Biography of Valentine M. Antuono, Tampa, Hillsborough County, FL File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Rayburn ( USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or publication by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************************** Transcribed from: The History of Florida: Past & Present, The Lewis Publishing Co., Vol. II, page 210, 1923. ANTUONO, VALENTINE M. is one of the most conspicuously successful cigar manufacturers in Florida. He has built up a business by study and consecutive efforts from practically a one man shop to an industry requiring a large plant, several hundred employees, and with an output that is famous for its quality and quantity. Mr. ANTUONO was born in Italy in June, 1874. He attended common schools in his native country, and at the age of twelve, in 1886, came to America and for a time lived in New York City. He learned the cigar maker's trade, and was one of those who came to Tampa when the cigar industry was in its infancy. While working at the bench he steadily cherished the ambition to get into business for himself, and after about fifteen years he succeeded in establishing his first shop in a little back room on La Fayette Street. He worked at the bench himself, and set the pace for the two or three cigar makers he was able to employ. He placed the output with distributors such as he could secure, and without advertising the famous Val and C. H. S. brands were left to establish their own reputation, and for twenty years these brands have been recognized among smokers and among cigar makers as possessing the finest characteristics that can be put into a cigar. For several years Mr. ANTUONO made cigars as well as handled the executive details of his business, and gradually the factory was enlarged, and subsequently he bought a large factory building and this, too, has been increased in capacity. By 1918 his plant was recognized as one of the largest of its kind in Tampa. In that year, because of a feeling of unrest among labor, Mr. ANTUONO attempted to interest employees in his business by organizing the C. H. S. Cigar Company and selling stock on credit and easy payments to the employees. However, the workmen did not show appreciation of this opportunity to secure a part ownership in the business, and soon afterward they went out on strike. The stock was then bought back by Mr. ANTUONO, who now continues the business under his own name. He worked fourteen years at the bench as a cigar maker and has practical knowledge of every technical process involved in the production of a high class cigar. This long experience has made him a leader in the industry, and for years he has been a staunch advocate of the open shop policies in the cigar industry. He stood practically alone in this attitude among Tampa manufacturers until the recent general strike in the factories, at which time all the manufacturers adopted Mr. ANTUONO's policy and the open shop is now regarded as a permanent feature of the cigar industry in the Tampa District. Mr. ANTUONO has achieved substantial success in his business career, owns much valuable city and suburban property, including his fine town home and a delightful summer home at Indian Rock. He for a number of years represented the Italian Government as consular agent in Tampa. He is affiliated with the Elks and Knights of Pythias, is a member of the Automobile and Golf Club and is very popular among business men and citizens generally. Mr. ANTUONO married Miss JANNIE GERACI and they have two children, FRED and MARY.