Biography of E. W. Bebinger, Miami, Dade County, FL File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Rayburn ( USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or publication by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************************** Transcribed from: The History of Florida: Past & Present, The Lewis Publishing Co., Vol. II, page 153, 1923. BEBINGER, E. W. is actively associated with some of the leading business concerns at Miami. For a number of years he has been business manager for the law firm of Shutts & Bowen, one of the most prominent law firms in the state. Mr. BEBINGER was born at Aurora, Indiana, December 23, 1884. He began his connection with Florida in July, 1909, as an employe (sic) of the Treasury Department of the United States. At that time he came to Miami as clerk to the receiver of the Fort Dallas National Bank. He acted in that capacity until July, 1912, and since then has been business manager for Shutts & Bowen, handling the many business affairs individually owned or handled by this well known law firm. Mr. BEBINGER is president of the City Auto Supply Company, a corporation. He is vice president of the Florida Marble and Granite Company; is secretary and general manager of the Union Realty Company; is secretary of the Miami Building Company; a director of the Miami Building and Loan Association; is secretary of the Cape Sable Development Company, a corporation in which Mr. SAMUEL UNTERMEYER of New York is largely interested financially and which is engaged in important development work in the Cape Sable region of Florida. Mr. BEBINGER is a member of the Miami Civitan Club, one of the city's most useful and active organizations. It has a membership of about seventy representative and public spirited citizens. He is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. BEBINGER married Miss HANNAH JANE STODGHILL, of Aurora, Indiana. Their two children are DOROTHY and JUNE.