SHILOH SOUTHERN METHODIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Lovett, Madison County, Florida File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Joseph T. Burval, e-mail: COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Copyright (c) 1990 by Joseph T. Burval, Publisher. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the Publisher. The publisher donates the contents of this file in digital format to USGenWeb Project Archives for inclusion in USGenWeb's Digital Library (Archives) for the purpose of making this work freely available to researchers under the rules and policies of The USGenWeb Project. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. This file may not be removed from this server or altered in any way for placement on another server without the consent of the State and USGenWeb Project coordinators and the contributor. CORRECTIONS AND ERRORS: Comments from readers concerning errors in the data, or information readers may have about unmarked graves should be addressed to Joseph T. Burval, 1995 Parkwood Road, Charleston, West Virginia 25314, USA or e-mail at ******************************************************************************* INTRODUCTION The tombstone inscriptions for the cemetery below are the same as those contained in the book "Madison County Florida Cemeteries" authored by Joseph T. Eichelberger (Privately Published: J. T. Burval, Charleston, WV (1990)). In some cases, additions and corrections have been made. They are digitally reproduced here to make this information available to the USGenWeb Project Archives. Mr. Eichelberger surveyed all the cemeteries of Madison County, Florida known to him over an eight year period from about 1985 to 1993. In most cases, the date of the survey, as well as, the date of his second survey used to verify his data is included at the end of the listing. The reader will note the detail that Mr. Eichelberger has used to record the inscriptions in this work. This work is more than a listing of names and dates. It is the next best thing to actually seeing the gravesite in person. Its content shows the author's obvious extraordinary effort to preserve what he called the "flavor" of the tombstone by recording full inscriptions. His work includes misspellings, error notation and describing the marker's location so it can be found by the reader. Often a description of the tombstone, especially if it was unusual or damaged is included. A truly outstanding work, which will serve to preserve our heritage. Mr. Eichelberger very concisely and modestly explained his work in part as follows: "This project has been a one-man effort. As a result the readings and the typing have not been checked by a second party. To make matters worse, the elapsed time between reading the tombstones and typing the listing from notes has been rather great. Reading old notes written hurriedly in the field can be a trying experience, especially if the writer's handwriting isn't too neat." "An effort was made to preserve the "flavor" of the inscriptions by retaining misspellings and errors. In general, no attempt was made to correct any data, but occasionally observations have been inserted. These are in square brackets [] except where no confusion should result. It is hoped that few errors have been introduced in recording and typing the data, but surely some have been." It is a pleasure to donate this work to