CIVIL WAR PENSION APP. - GEORGE R. LANGFORD, HARDEE CO., FL File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Steadham, ( Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ****************************************************************************************** CONTRIBUTOR'S NOTE: I have no relationship to anyone mentioned in the below file. ****************************************************************************************** Application No. A02431 Application For Pension Under Laws of Florida (FORM A) For Use Of Applicant For Pension I, George R. Langford, do hereby make application to the Sate Board of Pensions, for a pension to be granted to me under the act of 1907, Chapter 5600 of the Laws of the State of Florida, upon the following grounds: I enlisted and served in the Confederate State service of the Confederate States during the war between the States of the United States, and that I did not desert the Confederate or State service; that I was a bona-fide citizen of this State for ten years prior to the date of this application and have been continuously since a citizen of the State of Florida, and that I am 67 years of age and incapable of earning a living for myself. I further represent to the State Board of Pensions, that I am not receiving a pension from any other State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of June A. D., 1907. Geo. R. Langford Witness: D. M. Cason G. W. Cason (FORM B) STATE OF FLORIDA,} Desoto County} On this first day of July A. D., 1907, before me H. E. Carlton Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said County and State, personally came George R. Langford, who being by me first duly sworn deposes and says, that the statements made in the foregoing application for a pension in his own behalf are true: This deponent further says, that the answers written herein to the following questions, numbered from 1 to 12 inclusive are true: 1. What is your full name, and where do you reside? George R. Langford, Bowling Green, Florida 2. In what State and County were you born and when? Hamilton Co., Fla. 26th day March 1839 3. How long have you been a citizen of the State of Florida? all my life 4. When and where and in what organization did you enlist during the war between the States? Later part of April 1861, Co. F 4th Florida Regiment 5. Give the name of your Captain at time of your enlistment. Nessy Williams 6. Give the name of your Captain at time of your discharge from service. myself 7. Give the name of your Battalion or Regimental Commander both at time of your enlistment and discharge from service. Col Whit Smith, Col Bowen 8. If you enlisted in the navy give name of your Commanding officer, date of enlistment and place of service. No 9. If discharged prior to the termination of the war, state place and cause of discharge. No 10. If you lost an eye or limb during your service in the war, state when and where and in what engagement you sustained such injury. never lost an eye or limb 11. If you received a wound during your service in the war, which permanently disables you, state when and where you received the wound. was shot in breast & arm at Missionary Ridge but fully recovered 12. Describe the wound and state how it affects you. none now Geo. R. Langford Applicant Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 1st day of July, A. D. 1907. H. E. Carlton Clerk Circuit Court DeSoto County (FORM C) blank (FORM D) STATE OF FLORIDA} County of DeSoto Before me personally came D. M. Cason and G. W. Cason, who being by me first duly sworn, depose and say; each for himself, that he is a citizen of the County of DeSoto in the State of Florida, and that he was a soldier of Fourth regiment in the service of the Confederate States during the war between the States, and that said George R. Langford was a member of said regiment that he is acquainted with George R. Langford, the applicant named in the foregoing petition for a pension; that he knows that the said George R. Langford rendered the service as soldier or sailor for the Confederate States during the war between the States as set forth in the foregoing petition for a pension. That he did not desert the Confederate army, and that the disability claimed by him to exist, does in fact exist and prevents him from earning a livelihood for himself, and these deponents being further sworn true answer to make to the following questions, deposes each for himself and answers as follows: 1. Where do you reside? Wauchula, Desoto County, Florida 2. Are you acquainted with the within named applicant for a pension, if so, what is his name? Where does he reside? and how long has he resided in this State? George R. Langford, Bowling Green Desoto Co., Florida all his life 3. To what military organization did the within named applicant belong during the war between the States? Company F 4th Florida Regiment 4. Did he render the service to the Confederate States during the war, as claimed in the foregoing answers by him? He did 5. Where were you when your organization surrendered? Greensborro, N. C. 6. Was the applicant present? He was 7. If not, where was he? and why was he not present? 8. When did he leave the Command? For what cause? 9. What is the nature and character of the applicant's wounds or disease? 10. What is the applicant's occupation and physical condition? Farmer, on an ? for one of his age 1. D. M. Cason 2. G. W. Cason Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18 day of June, A. D. 1907. Elaine B. Carlton Notary Public Certificate of Clerk of the Circuit Court I certify that the above affidavits are genuine; that all of the affiants are persons of trustworthy character and their statements are entitled to full faith and credit; that the attesting officers are duly authorized to administer oaths; that their signatures are genuine, and that the said applicant Geo. R. Langford is a bona-fide resident and citizen of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court for DeSoto County, this 1st day of July, A. D. 1907. H. E. Carlton Clerk Circuit Court ****************************************************************************************** Report of County Commissioners We, the undersigned, County Commissioners in and for DeSoto County, Florida, do hereby report that at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held this first day of July, 1907, the foregoing application for G. R. Langford for pension under the laws of Florida, was by us investigated; that we are satisfied that the representations made in the petition and affidavits are true and that a pension should be granted to the applicant. Witness our hands this 1st day of July, A. D. 1907. 1. R. L. Holzendorf 2. D. S. Williams 3. J. H. C? 4. D. J. Farabee County Commissioners By the County Commissioners. Attest: H. E. Carlton Clerk Circuit Court ****************************************************************************************** Pensioner 4853 Claim For Pension By George R. Langford Of Bowling Green, Desoto Co., Fla. Late Of F Company 4th Florida Regiment Filed In Pension Department Jul 4 1907 Approved December 12 1907 With pay from Jul 4 1907 At the rate of $100.00 per annum Jefferson Bell Secretary of Board Filed In Comptroller's Office 12/12/07 ****************************************************************************************** Soldier's Pension Claim Under The Act Of 1909 (FORM A) STATE OF FLORIDA} County of Desoto} On this 3rd day of January, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and ten personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for the county and State aforesaid, George R. Langford who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 71 years of age, having been born on the 26 day of March, 1839, in the county of Madison, in the State of Florida. That he is a bona fide citizen of the county of Desoto, State of Florida. That he has resided in the State of Florida continuously since the ____ day of May, 1865. That he is the identical person who enlisted at Lake Butler, under the name of George R. Langford, on the 1st day of May 1861, in Company F 4 Fla., Regiment infantry of the State of Florida in the service of the Confederate States Armies and who was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Greensborough, in the State of North Carolina on the 2 day of May, 1865, on account of the close of the war. That I served faithfully until HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the service of the Confederate States Army in the year 1865, and did not desert the service of the Confederate States Army nor take the oath of allegiance to the United States until after the surrender of the Confederate Armies. That I was paroled at Greensborough, North Carolina. That I do own property, including real estate, personal property, stocks, bonds, mortgages or other collateral securities of any kind in this or any other State, nor does my wife own with me jointly or separately, property to exceed in value the sum of five thousand dollars. That the following is a true and correct statement of all the property owned by me or by my wife, jointly and separately in this or any other State: Real estate, located at: Bowling Green, Fla. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1000 Real estate in Polk County, Fla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3000 Cattle, horses and other livestock . . three horses & three cows. . . $ 300 Personal property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4400 That I have heretofore been granted a pension from the State of Florida under pension certificate No. 4853, at the rate of $100 per annum. That my postoffice address is Bowling Green, County of Desoto, State of Florida. George R. Langford (Claimants must sign name in full.) Attest: (1) D. O. Rogers (2) Adelaide Rogers Sworn and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of January, A. D. 1912; and I herby certify that the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. D. M. Cason Justice of the Peace (FORM B) STATE OF FLORIDA,} County of Desoto} We, the undersigned citizens of Desoto County, State of Florida, do hereby certify that we personally know George R. Langford, who is an applicant for a pension under the laws of Florida, and that from our own personal knowledge, and from the best information available, we believe that the applicant does not own property (including the property of his wife) to exceed in value the sum of $5,000, and that the statements made by him relative to the value of his property are true and correct. J. W. Crosby H. M. Pringle Sworn and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of January, 1910. D. M. Cason, J.P. (FORM C) Physician's Affidavit No disability ****************************************************************************************** Report of County Commissioners We, the undersigned, County Commissioners in and for the County of Desoto, Florida, do hereby report that at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held this day, the foregoing application of George R. Langford for a pension under the Laws of Florida, was investigated by us; that we are satisfied that the applicant does not own property (including the property of his wife) to exceed the value of $5,000, and that the representations made in the petition and affidavits are true, and that a pension should be granted to the applicant. Witness our hands this ____ day of January, A. D. 1910. (1) C. L. Keene, Chairman (2) W. J. Wingate (3) E. B. Huckeby (4) D. J. Farabee County Commissioners By the County Commissioners. Attest H. E. Carlton Clerk Circuit Court ****************************************************************************************** Former Claim No. 4853 Application No. 18244 Pensioner No. 5231 Claim For Pension By George R. Langford Of Bowling Green Postoffice Desoto County Late of F Company 4th Fla. Regiment Filed In Pension Department January 17 1910 Approved Feb 9 1910 With pay from Jul 1 1909 At the rate of $120 per annum. ****************************************************************************************** Application For Increase In Pension Bowling Green, Fla., Jany. 5 1914 STATE BOARD OF PENSIONS, Tallahassee, Florida I, Geo. R. Langford Pensioner No. 8112 of the State of Florida hereby make application for increase in pension because of being unable to earn a livelihood by manual labor. I am 75 year of age. Signed: Geo. R. Langford Address: Bowling Green, Desoto Co., Fla. Physicians' Affidavit Before me an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths personally appeared Dr. J. R. Moon and Dr. M. L. Crum, both well known to me to be reputable physicians and each for himself deposes and says that the above applicant for increase in pension has been examined by him and that said applicant by reason of disease, injuries or age is unable to earn a livelihood by manual labor. That the applicant is suffering with rupture on right side. J. R. Moon, M. D. M. L. Crum, M. D. Subscribed and sworn before me this 5th day of Jan. A. D. 1914. William R. Minor Notary Public ****************************************************************************************** Bartow, Florida March 29, 1963 Hon. Ray E. Green, Comptroller, Tallahassee, Florida Dear Sir: From your splendid records of Florida's Confederate soldiers, which you have in your office, will you please send me the record of Capt. George R. Langford of Polk County. Capt. Langford's daughter wishes to become a member of the U.D.C. and she has some facts concerning his service, but, as you know, the national office requires a certification of all service papers submitted, and, no doubt, you have what she needs in your pension files. He enlisted in Capt. Hunt's Co., 4th Regiment, Florida Infantry, enrolling in May, 1861 at Lake Butler. This company subsequently became Co. F, in 1862. Capt. Langford was a well known and highly respected citizen of Polk County, serving quite a number of years as a County Commissioner. I do not know the date of his death, but feel that the above will identify him. You might also check for Capt. Langford's wife, Mrs. Ann E. Langford. I failed to get from their daughter any information about her mother, and am not sure that she survived her husband, but in case she did, she may also applied for a pension. Thank you very much for this service. We "Daughters" always appreciate very much the splendid service and the fine interest shown us by your office. Sincerely, Lillian Carpenter, P. O. Box 173 Bartow, Florida ****************************************************************************************** April 2, 19-Safety-3 Miss Lillian Carpenter P. O. Box 173 Bartow, Florida Re: Captain George R. Langford Confederate Veteran Certificate #2431 Dear Miss Carpenter: This will acknowledge your letter of March 29, 1963, requesting certification of the above subject captioned veteran's service with the C.S.A. Search of the records indicate that this veteran saw service through the Confederate States Military and was awarded a pension by the State of Florida under the above captioned certificate, the following photostatic copies in connection with his service are herewith enclosed as listed. Photostatic copy of page #128 of "Soldiers of Florida" Roll of Company F - 4th Florida Infantry, indicating that he served with this company being mustered in July, 1861, and mustered out April 26, 1865. Under date of Jul 4, 1907, he applied for a Confederate Veteran's Pension which was approved December 12, 1907, with pay from Jul 4, 1907, at the rate of $100.00 per annum. Photostatic copy of this veteran's application is attached and in the body of it will be found set forth his Military Service Record, and which was the basis on the predication of his pension. After the veteran's death which occurred November 19, 1922, the widow, Anna Elizabeth Langford, applied for and received a Widow's Pension. I am enclosing photostatic copy of the first page of the Widow's Application thinking that there may be some information contained therein which might be of interest to you. This will certify that the above described and enclosed photostatic copies are true reproductions from official records on file in the State Board of Pensions, Office of the State Comptroller, Tallahassee, Florida. Very truly yours, W. C. Hoffman, Secretary State Board of Pensioners WCH/vm Encl. ****************************************************************************************** P. O. Box 218 Babson Park, Florida January 19, 1965 State Board of Pensions Tallahassee, Florida Dear Sir: I am tracing my family history and would like to have the complete Civil War records and application for pension by Captain George Robert Langford Roll Company F, 4th Florida Infantry Volunteers. If there is any charge for a copy of these records, please notify me and I will gladly send you the money. Captain Langford's wife, Anna Elizabeth also applied for his pension after his death and if you have that record please include that in the copies. Thank you very much for your consideration and I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Vivian L. Cawby ****************************************************************************************** January 28, 19-Safety-5 Miss Vivian L. Cawby P. O. Box 218 Babson Park, Florida Re: George R. Langford Confederate Pensioner Certificate #2431 Dear Miss Cawby: This is in response to your letter of January 19, 1965, requesting Confederate Military Service Record of Captain George Robert Langford. Reference to our Pension Files indicates a soldier by the name of George R. Langford who applied for and received a pension under certificate #32431, and in our opinion can be identified as the soldier about whom you inquire. I am enclosing herewith photostatic copy of this Pension Record as follows: George R. Langford applied for a Confederate Pension under date of July 4, 1907, same being approved December 12, 1907, with pay from July 4, 1907, at the rate of $100.00 per annum, the pension being paid until date of his death which occurred November 19, 1922. The pension awarded to this veteran was based on his Military Service Record with the C.S.A., which you will find set forth in the body of his application. After the soldier's death his widow, Anna Elizabeth Langford, applied for and received a Confederate Veteran's Widow's Pension, and I am enclosing the first page of this Widow's Pension Claim which was filed by her under the General Pension Law of Florida as Amended By Acts of 1921, I do not have information indicating the date of the widow's death. I trust that this information will serve your purpose.