Clay County FlArchives Biographies.....Geiger, A. B. October 11, 1865 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Rayburn February 20, 2015, 12:13 am Source: Vol. II pg.25 The Lewis Publishing Co. 1923 Author: History of Florida, Past and Present GEIGER, A. B. The attractive little city of Green Cove Springs, judicial center of Clay County, claims Mr. Geiger as one of its most vigorous and resourceful business men and most aggressive and public-spirited citizens. Mr. Geiger was born in Clay County, Florida, October 11, 1865, and is a son of ELI W. GEIGER, who was born and reared in that county and who became one of its representative farmers and honored and influential citizens, he having there continued his residence until his death, in 1891. ELI W. GEIGER was a stalwart advocate of the principles of the democratic party, and was influential in its local councils and campaign activities. He served two terms as County Commissioner of Clay County, and one term as County superintendent of schools. The family name of his wife, who is likewise deceased, was FRANCIS DREW, and of their ten children the subject of this review was the fourth in order of birth. In his boyhood and early youth A. B. GEIGER attended school only during the winter terms, his father having been an invalid and the son having thus found it incumbent upon him to do productive work while still a mere lad. By close application to private study he so advanced himself as to prove eligible for pedagogic honors, and he made a success as a teacher in the rural schools. Thereafter he was employed one year as clerk in a general store, and he next took a similar position in the store of J. F. TOWNSEND, Duval County. He continued this connection until 1888, and he then took a clerical position in the general merchandise establishment of Wilson Brothers at Green Cove Springs. When the business of this concern was incorporated in 1892 Mr. Geiger became vice president of the company, and after the Wilson Brothers retired from business Mr. Geiger initiated an independent enterprise along the same lines. From a modest inception his general merchandise business has been developed to one of broad scope and importance. With the consecutive expansion of the business he required larger quarters, and after one previous removal he took in 1906 his present ample quarters in the Masonic Building, where he controls a substantial and prosperous enterprise that marks him as one of the leading merchants of this section of the state. Mr. Geiger has shown his progressiveness also in other connections. He has assisted in the organization and development of several other business concerns in Clay County, including the Clay County Ice Company, which now has a modern plant with a capacity for the production of ten tons of ice daily, water for the purpose being drawn from a well 800 feet in depth, and ice deliveries being made by the company’s wagons throughout the different parts of Clay County. Mr. Geiger is a loyal supporter of the cause of the democratic party, he and his wife are communicants of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and he is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity, in connection with which he was one of the organizers of the Blue Lodge at Middleburg, this County. The year 1890 recorded the marriage of Mr. Geiger and Miss ALICE PIERCE, and they have three children: GRAY L., ETHEL and CLIFFORD. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb