Biography of John Edward Blakeney Purdon, Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Barbara Walker Winge, USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. This file may not be removed from this server or altered in any way for placement on another server without the consent of the State and USGenWeb Project coordinators and the contributor. *********************************************************************** JOHN EDWARD BLAKENEY PURDON John Edward Blakeney Purdon, of Tampa, Florida, was born in Dublin, Ireland, May 25, 1839. He is the son of the Late Alderman Edward Purdon, formerly Lord Mayor of Dublin, and his wife, Sarah Murphy, of Silver Hills, County Kildare. He entered Trinity College, Dublin, in 1857, and graduated in arts in 1862, as a Scholar of the House, having obrained the senior moderatorship, and gold medal in Experimental and Natural Sciences at the Bachelor of Arts examination the prevous year. In 1863 the separate degrees of Bachelor in Medicine and Master in Surgery wre conferred upon hhim by the University of Dublin [Trinity College] and the M. D. in 1885. In 1865 he entered the British Army, by competitive examination, as assistant surgeon, and proceeded to India, where for several years he was engaged in the study of cholera, dysentery, malarious fevers, and all the diseases incidental to life in the tropics... Doctor Purdon has resided in America since his retirement from the Army in 1883, and is a member of some of the leading medical societies of the South... He was married in 1866, to Hannah Selina, daughter of Anthony Kilroy, Esq., of Ornand County Cavan, Ireland. The eldest of their four surviving children, Edward Anthony H., is a physician engaged in practice with his father. Ref: Stone, R. French, BIOGRAPHY OF EMINENT AMERICAN PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, 1894, Carlon & Hollenbeck, Publishers, Indianapolis, p. 414. [Contributed by Barbara Walker Winge,]