Desoto County FlArchives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names ALBRITTON - LASTINGER WWII - Enlistment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery February 16, 2008, 5:51 am Army Enlistees Names ALBRITTON - LASTINGER DATE OF ENLISTMENT YEAR OF ARMY SERIAL NUMBER NAME PLACE OF ENLISTMENT DAY MONTH YEAR GRADE BRANCH NATIVITY BIRTH COMPONENT OF THE ARMY 14001330 ALBRITTON BROWNARD L MONTGOMERY ALABAMA 10 7 40 Private Coast Artillery Corps FLORIDA 15 Regular Army 34207600 ALBRITTON HUBERT CP BLANDING FLORIDA 19 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34536287 ALBRITTON MARION F CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-408469 ALBRITTON MILDRED G TAMPA FLORIDA 29 5 44 Private Women's Army Corps FLORIDA 12 Women's Army Corps 14064645 ALBRITTON RICHARD W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 12 41 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 16 Army of the United States 34944147 ALFORD CHARLIE FT BENNING GEORGIA 30 5 44 No branch assignment GEORGIA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34791869 ALFORD L C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 8 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34911549 ALLEY JAMES C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 30 6 44 Private No branch assignment MISSISSIPPI 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14003860 ALLMAN JAMES W TAMPA FLORIDA 16 8 40 Private Coast Artillery Corps FLORIDA 19 Regular Army 14081264 ALMAND CLARENCE E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 11 Army of the United States 34538535 AMBLER LEWIS C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 31 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA TENNESSEE 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34205772 AMBLER WILLIAM E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 23 5 42 Warrant Officers, USA TENNESSEE 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34911173 AMOS WILLIE CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 1 44 Private No branch assignment MISSISSIPPI 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34780673 ANDERSON OSCAR L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 4 43 Private No branch assignment SOUTH CAROLINA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34791513 ANDREWS HORACE H FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 4 5 45 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 13 Reserves 34912354 ARCHIBALD FRANK J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 5 5 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6965238 ARNOLD FRANK A FT JACKSON COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA 18 6 41 Infantry FLORIDA 20 Regular Army 34403771 ARNOLD PETER J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 26 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44115685 BALDWIN FRANK JR AMARILLO AAF TEXAS 23 4 46 Private First Class No branch assignment NORTH CAROLINA 24 Regular Army 34054247 BALLARD ERWIN E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 15 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 22 Regular Army 34756011 BALLARD LEWIS JR FT BENNING GEORGIA 10 7 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34408055 BARFIELD DONALD C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34797742 BARNES MARION A CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 12 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44113202 BARTELL WEBSTER FT MCCLELLAN ALABAMA 29 1 46 Private First Class No branch assignment FLORIDA 26 Regular Army 14081649 BASSLER ALBERT G CP BLANDING FLORIDA 25 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 7 Army of the United States 14007414 BATEMAN HOWARD S FT JACKSON COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA 5 8 40 Private Infantry FLORIDA 21 Regular Army 14064938 BATES JAMES C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 9 1 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 18 Army of the United States 14168483 BATES WALTER A JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 22 11 43 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 22 Reserves 34249605 BEARD HAROLD W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14081782 BELFLOWER JESSE B CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 18 Army of the United States 14064233 BELL WALTER E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 1 11 41 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 20 Regular Army 34204273 BENNETT G A CP BLANDING FLORIDA 30 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34023916 BENNETT HARLEY CP BLANDING FLORIDA 21 2 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34207616 BENSON ROBERT L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 19 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34790781 BENTON CHARLIE CP BLANDING FLORIDA 23 7 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34544523 BENTON WILLIAM W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA NORTH CAROLINA 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14082602 BEVIS BOBBY CP BLANDING FLORIDA 20 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 22 Army of the United States 34794445 BILLINGS WILLARD H FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 11 2 44 Private Air Corps NEW YORK 18 Reserves 34544522 BISHOP JOHN W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34934202 BISHOP THOMAS W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 15 7 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 25 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34050718 BLACKMON JAMES S CP BLANDING FLORIDA 15 9 45 Private Medical Department FLORIDA 18 Regular Army 34536258 BLACKWELDER HARDY B CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14189197 BOWLES GEORGE JR CP STONEMAN PITTSBURG CALIFORNIA 12 11 45 Private First Class No branch assignment FLORIDA 26 Regular Army 44155322 BOWLES LEON E FT BENNING GEORGIA 14 5 46 Private Medical Department FLORIDA 27 Regular Army 34532133 BRADDOCK CHARLES R CP BLANDING FLORIDA 23 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-408401 BRAGDON NOLA M TAMPA FLORIDA 17 3 44 Private Women's Army Corps FLORIDA 22 Women's Army Corps 34544711 BRANTLEY ELVIN V ATTICA INDIANA 9 11 45 Technician 5th Grade No branch assignment FLORIDA 22 Regular Army 34544540 BRANTLEY MONROE CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14057689 BRAWNER WILLIAM JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 13 6 41 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 22 Regular Army 34910046 BRENN WILLIAM K CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 1 44 Private No branch assignment MICHIGAN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14081641 BRETTON ERVIN J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 25 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ALABAMA 18 Army of the United States 14188892 BREWER OWEN T JR MACDILL FIELD FLORIDA 30 6 46 Master Sergeant Air Corps DIST OF COLUMBIA 24 Regular Army 34245120 BRITT NORMAN K CP BLANDING FLORIDA 1 8 42 Private FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34067812 BROADNAX FREDDIE FT BENNING GEORGIA 14 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34798048 BROADNAX JOHN W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 8 12 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34798064 BROOKS GARZENA CP BLANDING FLORIDA 8 12 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34954468 BROOMFIELD SPENCER FT BENNING GEORGIA 30 3 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14244223 BROWDER HENRY P JR BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 5 10 46 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 28 Regular Army 34408139 BROWN GARLIN A CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ALABAMA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34536324 BROWN GEORGE O CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34788369 BROWN HILL CP BLANDING FLORIDA 24 6 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34547170 BROWN JOHNNIE C 4 1 46 Private First Class No branch assignment FLORIDA 24 Regular Army 14189087 BROWN QUITMAN MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 14 11 43 Private Air Corps ALABAMA 25 Reserves 44116096 BROWNING GERALD CP BLANDING FLORIDA 19 11 45 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 27 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34784690 BROWNING SMILEY A CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 5 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14233135 BROWNING WILLIAM L BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 11 6 46 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 28 Regular Army 34791502 BROWNING ZEB A 8 8 46 Sergeant No branch assignment FLORIDA 23 Regular Army 14083877 BRUSH ROBERT J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 10 42 Private Air Corps VIRGINIA 23 Army of the United States 34246257 BURNES WILLIE CP BLANDING FLORIDA 8 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34798488 BUSBY HENRY JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 15 12 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44110423 CAREY WILLIAM JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 5 45 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 26 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14064444 CARLTON CLAUD A CP BLANDING FLORIDA 15 12 41 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 16 Army of the United States 34204138 CARLTON KENNETH D CP BLANDING FLORIDA 29 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14081773 CARLTON WALTER S JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 20 Army of the United States 14080908 CARR TULLY D JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 5 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 15 Army of the United States 14081715 CARROLL FRANK H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 1 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA NORTH CAROLINA 19 Army of the United States 34793987 CARTER J C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 8 10 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34934819 CARTER JAMES E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 8 44 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34911185 CARTER PENNROY CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 1 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14080910 CASSELS EDWARD L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 5 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 8 Army of the United States 34788500 CHANCEY RICHARD L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 24 6 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422698 CHANNEL WILLIAM A ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private First Class Field Artillery MINNESOTA 14 National Guard 14000485 CHILSON CHARLES G CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 2 46 Master Sergeant No branch assignment FLORIDA 14 Regular Army A-408239 CLARK FREDA M TAMPA FLORIDA 14 7 43 Women's Army Corps FLORIDA 6 Women's Army Corps 14082587 CLARKE LAWTON J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 17 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 18 Army of the United States 34910312 CLAYTON EDWARD H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 1 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34206934 CLEMMONS LAWRENCE CP BLANDING FLORIDA 10 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34531996 CLEMONS NED JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 23 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34207833 CLEVELAND WILLIAM F JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 23 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422705 COCHRAN JAMES V ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private First Class Field Artillery FLORIDA 20 National Guard A-408478 CODY ADA I TAMPA FLORIDA 9 6 44 Private Women's Army Corps MISSOURI 0 Women's Army Corps 44109589 CODY WILLIAM C JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 4 45 Private No branch assignment ARKANSAS 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14086273 COKER CHARLES H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 16 11 45 Private FLORIDA 28 Regular Army 14000196 COKER JOHN W JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 23 7 40 Private Infantry FLORIDA 20 Regular Army 34209902 COKER MORRIS G CP BLANDING FLORIDA 16 7 42 Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14168624 COKER MURL J FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 9 9 44 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 24 Reserves 14080755 COLBERT HAL P CP BLANDING FLORIDA 20 1 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 17 Army of the United States 44112222 COMBS GEORGE E JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 14 6 45 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 27 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14085164 CONNELL EARL S CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 11 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 22 Army of the United States 34974290 CONNELL ROBERT D FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 26 3 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34959826 COOK MACK C FT BENNING GEORGIA 28 4 44 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34200495 CORLEY ELWYN F CP BLANDING FLORIDA 15 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34204134 CORLEY JOEL G CP BLANDING FLORIDA 29 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34202836 COWART JOHN M CP BLANDING FLORIDA 17 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34541381 COWELL ELBERT MACDILL FIELD FLORIDA 10 4 46 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 23 Regular Army 34785849 COWELL SELIOUS J FT BENNING GEORGIA 30 6 46 Corporal Quartermaster Corps FLORIDA 13 Regular Army 34406256 COWELS BENJAMIN F CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44110269 COWELS BURDETT L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 5 45 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 26 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422699 CRAFT JOHN A JR ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private First Class Field Artillery FLORIDA 18 National Guard 34204153 CRAWFORD WILLIAM C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 29 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34536257 CREWS CASH K CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34912178 CREWS LORENZO C CP CARSON COLO SPRINGS COLORADO 17 11 45 Corporal No branch assignment FLORIDA 20 Regular Army 14085392 CRONIN JOHN J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 6 11 42 Private Corps of Engineers CALIFORNIA 12 Army of the United States 34200496 CROSS BERT CP BLANDING FLORIDA 15 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34249610 CROSS HARRY CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422706 CROSS WALTER C ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 13 National Guard 34532115 CRUMADY GEORGE CP BLANDING FLORIDA 23 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34934651 CRUMADY JAMES B CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 7 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 26 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34912294 CURRIER GORDON M SR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 4 44 Private No branch assignment KANSAS 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34244109 CURRY NDWARD CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34053261 CURTIS ROBERT L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 30 5 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44112250 DANIELS CHARLES P FT BENNING GEORGIA 14 11 45 Private Transportation Corps FLORIDA 27 Regular Army 44113274 DANIELS MONROE SR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 5 7 45 Private No branch assignment ALABAMA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34067423 DANIELS ULYSSES FT BENNING GEORGIA 12 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422708 DAUGHARTY KENNITH F ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Field Artillery GEORGIA 18 National Guard 34544525 DAUGHTREY DAVID D CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34791511 DAUGHTREY EDWIN F FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 22 2 44 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 17 Reserves 34934142 DAUGHTREY JOHN A CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 7 44 No branch assignment FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34544550 DAVIS CARL CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WEST VIRGINIA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14188967 DAVIS EDWARD F JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 12 43 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 25 Reserves 34200562 DAVIS ELMER J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 16 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34780687 DAVIS FRANK JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 4 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34959287 DAVIS GEORGE W FT BENNING GEORGIA 24 4 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 26 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34788326 DAVIS HENRY G JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 24 6 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 25 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34409859 DAVIS IRA CP BLANDING FLORIDA 10 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ALABAMA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34249798 DAVIS LEE E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 29 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 39307495 DAVIS LEO P PORTLAND OREGON 11 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 32524667 DAVIS SIMON FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK 8 10 42 Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34245891 DENHAM EDWARD CP BLANDING FLORIDA 21 4 44 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34799372 DENHAM JOHN D CP BLANDING FLORIDA 23 12 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34249628 DENNISON CHARLES CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA TENNESSEE 4 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422709 DODDS HUBERT R TAMPA FLORIDA 20 6 46 Technical Sergeant Field Artillery FLORIDA 21 Regular Army 14064644 DOZIER ALBERT J JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 12 41 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 17 Army of the United States 14080801 DUKE WILLIAM M CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 20 Army of the United States 34798891 DUNN BRASKER F CP SWIFT BASTROP TEXAS 25 1 46 Private First Class No branch assignment GEORGIA 21 Regular Army 34911979 DUNN CLYDE R CP BLANDING FLORIDA 22 2 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 26 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14085184 DYESS ODES CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 11 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 23 Army of the United States 14189275 EBERSOLE DANIEL B FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 17 4 45 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 26 Reserves 34536326 EDMARK HAROLD V CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA NORTH DAKOTA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14169216 EDMARK HARRIS R FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 10 3 44 Private No branch assignment NORTH DAKOTA 22 Reserves 44050390 EDWARDS GORDON H FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 1 5 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422710 ELLER IRVING D JR ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery TENNESSEE 20 National Guard 34242055 ELLSWORTH DONALD CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA OHIO 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422711 ENGLE CHARLES A JR ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery 8 National Guard 34206923 EPPS HENRY CP BLANDING FLORIDA 10 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA SOUTH CAROLINA 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34959896 EVERHEART WILLIAM FT BENNING GEORGIA 28 4 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34911366 FAHS FREDERICK P CP BLANDING FLORIDA 29 1 44 Private No branch assignment NEW YORK 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14237071 FALANY JOSEPH F BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 9 8 46 Air Corps FLORIDA 29 Regular Army 34205739 FALANY PAUL CP BLANDING FLORIDA 22 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34536331 FARLEY EDGEL W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34053274 FERGUSON SEYMOUR E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 10 45 Private Quartermaster Corps SOUTH CAROLINA 10 Regular Army 14082614 FITZPATRICK RALPH CP BLANDING FLORIDA 21 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Army of the United States 14087738 FORD CHARLES M CP STEWART AAF GEORGIA 13 3 46 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 28 Regular Army 34242056 FORD EUGENE F CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34799165 FORD KIRBY L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 21 12 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34249725 FOSTER JOHN D CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44117848 FOSTER WALTER L JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 20 3 46 Private No branch assignment OKLAHOMA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34240363 FOUNTAIN GEOOGE V CP BLANDING FLORIDA 5 2 42 Private GEORGIA 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14243937 FOWLER HARLAND W JR MACDILL FIELD FLORIDA 16 10 46 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 28 Regular Army 34245767 FOWLER HERBERT H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34544608 FOWLER ISSAC E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34788322 FREEMAN SAMUEL F JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 24 6 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34541387 FULSE CHARLIE B CP BLANDING FLORIDA 26 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422692 GAMMAGE LELAND G ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Field Artillery FLORIDA 13 National Guard 34793894 GARDNER WILLIE J JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 10 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34249612 GASKIN CHARLES W 23 11 45 Sergeant Corps of Military Police FLORIDA 21 Regular Army 14081531 GASKINS JERROLD T CP BLANDING FLORIDA 16 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 15 Army of the United States 14083680 GERMAIN GLEIN L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 25 9 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 22 Army of the United States A-413776 GLASS EUNICE H TAMPA FLORIDA 24 7 44 Private Women's Army Corps GEORGIA 10 Women's Army Corps 34409836 GLOCKNER GEORGE W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 10 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34795645 GLOCKNER JAMES H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 11 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34240348 GOMEZ EDWARD R CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 2 42 FLORIDA 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44201897 GOODING RUSSELL A JR FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 20 4 46 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 27 Regular Army 20422693 GORE FRED K ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Master Sergeant Field Artillery FLORIDA 0 National Guard A-408500 GOVONI MARION R TAMPA FLORIDA 28 6 44 Private Women's Army Corps NEW YORK 20 Women's Army Corps 34792026 GRAHAM THEODORE SR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 8 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34980846 GRANTHAM ARTHUR C FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 27 4 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34408065 GREEN TOLBERT E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34784706 GRIFFIN WOODROW CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 5 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 25 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34409850 GROSS JOHN H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 10 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34974289 GROSS WILLIAM K FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 26 3 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 25 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34249613 GROSS WOODROW W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 15171343 GROW JOSEPH G CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 6 44 Private No branch assignment WEST VIRGINIA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422714 HAGAN CHICK W ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 16 National Guard 14085333 HAGAN HAROLD B CP BLANDING FLORIDA 5 11 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 24 Army of the United States 20422713 HALL HAROLD L ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 21 National Guard 34245163 HALL JAMES T CP BLANDING FLORIDA 1 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34244688 HALL JOHN W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 31 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34200991 HAMILTON DAVID CP BLANDING FLORIDA 23 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34838043 HAMILTON RALPH M FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 29 6 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34200497 HAMPTON JOE L JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 15 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44116457 HANCOCK EVERETT L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 14 12 45 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14237084 HARDIN JOHN A BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 6 8 46 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 29 Regular Army 18232996 HARDING READ B JR FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 18 3 44 Private Air Corps HAWAII 25 Reserves 34246347 HARDY JESSIE CP BLANDING FLORIDA 8 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34541377 HARPER ULYSSES CP BLANDING FLORIDA 26 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 19002916 HARRISON MARSHALL H FRESNO CALIFORNIA 25 10 40 Private Coast Artillery Corps FLORIDA 20 Regular Army 14129471 HATTLESTAD ELMORE A BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 10 6 46 Staff Sergeant KENTUCKY 24 Regular Army 33294639 HAUGER ERNEST W GREENSBURG PENNSYLVANIA 22 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA PENNSYLVANIA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34906091 HAWKINS CURTIS J JR FT BENNING GEORGIA 29 10 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34242053 HAYMAN PERCY E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44115683 HAYS GORDON JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 17 10 45 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 27 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34536253 HEDRICK GEORGE W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14044374 HENDRY AUGUSTUS M JR MACDILL FIELD FLORIDA 12 7 41 Air Corps GEORGIA 18 Regular Army 34536335 HENRY GEORGE D CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA TENNESSEE 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34784715 HESTER CLIFFORD W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 5 43 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34246207 HICKS JOHN H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA SOUTH CAROLINA 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14189190 HIGGINBOTHAM GORDON R FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 19 7 44 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 26 Reserves 34789281 HILL EMANUEL J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 7 43 Private No branch assignment NEW YORK 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34407183 HILL FRANKLIN SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 1 12 45 Sergeant No branch assignment FLORIDA 18 Regular Army 34799175 HILL LESTER G SR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 22 12 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14237082 HILL WALTER E BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 6 8 46 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 28 Regular Army 34795290 HILTON JOHN L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 29 10 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34790035 HOBLER JOHN G JR FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 17 8 45 Private