Malachi Hagan's Claim against Congress, 1836, Duval County, Territory of Florida File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Alvie Davidson, USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. This file may not be removed from this server or altered in any way for placement on another server without the consent of the State and USGenWeb Project coordinators and the contributor. *********************************************************************** "Malachi Hagan's Claim Against Congress 24 August 1836(1) " Page 1. To the property enumerated in the schedule hereto attached $1,115.52 burned at Micanopy, Florida by United States Troops M Hagan - Schedule of Property burnt at Micanopy, Fl 24 Aug 1836 $1115.52 (A) Page 2 Petition of Malachi Hagan praying for remuneration for property destroyed by U. States of his country in Florida - Referred to Committee on Military Affairs March 2, 1846 Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs January 12, 1848 Referred to the Committee of Claims Feb. 3, 1848 VS 1380 Page 3 I hereby certify that on or about the 24th of August 1836, I marched the troops from Micanopy, E. Florida abandoning the garrison in compliance with orders. The means of transportation was insufficient to transport all the public and private stores & property at that place to Black Creek. The Indians have a large force in the vicinity of Micanopy, I directed all the buildings containing public & private stores which could not be transported to be burnt, to prevent their being taken by the enemy and affording them support. I understand afterwards that the buildings at Micanopy belonging to Mr. Charles Waldron were destroyed at this time, the same being occupied by the troops & for storage of provisions previous to & at the time they were destroyed. New York B. K. Pierce May 15, 1837 Maj Comdg. Page 4 The United States to Malachi Hagan To the following stocks of cattle and hogs driven off by Seminole Indians during the Winter of 1835 and 1836 Two hundred & eighty head of Stck Cattle at $5 per $1400.--- Eighty head of Hogs @ 1.25 per 100.--- Dollars $1500. Territory of Florida Duval County June 16th 1837 Personally came before me Malachi Hagan who being duly sworn made oath that the above account against the United States for Fifteen hundred dollars is just & true. Malachi Hagan O. Budington J.P. Page 5 Malachi Hagan account for Cattle and Hogs $1500 Page 6 To the Hon. the Senate and House of Representatives of the U.S.A. in Congress assembled. The petition of Malachi Hagan respectfully sheweth that he was the owner of a dwelling house & furniture & various other things which was destroyed by the U. S. Troops under Major B. K. Pierce by his command on the 24 Augt 183– when he was abandoning Micanopy, E. Florida, in order to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Indians & affording them support and relief. For a schedule of the above referred to property your petitioner refers to the accompanying document marked A and for evidence that it was destroyed by Major Pierce's orders, and for the reasons stated here his certified (part of remainder of this line obliterated). was also the owner of a large number of Cattle and Hogs which the Indians drove off & for which he also prays Congress to pay him. The accompanying paper marked C is an account of the Cattle & Hogs and D Affidavit shewing the burning of his property & E is one shewing the loss of Cattle & Hogs. Malachi Hagan By his Atty in fact Francis A. Dickins Page 7 26th Cong. 1st Sess. S 106 Petition of Malachi Hagan to be indemnified for the loss of property destroyed by order of an officer of the U S. Army and for cattle driven off by the hostile Indians in Florida. 1838 Jan 2nd referred to the Committee of Claims 1838 Feb 13th Dischd. 1838 Dec 11 referred to the Com. of Claims " 21 Discharged 1839 Jan 9 Recommitted " " 16 Report & bill S 200 1839 Dec 30 Referred with Bill S 106 to the Com. of Claims. 1840 Jan 14 Bill reported Mr. Hubbard Mr. Merrick Mr Grundy Page 8 Memorandum of property belonged to Malachi Hagan at Micanopy on 24th of August 1836 when that place was abandoned, and set fire to by the United States Troops, Maj B. K. Pierce commanding: 1 Dwelling House $ 150.00 1 Bed & Beding furninture 20.00 3 Pots and one pair Andirons 10.00 2 Sad Irons(2) & 1 Set CandleSticks 5.00 1 large Jar and Coffee Mill 3.00 1 set Scales & Weights 5.00 10 Bushels Corn @ $2 20.00 1 pair Steel Yards(3) 4.00 1 Blacksmith Shop & Tools Complete 150.00 1 large chest carpenters & joiners tools 125.00 Turners Lathe and tools 25.00 Plantation Tools 20.00 1 pair Waggon & Cart Timber 30.00 Amount carried forward $ 587.00 Page 9 Amount Brought Forward $ 587.00 Goods in Store as follows: 380 lb Tobacco @37 ½ 142.50 1 Barrel Molasses 33 Galls 17.00 5 Silk Hats @ $4 20.00 3 Looking Glasses $ .75 2.25 3 Thread @ $1.25 5.25 500 lb Sugar @ 12 ½ cents 62.50 12 doz pieces of Tape @ 6 1/4 9.00 14 doz Sheet Buttons @ .10 & 8 pair socks $.25 3.40 10 Boxes Seidlitz Powders(4) @ $.75 7.50 1 Shotgun $17 12 doz Buttons @ $.10 18.20 43 Papers Needles @ $.12 ½ 1 doz Tumblers $1.50 6.87 3 Lamps $.75 1 doz Wine Glasses $1.50 2.25 4 large Dishes $.75 2 oz Nutmeg $3.00 6.00 20 lbs Starch $ .12 ½ 4 Boxes Herring @ 2.00 10.50 60 lb Peper @ $. 25 2 Demijons 5 Gall $1.50 16.50 35 lb Hyson Tea(5) @ $.100 2 ½ doz Plates @ $1.00 37.50 50 lbs Pilot Bread(6) $5.. . 12 Cups & Saucers $1.00 6.00 1 Water Bucket $.75 .75 1 Ream Writing paper 5.00 2 doz Bottles opodildoc(7) @ $.20 bot. 2.80 4 " Spoons @ $.50 30 lb Shot @ $.12 ½ 5.75 2 Pitchers 1.00 5 Ox Bells @ $1.00 6.00 6 lbs Hemp Sewing Twine @ $.50 3.00 Amount Carried forward $ 983.27 Page 10 Amount Brought forward $ 983.27 2 Fowling pieces at $10. 