the USGenWeb Project Archives to make this very valuable information available to all researchers interested in Madison County. J. T. Burval Charleston, West Virginia October 26, 1998 ******************************************************************************* SYMBOLS USED: A "/" is used to indicate a new line on the tombstone. A "//" indicates a new section of the tombstone. "FHMM" means funeral home metal marker. "CRI" means cannot read inscription. A "#" indicates a cross as used on stones and memorials, and denotes military Service. Brackets [] indicate the authors comments and are used to distinguish comments from the tombstone inscription. Two names side by side indicate either a common headstone or two headstones on a common pedestal. Two names side by side with a third name below and indented, indicate that all three names are included on a common headstone or that all three headstones are on a common pedestal. ******************************************************************************* SHILOH SOUTHERN METHODIST CHURCH CEMETERY FROM MADISON AT US 90. TAKE FLA 53 NORTH 1.8 MILES TO COUNTY ROAD 146. GO 10.0 MILES TO COUNTY ROAD 150. TURN EAST, GO .1 MILES TO FIRST PAVED ROAD. TURN NORTH, GO 1.2 MILES TO DIRT ROAD. TURN EAST, GO .3 MILES TO CHURCH AND CEMETERY. DO NORTH END OF CEMETERY FIRST.BEGIN NEAR GATE. CARLSEN OSCAR WILHELM MARY BROOKS MAY 26,1888 NOV 2,1903 MAY 9,1970 DEC 30,1981 THEM THAT SLEEP IN JESUS SHALL GOD BRING WITH HIM ANNIE E./BROOKS BOBO/FEB 17,1912/OCT 10,1945/GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN DAVIS/BEYOND THE SUNSET/ROYCE VIRGIL DAVIS/APRIL 9,1938/DEC 28,1968//[PICTURE ON SLAB] WITH A CHEERY SMILE, AND A WAVE OF THE HAND,/HE HAS WANDERED INTO HEAVEN'S LAND,/AND LEFT US DREAMING HOW VERY FAIR/IT NEEDS MUST BE SINCE HE LINGERS THERE/GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN MOTHER FATHER MARY C. BROOKS CHARLIE R. BROOKS AUG 1,1892 SEPT 20,1870 OCT 9,1983 NOV 22,1952 AT REST AT REST #/WILLIAM F/BROOKS/FLORIDA/STAFF SGT/564 AAF BOMB SQ/WORLD WAR II/SEPTEMBER 25 1921/NOVEMBER 13 1943 SHAPED CYPRUS MARKER, 4" THICK, 12" HIGH WILLIAM B./BROOKS/BORN/NOV 4,1900/DIED/SEPT 29,1912 OUR MOTHER/CATHERINE A./BROOKS/FEB 10,1835/OCT 18,1917/GONE TO HEAVEN INF DAU OF/MR. & MRS./C.R. BROOKS/1917 MOTHER/SUSAN E./BUTLER WIFE/OF C.R. BROOKS/NOV 24,1874/APRIL 21,1917 BROOKS CHARLIE JAMES EMMA LOU SEPT 13,1909 JUNE 9,1921 APRIL 8,1967 [ON FOOT OF SLAB:] YOU LEFT A BEAUTIFUL MEMORY,/ A SORROW TOO GREAT TO BE TO BE TOLD,/BUT TO THE FAMILY WHO LOVED AND LOST YOU,/YOUR MEMORY WILL NEVER GROW OLD [BEGGS FHMM AT FOOT:] CHARLIE J. BROOKS/SEPT 13,1909/APRIL 8,1967 [ALSO AT FOOT, A WORLD WAR II VETS. MARKER (1941 - 1945) FRANCES HOLLOWAY/REGISTER/WIFE OF WILLIAM H./REGISTER/BORN SEPT 19 1876/DIED AUG 23 1912/AT REST ASHLEY G./BROOKS/JUNE 22,1900/MAY 12,1905/GONE SO SOON ETHEL M./BROOKS/FEB 15,1899/OCT 26,1902/BUDDED ON EARTH/TO BLOOM IN/HEAVEN [BROKEN STONE] CATHERINE N./BROOKS/FEB 19,1894/OCT 4,1901/DARLING, WE/MISS THEE [MENDED STONE] JOHN M. BROOKS/FEB 25,1869/AUG 30,1901 DADDY//C. MONROE KING/JULY 2,1895/AUG 9,1949/GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN [AT FOOT, A WORLD WAR I BRONZE MARKER - 1917-1918] RENA M./BROOKS/AUG 28,1895/AUG 15,1901/GONE TO A BETTER/LAND. [STONE IS BROKEN.] #/JOHN/THOMAS/GOSS JR/US ARMY/WORLD WAR II/MAR 20 1919/JUL 24 1988 THOMAS KING/1852 - 1934 JOSEPHINE KING/BORN MARCH 12/1866/DIED JAN 