Statewide County DE Archives Military Records.....Militia, Franch & Indian War Other War - Rosters Capt. John Wright's Company ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher April 2, 2016, 11:27 pm Militia, Franch & Indian War A roll of recruits inlisted into Captain John Wright’s Company, in pursuance of a commission from the Honorable William Denney, Esq., etc. (Date of Muster, May 11, 1759.) (Name, age, where born and occupation.) Captain. John Wright Lieut. William Connell. Ensign. Ryves Holt, Jun. Sergeants. Newbold, John, 22, Md. Carpenter. Green, William, 22, Sussex, Del. Carpenter. Corporals. Conwell, Elias, 20, Sussex, Del. Oliver, Daniel, 30, New Eng. Drummer. Squires, Richard, 25, Bristol, Penna. Addam, John, 21. Holland. Privates. Anderson, Edward, 24, Virginia. Anslow, (Onslow) Richard, 34, Ir. Anthony, William, 20, Sussex Del. Bailey, Edward, 21, Kent, Del. Bard, Samuel, 25, Ir. Bullet, Bedy, 21, Md. Carter, Joseph, 24, Md. Coll, Isaac, 42, London. Colter, Thomas, 22, Sussex, Del. Colter, William, 20, Sussex, Del. Cornwell, Samuel, 22, Virginia. Danily, (Donelly) Abner, 20, Md. Edgin, Benjamin, 24, Md. Evans, John, 19, Md. Foster, William 28, Md. Guy, Nicholas, 21, Virginia. Hall, Moses, 28, Md. Hanzer, Samuel, 24, Sussex, Del. Hanzer, Thomas, 19, Sussex, Del. Hatfield, Whitly, 18, Md. Hemmins, James, 17, Sussex, Del. Hemmins, John, 22, Sussex, Del. Hill, Jonathan, 18 Sussex, Del. Jackson, George, 28, Md. Linegar, William, 23. Lings, Archibald, 17, Virginia. Mackaning, William, 21, Md. McAffee, John, 25, Long Island. McGill, Andrew, 24, Md.—"Indian." McGray, George, 22, Sussex, Del. McGraw, James, 21, Md. tailor. Man, William, 17, Sussex, Del. Mason, Elias, 19, Kent, Del. Newcomb, Baptist, 23, Sussex Del. Newcomb, Thomas, 19, Sussex, Del. Newton, John., 18, Md. Pride, Suthy, 21, Sussex, Del. Pullet, Richard, 29, Md. Ross, Joseph, 21, Ir. Rowland, John, 23, Virginia. Steel, Arthur, 23, Kent, Del. Stoakley, Soloman, 23, Sussex, Del. Street, David, 23, Sussex, Del. Stuart, David, 21, Sussex, Del. Turner, Ephraim, 18, Sussex, Del. Ward, John, 40, Jersey. Willis, Thomas, 17, Sussex, Del. Wills, Caleb, 21, Sussex, Del. Wills, Lawrence, 21, Sussex, Del. Willy, Waitman, 25, Md. Young, John, 20, Ir., weaver. (Copied from Penn’a Archives, Vol. 2, second Series, Page 592.) Additional Comments: Extracted from: Delaware Archives MILITARY VOLUME 1 Published by the Public Archives Commission of Delaware by authority Press of MERCANTILE PRINTING CO. 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb