Liberty County FlArchives News.....Doyle, Amanda - Hill, James marriage March 4, 1829 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: chris sewell January 15, 2012, 1:11 pm Cherokee Phoenix March 4, 1829 “Married on the 3rd of March, at the Asbury Missionary Institute, near Fort Mitchell Creek Nation, by the reverend Mr. Hill, the Mr. James Hill of the US Army, to Miss Amanda Doyle, a Creek Pupil of the Institution. This establishment is under the charge of Mr. and Mrs. Hill, who were desirous of showing the natives how this ceremony is performed in a refined state of society, and the highest encomiums are due them for their entire success. Great exertion and ingenuity were necessary to accomplish it. The company consisted of about twenty white persons and one hundred and fifty natives. The bride and her two maids were dressed with great taste and propriety, according to the fashion of the age. The groom and his two associated were in full military costume; and those persons present accustomed to wedding scenes, pronounced this bridal party one of the handsomest they had ever witnessed. After the marriage ceremony, the happy pair were congratulated with all good wishes; cake and wine were passed around, and in due time a bountiful supper was partaken of by the whole company , and the evening passed on in the most agreeable manner possible. All parties seemed delighted with the occasion. A number of strangers present will never forget the kind and hospitable reception given them by Mr. and Mrs. Hill.-Georgia Courier”-transcribed from the Cherokee Phoenix 1929 Additional Comments: many of the descendents of the marriages of the George, Alexander, and James Hill marriages to Nancy, Sara, and Amanda Doyle (Creek Nation Citizens) live in Liberty, Calhoun, and Jackson Counties Florida today File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb