Hillsborough County FlArchives Biographies.....Wall, Perry G. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/fl/flfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Rayburn http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00025.html#0006128 August 21, 2015, 3:22 am Source: Vol. II pg.52-53 The Lewis Publishing Co. 1923 Author: History of Florida, Past and Present PERRY G. WALL, manager of the important house of Tampa operating under the name of the Knight & Wall Company, is one of the men of this part of the state who is attracting notice which far out runs local confines, and is bringing him to the attention and approval of the people of the state. He is descended from a long line of honorable ancestors, who have played an important part in the history of the country, as well as, that of their several communities, and inherits his keen business sense, good judgment and sterling honesty from his father. The birth of PERRY G. WALL occurred in Hernando County, Florida, and he is a son of WILLIAM W. and MINNIE MAY WALL, and grandson of PERRY G. WALL, the latter of whom was born in Liberty County, Georgia, November 2, 1809. He had the misfortune to lose his father when he was but a child, and his widowed mother moved to Hamilton County, Florida, and from there her son the elder PERRY G. WALL, moved to Hernando County, Florida, where soon after taking up his residence in it he became judge of probate, which office he continued to fill until the outbreak of the war between the two sections of the country. In 1871 he came to Tampa, and continued to make this city his home until his death, which occurred July 8, 1897. He was easily one of the best known men of Southern Florida in his day, and in 1875 was appointed postmaster of Tampa and served as such for four years. Judge Wall was thrice married, the first time, November 18, 1830, to NANCY HUNTER, who died February 28, 1845. On December 11, 1845, he married BARBARA BAISDEN. His third marriage occurred December 4, 1883, to SARAH WATLINGTON, of Key West, Florida. WILLIAM W. WALL, father of PERRY G. WALL, the younger, and son of PERRY G. WALL, the Elder, was born in Hamilton County, Florida, November 29, 1834, and his wife was born at Greensboro, Alabama, August 14, 1838, and died February 16, 1891. Coming to Tampa at the close of the war of the ‘60s, WILLIAM W. WALL embarked in the mercantile business on the northwest corner of Washington and Marion streets. All over the territory tributary to Tampa the name of “Billy” Wall, as he was affectionately called, soon came to be accepted as the synonym of honest goods and straight dealing, and his son has lived up to this reputation in all of his transactions. With Capt. JOHN MILLER and WILLIAM B. HENDERSON he helped to establish the Tampa Steamship Company, operating steamers between Tampa, Cedar Keys and Key West, and giving to this section the first regular steam transportation to outside markets. PERRY G. WALL, the younger, first attended the East Florida Seminary at Gainesville, Florida, and later became a student of Colonel Bingham’s Military School at Asheville, North Carolina. When but sixteen years of age, in association with H. L. KNIGHT, he established the business of the Knight & Wall Company, on January 19, 1884, before there was a railroad, a brick building or a bank in Tampa. This business, now rated among the most substantial mercantile organizations of the entire South, is the oldest institution of its kind not only in Tampa but in South Florida. In addition to his personal business interests Mr. Wall has ever found time and opportunity to devote that measure of attention to public and civic affairs consistent with good citizenship. He has long been an active force in local and state politics, and has gained favorable recognition as a public speaker on social and political questions. At various times he has served as chairman of Congressional and County Democratic Committees, and is now chairman of the Executive Committee of the White Municipal Party, which, as a nonpartisan organization, controls the politics of the City of Tampa. In 1890-91, and again in 1894 91, and again in 1894-95, he served as a member of the City Council, and also as a member of the County School Boards of 1897 and 1898. He served as tre treasurer of the Relief Committee during the yellow fever epidemic of 1887. In the campaign of 1916, influenced by the critical conditions prevailing during the World war, he became a candidate for the United States Senate from Florida, but was defeated, receiving, however, a very flattering support. From the time of its inception Mr. Wall has taken an active part in the workings of the Tampa Board of Trade, and as a substantial and progressive citizen has materially aided the advancement of his community and his state. He married Miss MATTIE HOUSTOUN, of Tallahassee, Florida, and they have two children, HOUSTOUN and MARTHA. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/fl/hillsborough/bios/wall126bs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/flfiles/ File size: 5.3 Kb