Statewide County DE Archives Military Records.....Militia, Franch & Indian War Other War - Rosters Capt. McClughan's Company ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher April 2, 2016, 11:12 pm Militia, Franch & Indian War RETURN OF A FULL COMPANY ENLISTED FOR THE CAMPAIGN IN THE LOWER COUNTIES, BY CAPT. Mc’CLUGHAN, DELIVERED WEDNESDAY, THE 17th, MAY, 1758. (Name, age, where born, date of enlistment and occupation) Sergeants. Jones, John, 20, Phila., Penn’a, April 19, barber. Armstrong, James, 25, Fermanagh, Ir., Ap. 20, shoe-maker. Dougherty, Charles, 29, Donegal, Ir., Ap. 22, farmer. Corporals. Armstrong, William, 28, Fermanagh, Ir., Ap. 20, lab. Brown, George, 26, Derry, Ir., Ap. 25, tanner. Drummers. Fitzgerald, John, 15, Queen Ann’s, Md., May 2, smith. Elms, Christopher, 15, Conococheague, Penn’a, May, 6, lab. Privates. Anderson, Edward, 20, Sussex, Del., May 9, lab. Barlow, Samuel, 33, Lancaster, Eng., May 12, dyer. Bennett, Stephen, 30, Ipswich, Mass., May 12, lab. Black, George, 24, Armagh, Ir., Ap. 20, weaver. Brind, Isaac, 34, Wilts, Eng., May 1, shoemaker. Brochson, Joseph, 17, Three Runs, Del., Ap. 19, planter. Bryan, William, 34, St. Martin’s, Md., May 3, planter. Chandler, David, 21, Greenwick, New Jersey, Ap. 24, weaver. Connelly, Bryan, 20, Monaghan, Ir., Ap. 20, lab. Cooke, Nathaniel, 19, Whitly Creek, Del., May 5, farmer. Crawford, John, 25, Donegal, Jr., Ap. 29, lab. Cremer, (Kreamer), Jacob, 19, Thorlowitz, Ger., May 11, lab. Dainty, John, 25, Grapner, Eng., May 1, miller. Davis, James, 19, Down, Ir., Ap. 22, farmer. Dickey, James, 23, Octoraro, Penn’a, Ap. 24, smith. Dixson, William, 25, New Castle, Del.,Ap. 2, farmer. Dougherty, John, 17, Donegal, Ir., May 5, farmer. Dougherty, Owen, 33, Donegal, Ir., Ap. 26, lab. Dougherty, Patrick, 24, Donegal, Ir., Ap. 23, lab. Dunbar, John, 24, Tyrone, Ir., Ap. 25, weaver. Dunfee, Michael, 22, Wexford, Ir., May 2, lab. Dunlap, John, 28, Ireland, May 6, lab. Endless, John, 34, Gregory Strohe, Eng., Ap. 24. Fitzsimmons, John, 27, Dublin, Ir., May 11, lab. Foster, Fucher, 28, Rehoboth, Del., Ap. 20, planter. Friday, John Augustus, 19, Hanover, Ger., Ap. 23, lab. Furnantz, Anthony, 31, Maderia, Portugal, May 1, lab. Gibbons, John, 28, Devon, Eng., Ap. 26, lab. Golden, Eleazer, 34, Cape May, New Jersey, Ap. 25, sailor. Graham, John, 21, Slator, Neck, Del., Ap. 24, lab. Grissal, William, 32, Stroud, Eng., May 12, scribler. Groves, Jonathan, 20, New Castle, Del., Ap. 24, lab. Grubb, John, 26, Brandywine Hundred, Del., May 11, tanner. Grundy, Thomas, 33, Liverpool, Eng., Ap. 27, bricklayer. Hall, George, 22, Milford Hundred, Del., May 10, cooper. Harbadge, Edward, 24, London, Eng., Ap. 26, brushmaker. Henderson, James, 30, Antrim, Ir., May 8, lab. Holston, William, 22, Pocomock, Md., May 10, shoe-maker. Houston, Alexander, 25, Toboyne, Ir., May 1, lab. Innis, Timothy, 30, Kildare, Ir., May 9, tailor. Jackson, Southey, 20, Indian River, Md., Ap. 19, shoe-maker. John, Daniel, 27, Pencador, Del., May 8, lab. Jones, Christopher, 25, West Meath, Ir., Ap. 26, miller. Kain, Daniel, 29, Antrim, Ir., Ap. 20, shoe-maker. Kayle, Thomas, 30, May 12, carpenter. Kelly, John, 28, Down, Ir., Ap. 20, lab. Kilpatrick, Patrick, 24, Faughboyne, Ir., Ap. 24, weaver. Kitson, Thomas, 34, Worcester, Eng., Ap. 24, lab. Lake, John, 30, Great Hornet, Eng., May 6, butcher. Little, Richard, 26, Ireland, Ap. 21, school-master. Longwill, James, 22, St. Johnson, Ir., Ap. 27, lab. McAnulty, John, 28, Derry, Ir., Ap. 22, farmer. McClearn, James, 27, Londonderry, Ir., May 1, lab. McClellan, James, 29, Antrim, Ir., Ap. 29, lab. McGill, Patrick, 26, Kilmore, Ir., Ap. 30, weaver. McIntosh, Hugh, 35, Perth, Scot., May 8, lab. McIntosh, John, 19, Indian River, Del., May 9, lab. McNamara, Peter, May 9. Mann, William, 17, Angola Hundred, Del., Ap. 22, farmer. Martin, Hugh, 30, Tyrone, Ir., Ap. 29, weaver. Mitchell, Joseph, 20, Down, Ir., May 12, cooper. Mullan, Daniel, 18, Dunluce, Ir., Ap. 29, miller. Murrain, John, 28, Dublin, Ir., May 7, lab. Nawood, Daniel, 19, Angola Hundred, Del., Ap. 19, farmer. Nawood, Nathan, 23, Indian River, Del., Ap. 19, planter. Nickell, John, 30, Bedony, Ir., Ap. 26, lab. Newbold, John, 22, Somerset, Md., May 5, farmer. Pease (Peace), James, 32, London, Eng., Ap. 25, merchant. Perkins, Benjamin, 19, Cedar Creek, Del., May 4, farmer. Peter, Caja, 22, Pocomock, Md., May 8, fiddle-maker. Price, Daniel, 25, Elizabethtown, Jersey, May 4 weaver. Pride, Southy, 21, Sussex, Del., April 19, planter. Ramsey, James, 20, Donegal, Ir., April 20, lab. Rawlston, (Ralston), Hugh, 27, Argyle, Scot., Ap. 26, lab. Rice, Thomas, 21, Ware, Virg. May 12, lab. Roberts, John, 27, England, May 9, lab. Roland, John, 23, Silver Point, Virg., Ap. 22, farmer. Ross, James, 17, Brandywine Hundred, Del., May 2, miller. Rolton, Josiah, 22, Lewistown, Del., May 4, farmer. Scott, Robert, 23, Rye, Ireland, May 12, spinner. Sheerman, James, 20, Dublin, Ir., Ap. 20. Sloan, John, 25, Tyrone, Ir., May 4, weaver. Smith, William, 27, Belly-shannon, Ir., May 9, baker. Spear, Charles, 24, Faughboyne, Ir. Straghan, John, 24, Derry, It Ap. 18, lab. Street, Ezekiel, 22, Black Swamp, Del., Ap. 10, planter. Sutton, John, 28, Wilts, Eng., Ap. 30, weaver. Tusey, Stephen, 26, Brandywine Hund’d, Del., Ap. 24, lab. Vinney, Peter, 24, Newport, Del., Ap. 24, shoe-maker. Warrington, Zachariah, 18, Angola Hundred, Del., Ap. 20, planter. Westcott, Thomas, 23, Indian River, Md., May 4, farmer. Whellan, Luke, 35, Waterford, Ir., Ap. 22, miller. White, William, 24, Cedar Creek, Del., May 4, farmer. Wilson, Samuel, 15, Kennett, Penn’a, May 12, lab. Wilson, Solomon, 18, Chester River, Md., May 1, lab. The following persons probably belonged to Capt. McClughan’s Co’y:) Farrell, James, 31, Maryland, April 15, 1758, lab. Moore, John, 24, Wales, April 15,1758, cord. . Towland, William. 22, New Castle county, April 25, 1758, lab. (Pa. Archives. 2d Series, Vol. 2. page 570). Additional Comments: Extracted from: Delaware Archives MILITARY VOLUME 1 Published by the Public Archives Commission of Delaware by authority Press of MERCANTILE PRINTING CO. 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.6 Kb