THE SCHLEY COUNTY NEWS, SCHLEY COUNTY, GEORGIA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Harris Hill, ( USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. This file may not be removed from this server or altered in any way for placement on another server without the consent of the State and USGenWeb Project coordinators and the contributor. *********************************************************************** The Schley County News, Thursday, September 6, 1905, Vol XV No. 37 MAYOR FELLED BY EX-CITY CLERK Cheif Executive of Pensacola Has Strenuous Experience in Conducting Office Another municipal sensation was sprung in Pensacola, Fla., late Monday afternoon when Secretary W.C. Jones of the chamber of commerce, who was formerly city clerk, openly charged Mayor Charles H. Bliss with grafting, for the reason he had not signed the new ordinance, just passed, separating the white and negro races on the street cars. This occured on Palafox street in the presence of quite a number of people and when the mayor called the secretary a liar, the latter struck at him with his clenched fist. Secretary Jones, then continued to talk to the mayor, saying that he was an accident in office, and always held his hand behind him to receive anything that might be placed in it. Shortly afterwards, Jones went to the police station to surrender himself when he again met Mayor Bliss and the war of words continued. Jones stated that the mayor was crooked and he knew it from the manner in which he had acted. Receiving some reply, the secretary dealt the mayor a blow on the jaw, which felled him. The police interfered and arrested Jones.