Muster Roll, Capt. John E. TUCKER'S Company, 1st Regiment, Florida Mounted Militia File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Jane Gibbs, ( USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or publication by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************************* Florida Militia Muster Rolls: Seminole Indian War Florida Department of Military Affairs State Arsenal - St. Francis Barracks St. Augustine, Florida Vol. 10, pages 64-65 Muster Roll of Capt. John E. Tucker's Company, 1st Regiment, Fla. Mounted Militia, commanded by Col. John Warren, ordered into service of the U.S. by Brig.-Gen'l L. Taylor from the 5th day of Nov. 1839 to the 31st day of Jan. 1840 when discharged. E. R. Long, Lt., enrolled the Company at Columbia County, E.F. The muster was certified on 31 Jan. 1840 at Newnansville, E. F. by the signatures of Capt. J. E. Tucker and Maj. Churchill. John E. Tucker, Captain Joseph Mizell, Sergt. William Light, 1st Lieutenant Jacob Summerlin, Sergt. A. Gillet, 2nd Lieutenant John L. Lowe, Corp A. Wood, 1st Lieutenant A. J. Keen, Corp. David Walker, Sergt. John Powell, Corp. L. B. Davis, Corp. PRIVATES 1. Altman, Thomas 34. Medlin, W. R. 2. Altman, Simpson 35. Morgan, Daniel 3. Bryant, Langley 36. Morgan, E. H. 4. Bryant, John 37. Morgan, Christopher 5. Bryant, Joseph 38. Morgan, E. P. 6. Corbin, James 39. Mosley, Wm. 7. Carver, William 40. Niblack, Joel 8. Carver, Wilson 41. Niblack, John 9. Carver, Vinson 42. Niblack, Silas 10. Cheshire, Amos 43. Pearce, Jonathan 11. Douglas, James 44. Pass (?) William 12. Davis, Jacob 45. Rutledge, John 13. Dells, S. 46. Rowland, Edward 14. Dees, James 47. Robinson, Carrel 15. Fuller, Daniel 48. Summerlin, Jacob, Jr. 16. Fletcher, Charles 49. Summerlin, John A. 17. Garrit, Charney 50. Smith, Littleton 18. Green, Samuel 51. Sapp, John 19. Holder, Joseph 52. Smith, H. C. 20. Holder, Thomas 53. Stewart, Asa A. 21. Hunter, Wm. H. 54. Tillis, Richard 22. Hawkins, Harvel 55. Tillis, James 23. Hawkins, Joshua 56. Thomas, Isiah 24. Jones, John 57. Wilkinson, Daniel 25. Jones, Henry 58. Wilkinson, Joseph 26. Johnson, James H. 59. Wilkinson, Riley 27. Jenkins, James 60. Wright, Riley 28. Keen, Wm. R. 61. Williams, Isaac 29. Keen, Wm. H. 62. Whitehurst, John A. 30. Keen, Joseph 63. Whitehurst, Daniel 31. Lacklin, Wm. 64. Whitehurst, Artie 32. Lacklin, Elijah 65. Wiggins, Jesse 33. Lowe, Fernando 66. Wiggins, Edmund