutenant of Police Heffler, B. H. Warner, George W. Driver, Harry F. Clark, Dr. B. W. Summy, A. H. Ragan, William B. Marche, William Schwing, W. ?. Dennis, William A. Clarke, William ?. Linton, Prof. A. Samuels, B. F. Klopfer, O. Bowie, Thomas Wheeler, J. H. Reiss, A. Heitmuller, and Anthony G?egler. HELD IN ASSAULT CASE. Two Negroes Suspected of Crime Committed Two Years Ago. Daniel Smith, alias "Red Eye," of 2026 ? street northwest, and Marshall Johnson, of 309 W street northwest, both colored, were arrested yesterday morning by policemen Gilfoyle, Cullilane, and Holmes, of the Eighth precinct, in connection with an assault committed on William Helmus, a wholesale liquor dealer, in the rear of his store, 1918 Fourteenth street northwest, more than two years ago. Mr. Helmus also was robbed. The suspects are being held at the Eighth precinct police station. The police also are trying to ascertain whether the prisoners can shed any light on the murder of Sam Hing. the aged Chinese laundryman, who was slain and robbed in his laundry at 3430 Fourteenth street northwest last February. The officers would not divulge the information on which the two were arrested. The negroes say they have done nothing. AVIATORS PREPARING TO FLY. Army Men at College Park May Make Ascensions Tomorrow. All day yesterday a score of mechanics were busy tinkering with wings, rudders, and cylinders at College Park, Md. completing preparations for the opening of the spring and summer aviation season for the United States army fliers. Officially, the aviators are scheduled to arise in the air on Monday next, but it was hinted among the grooms yesterday that a few of the more daring pilots would probably ascend tomorrow morning. Capt. Paul Beck and Lieut. Roy C. K?rtland, Lieut. Thomas De Witt Milling and Capt. Charles de Forest Chandler tomorrow may take several short spins. On Monday morning Lieut. Leighton W. Hazlehurst, Jr. and Lieut. Graham will make their initial trips at College Park. The campaign mapped out this season will call for bomb throwing and picture taking from altitudes of 2,000 feet, and journeys to Baltimore, Fort Myer, Annapolis, and Fort Hunt. SCHOOL INQUIRY URGED. Negroes Say They Are Ignored in Conduct of Colored Institutions. Several hundred negroes met at the Plymouth Congregational Church, seventeenth and P streets northwest, last night and appointed a committee to request Congress to conduct a thorough investigation of the District public school system. They charged that the negro population of the District is being ignored in the conduct of the colored public schools, and attacked the recent action of the white members of the board of education in voting to retain as assistant superintendent of schools Roscoe C. Bruce. The Rev. A. C. Garner, pastor of the church; Daniel Murray, the Rev. J. Milton Waldron, Emmanuel Houston, and S. ?. Corrothers addressed the meeting. Results of Pocket Billiard Tourney. Philadelphia, Pa., April 3—Alfred De Oro, New York, defeated Charles Weston, Chicago, 150 to 115 tonight in the national pocket billiard championship tournament. James Mature, Denver, defeated W. W. King, New York, 150 to 97, and Thomas H. Wilson, Hackensack, N. J., won from William F. De Langh. Philadelphia, 150 to 67. For Easter Giving In considering the purchase of an Easter Gift, one naturally turns to Rosaries and Crosses as being particularly appropriate. Special attention is directed to our large stock of Rosaries, Crosses, and hundreds of new and attractive Easter Novelties in gold and silver. Galt & Bro. Established over a Century Jewellers, Silversmiths, Stationers 1107 Pennsylvania Avenue