Air Corps MARYLAND 19 Reserves 34547172 HOLLAND ELVAGE DREW FIELD TAMPA FLORIDA 10 12 45 Staff Sergeant Air Corps FLORIDA 24 Regular Army 34402415 HOLLAND GROVER C JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 16 9 42 Warrant Officers, USA TENNESSEE 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34790314 HOLLINGSWORTH B W JR FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 28 4 44 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 15 Reserves 20422700 HOLLINGSWORTH HAROLD ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private First Class Field Artillery MISSOURI 19 National Guard 20422715 HOLLINGSWORTH JAMES N ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 16 National Guard 20422694 HOLLINGSWORTH JESSE L JR ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Sergeant Field Artillery FLORIDA 4 National Guard 44006634 HOLLINGSWORTH T E JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 14 10 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34408069 HOLLOWAY JOHN W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34067431 HOLLOWAY JOHNNIE FT BENNING GEORGIA 12 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34536323 HOLMES WILSON L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14189115 HOLTZENDORF RICHARD L JR FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 12 10 44 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 26 Reserves 34544549 HOPE BEN C JR MIDDLESBORO KENTUCKY 28 11 45 Sergeant Air Corps FLORIDA 23 Regular Army 14169217 HORNE WALTER C FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 10 3 44 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 22 Reserves 34542358 HORTON CHARLIE J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA SOUTH CAROLINA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34242058 HOUSE CARROLL S CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34244531 HOWARD EARL CP BLANDING FLORIDA 29 12 45 Private First Class No branch assignment MISSISSIPPI 19 Regular Army 34902794 HOWARD JOSEPH CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 6 44 Private No branch assignment TENNESSEE 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14064653 HOWARTH ROBERT E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 12 41 Private Air Corps PENNSYLVANIA 21 Army of the United States 14087742 HOWELL CARROLL J CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 3 46 Private Air Corps GEORGIA 28 Regular Army 44114810 HOWELL JACK H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 1 9 45 Private No branch assignment SOUTH CAROLINA 27 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34791049 HUDSON HORACE L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 7 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34791549 HUGGINS JOHN L JR FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 17 1 45 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 12 Reserves 14057759 HUGHEY LAMAR E BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 21 9 46 Technical Sergeant Air Corps FLORIDA 22 Regular Army 34788195 INGALLS FOSTER H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 22 6 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34245095 INGRAM JOYN G JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 51 8 42 Private FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34959276 ISAAC JOHN A JR FT BENNING GEORGIA 24 4 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422695 ISLER WILLIAM H ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Sergeant Field Artillery FLORIDA 18 National Guard 14044904 IVEY ROBERT F CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 4 46 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 23 Regular Army 34404837 JACKSON CALVIN CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14086645 JACKSON DONALD E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 1 46 Private Air Corps OHIO 29 Regular Army 34780678 JACKSON WILBERT CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 4 43 Private No branch assignment SOUTH CAROLINA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14038446 JEFFCOAT FRANK M JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 15 2 41 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 21 Regular Army 34246141 JELKS RUSSELL CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34934315 JENKINS ALVIN M BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 26 8 46 Sergeant Air Corps FLORIDA 18 Regular Army 34534761 JENNINGS ALEXANDER CP BLANDING FLORIDA 8 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422716 JOENS CORNELIUS J JR ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 19 National Guard 14061651 JOHNS BILL G MORRISON FIELD WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA 10 1 42 Private Air Corps ALABAMA 22 Army of the United States 34245283 JOHNSON ALBERT S CP BLANDING FLORIDA 2 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34207652 JOHNSON CECIL C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 20 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34403775 JOHNSON CHARLES E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 26 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34207545 JOHNSON CLAUDE M CP BLANDING FLORIDA 19 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14064158 JOHNSON EDWARD L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 17 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 17 Regular Army 34539324 JOHNSON ELWYN F CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34959286 JOHNSON ERNEST FT BENNING GEORGIA 24 4 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 26 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34242880 JOHNSON JAMES W CP BLANDING FLORIDA 20 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44000234 JOHNSON JIM FT