20.00 12 Yards Cotton Diaper @ $37 ½ 4.50 1 doz Cotton Hankerchiefs 6.00 144 Yards Osnaberg(8) @ $.12 ½ 18.00 43 pair Scisors @ $.25 12 Knives 6.00 16.75 4 pair Calf Skin Boots @ $5. 20.00 9 Slates 2.25 Set Liquor Measure 1.50 3.75 2 Surveyor chains & Iron Pins 6.00 1 Mackinaw Blanket new 5.00 3 Quart Decanters @ $.75 2.25 3000 Fence Rails at $10. 30.00 $1115.52 Territory of Florida Duval County Personally appeared Malachi Hagan & being duly sworn made oath that the above schedule or memorandum amounting to Eleven hundred & fifteen 52/100 dollars was just & correct June 10th 1837 O. Budington J. P. Malachi Hagan Page 11 Office House of Rep's U. States December 13, 1837 The within is a true copy of a document which accompanying the memorial of Charles Warldron, which was presented to the House of Representatives on the 12th of December 1837. T. Burch C. C. Page 12 Florida Territory Duval County Personally appeared before me O Budington a Justice of the Peace in & for the said County, Js Edwards & Charles Waldron who being duly sworn depose & say, That Malachi Hagan owned quite a large stock of cattle & hogs at his place of residence near Micanopy Alachua County Florida, previous to the hostilities of the Seminole Indians. That they were no doubt taken off by the said Indians during the winter of 1835 & 1836. Since which time they have never been found altho hunted for with every diligence. This Depo that they have no doubt but Mr. Hagan had at least Two hundred & eight head of Cattle and Eighty head of Hogs and they were worth previous to the Seminole War five dollars per head for Cattle, and one 25/100 dollars per head for Hogs. Page 13 but since that time the prices of all stocks have considerably advanced. It is impossible to state the precise number of Cattle & Hogs owned by individuals in Alachua, it being a great ranging Country & for some parts of each year they are permitted to run at large, consequently are often much scattered. Sworn & Subscribed to before me this 16th day of June A. D. 1837 O. Budington, J.P. James Edwards Malachi Hagan (lined through) Charles Waldron This may certify that I have been personally acquainted with Js Edwards & Chas Waldron, the deponents, for some years & consider them entitled to full credibility on oath. Date as above O. Budington, J. P. Page 14 James Edwards and Chas Waldron Affidavits respecting Cattle & Hogs of Mr. Hagan E Page 15 Florida Territory Duval County Personally appeared before me O Budington, a justice of the peace in & for said County, James Edwards & Chas. Waldron, who being duly sworn, depose & Say that they resided at Micanopy, Flo. previous to the Indian hostilities. That Malachi Hagan lived near that place previous to & sometime after commencement of said hostilities, until he was compelled for safety to remove to Micanopy for protection from the military post established. There where he remained until the 24th day of August 1836 at which time the place was abandoned & burnt by the United States Troops, Maj. B. K. Pierce in command. That said Hagan is a wheelright and blacksmith by trade and had convenient buildings & other aparatus for carrying on his trades well furnished with tools & etc and not finding full employment at his business had. Page 16 purchased a stock of goods and followed merchantizing . That he kept an assortment of groceries & etc. and they depose that they are well knowing to most of the articles enumerated in the schedule of his property burnt at Micanopy, being correct, & has just cause to believe the whole to be just & correct and that the prices thereunto fixed are reasonable. Sworn & Subscribed before me this James Edwards 16th day of June AD 1837 Charles Waldron O Budington J P This may certify that I have been personally acquainted with Js Edwards & Charles Waldron for some years and consider them entitled to full credibility on oath. date as above O Budington J.P. Page 17 James Edwards and Chas Waldron Affidavits respecting M. Hagans property burnt at Micanopy D (1) United States House of Representatives, Digested Summary and Alphabetical List Of Private Claims Presented To The House Of Representatives (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1970) (2) William Little, Oxford Universal English Dictionary, (Oxford University Press 1937) 10 volumes; 8:1777; defines "Sad Iron" as a smoothing iron. (3) Ibid; 9:2011, defines "Steel Yards" as a balance consisting of a lever with unequal arms, which moves on a fulcrum; the article to be weighted is suspended from the shorter arm, and a counterpoise is caused to slide upon the longer arm until equilibrium is produced, its place on this arm (which is notched or graduated) showing the weight; (4) Ibid; 8:1832; defines "Seidlitz Powders" as a dose consisting of two powders, one of tartaric acid and the other of a mixture of potassium tartrate and sodium bicarbonate, which are mixed in water and drunk for effervescing. (5) William Little, Oxford Universal English Dictionary, (Oxford University Press 1937) 10 volumes; 4:947, defines "Hyson Tea' as a species of green tea from China. (6) Ibid; 7:1502-3; defines "Pilot Bread" as name in the West Indies for hard or ships biscuits (7) Ibid; 6:1376, defines "Opodeldoc" as a solution of soap in alcohol, with camphor, oils of origanum, and rosemary added. (8) Ibid; 6:1389, defines "Osnaburg" as a kind of course linen originally made in Osnabruck in Northern Germany.