BENNING GEORGIA 18 12 44 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34538664 JOHNSON JOE P CP BLANDING FLORIDA 1 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14233613 JOHNSON JOHN W FT BENNING GEORGIA 6 6 46 Private Corps of Engineers FLORIDA 28 Regular Army 34541383 JOHNSON LUCIOS C N CP BLANDING FLORIDA 26 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34246140 JOHNSON NATHANIEL CP BLANDING FLORIDA 7 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34934141 JOHNSON OLIVER A CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 7 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422717 JOHNSON ROBERT C ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 18 National Guard 34409875 JOHNSON WALTER H CP BLANDING FLORIDA 10 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14081539 JOHNSTON CHARLIE E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 17 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 6 Army of the United States 34971361 JOHNSTON WILLIE L FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 26 2 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 25 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34400869 JONES CHARLES CP BLANDING FLORIDA 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14064627 JONES DEKLE B CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 12 41 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 19 Army of the United States 14064638 JONES FLOYD W JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 27 12 41 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 14 Army of the United States 14083459 JONES HEYWOOD K CP BLANDING FLORIDA 16 9 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 20 Army of the United States 20422718 JONES JOHN A ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 21 National Guard 34788364 JONES JOSEPH C SR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 24 6 43 Private No branch assignment ALABAMA 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34951847 JONES LE ROY FT BENNING GEORGIA 7 3 44 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34791870 JONES RONALD E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 8 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 25 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34544515 JOYCE VICTOR C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34532892 KATE JOHN CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA GEORGIA 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34782790 KEEN LESTER L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 21 4 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34242054 KEEN TILLMAN L CP BLANDING FLORIDA 4 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20422701 KEENE LUTHER B ARCADIA FLORIDA 25 11 40 Private First Class Field Artillery FLORIDA 17 National Guard 34409846 KEENE RUPERT C CP BLANDING FLORIDA 10 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14169223 KEENE WILLIAM A FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 22 8 45 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 21 Reserves 34959932 KEGLAR LAWRENCE FT BENNING GEORGIA 28 4 44 Private No branch assignment GEORGIA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 34206898 KELLEY CHARLTON CP BLANDING FLORIDA 10 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14082724 KELLY PATRICK D CP BLANDING FLORIDA 28 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 21 Army of the United States 14080610 KELLY RICHARD K CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 1 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 19 Army of the United States 34547450 KEMP JOHN N MACDILL FIELD FLORIDA 12 4 46 Master Sergeant Air Corps FLORIDA 24 Regular Army 20422696 KERCE WOODROW MACDILL FIELD FLORIDA 30 6 46 Master Sergeant Air Corps FLORIDA 18 Regular Army 14145308 KERSEY JACK FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 24 5 46 Private Air Corps GEORGIA 28 Regular Army 14237654 KITTRELL TOMMY B BOCA RATON AAF FLORIDA 21 9 46 Private Field Artillery FLORIDA 27 Regular Army 34790089 KLINT JAN T FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 4 1 45 Private Air Corps DENMARK 10 Reserves 14066538 KOCH WILLIAM S MACDILL FIELD FLORIDA 29 12 41 Aviation Cadet Air Corps FLORIDA 16 Army of the United States 14169211 KRELL ROY A FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 29 9 44 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 16 Reserves 14144367 LANDRESS ROY G FT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GEORGIA 20 2 46 Private FLORIDA 28 Regular Army 34789248 LANGFORD BADGER CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 7 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 14025949 LANGFORD STANLEY MACDILL FIELD FLORIDA 3 1 41 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 8 Regular Army 14085169 LANIER GAYER E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 3 11 42 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 7 Army of the United States 34784667 LANIER NELSON E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 13 5 43 Private No branch assignment FLORIDA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 44110424 LANIER WALTER L CP BEALE MARYSVILLE CALIFORNIA 22 3 46 Private First Class Air Corps GEORGIA 16 Regular Army 34544579 LASTINGER JAMES C JR CP BLANDING FLORIDA 18 2 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA FLORIDA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) Additional Comments: Extracted from "Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, ca. 1938 - 1946 (Enlistment Records) in the Series: World War II Army Enlistment Records, created 6/1/2002 - 9/30/2002, documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946" File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 80.1 Kb