30/1896/A FAITH THAT KEPT/THE NARROW WAY/TIL LIFE LAST TOUR/HAD FLED/AND WITH A PURE AND HEAVENLY RAY/LIT UP HER DYING/BED JOSEPHENE/DAU OF/THOMAS AND JOSEPHENE KING/1887 [1882?] [STONE DOWN] INFANT OF/THOMAS &/JOSEPHENE/KING INFANT OF/THOS. & SUSAN/KING/1896 EARNEST/SON OF/THOS. & SUSAN/KING/BORN/MAR 11,1898/DIED/AUG 23,1899 ODIN B./SON OF/THOS. & SUSAN/KING/BORN DEC 21,1890/DIED/SEPT 23,1999 A STONE MARKS A GRAVE, PROBABLY THAT OF AN ADULT. IDELLA SWEAT/BORN JULY 21,1899/DIED SEPT ____ [CANNOT READ.SLAB COVERS THE GRAVE OF AN ADULT.] ALLEN JACKSON SWEAT/1861 - 1901 [?] JEWEL GUNTER/BORN FEB 22,1?41/DIED MARCH 13,41 [CHILD'S GRAVE. PRESUMABLY THE YEAR IS 1941.] THOMAS FLOYD GUNTER/APRIL 25,1912/JUNE 2,1972 "MIMO"/JANIE LOU SWEAT/GUNTER/JULY 29,1907/OCT 2,1970 HOLLOWAY/MARY JANE [IN 1989: THIS STONE HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE HEAD OF THE GRAVE OF FRANCES HOLLOWAY ABOVE.] END NORTHEAST CORNER NOW GO TO THE CENTER. BEGIN AT REAR OF CEMETERY (WEST SIDE). PROCEED SOUTH. AT THE CORNER THERE IS A SMALL FENCED AREA WITH TWO[?] GRAVES MARKED BY MILLSTONES. SEVERAL FRAGMENTS OF STONES LEAN AGAINST THE OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE. ONE IS A PIECE OF A FOOTSTONE WITH "C.D.C." ON IT. ANOTHER IS THE LOWER ART OF A HEADSTONE WITH "CHILDREN OF/L.B. & J./CLARK" ON IT. MOTHER//CARRIE TUTEN/BORN/APR 29,1839/DIED/AUG 30,1898///[AT FOOT:] C.T. CHILD'S GRAVE: TO THE MEMORY OF ?????????? W. TUTEN/BORN FEB 5 ????? [NEAR BOTTOM:] NOV 2,1874 AGE ?????? [THERE MAY BE TWO GRAVES HERE. ADJACENT GRAVE HAS BEEN VANDALIZED. NO INSCRIPTION VISIBLE. PROBABLY IS A TUTEN GRAVE. JOHN M. BROOKS/BORN FEB 14,186?/DIED AUG 29,1901/THE ??????/ABOVE WHERE BARTING SUNKNO/WN ALONCETERNI/TY OF LOVE/FORMED FOR THE/GOOD ALONE MY BEST GUESS: THE HEAVENS ABOVE, WHERE PARTING IS UNKNOWN. A LONG ETERNITY OF LOVE FOR THE GOOD ALONE.] JOSEPHINE CLARK/BORN MARCH 19/1893/DIED SEPT 22,1894[?]/ *** CRI *** [MONUMENT BROKEN] HEADING NORTH: HORACE/SON OF ELIJAH & EDDIE [EDNA?]/ALDERMAN/BORNED/DECEMBER 25[?] 1917/DIED/APRIL 10 1918 [FOLLOWED BY SOME UNRADABLE INSCRIPTION. THEN:] DIED APR 10,1918 ADULT'S GRAVE WITH UNREADABLE HEADSTONE. EDDIE ALDERSON[ALDERMAN?]/WAS BORNED/AUGUST 21,1897/DIED MARCH 25,1920 ADULT'S GRAVE WITH UNREADABLE HEADSTONE. MRS. _____/DUGGER BORN SEPT 21 [THIS APPEARS TO BE THE TOP OF A BROKEN STONE. AUDELIE CLARENCE/SON OF/J.A. & M.E. COLLINS/DEC 2,1906/JAN 20,1912/GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN INFANT SON OF/J.A. & M.E. COLLINS/BORN AND DIED/MARCH 29,1908/AT REST EMMA, DAU OF/J.A. & M.E. COLLINS/BORN/AUG 12,1899/DIED/JULY 26,1900/OUR LITTLE DARLING TESSIE MAY/DAU OF/J.A. & M.E. COLLINS/BORN AUG 6,1893/DIED/OCT 1,1894/OUR LOVED ONE SMALL METAL FENCE PROBABLY ENCLOSES A SINGLE GRAVE. NORTH END OF CEMETERY MATTIE E./COLLINS/JULY 19,1898/MAR 2,1914/ASLEEP IN JESUS FOOTSTONE INDICATES THE GRAVE OF AN ADULT. WALTER B./CLARK/OCT 4,1880/OCT 28,1881 CARSON D./CLARK/AUG 24,1878/SEPT 24,1878 JOSEPHINE/CLARK/MAR 29,1894/SEPT 22,1894 FATHER//LEON B./CLARK/OCT 1,1850/OCT 19,1907 MOTHER//SARAH J. LEE/WIFE/OF LEON B. CLARK/AUG 30,1861/FEB 12,1944 WILLIAM M./CLARK/MAR 25,1891/FEB 19,1917 [AT FOOT:] BRONZE MARKER - WORLD WAR 1917 1918 NEXT ROW FULTON CLARK/DEC 27,1894/MAY 8,1964 FATHER//JOHN DENUMN/CLARK/OCT 15,1884/JAN 9,1964/REST IN PEACE FROM ALL WORRY MOTHER//MARY CATHERYN/JONES/WIFE OF J.D. CLARK/JUNE 20,1895/MAY 29,1918 NEXT ROW SACRED/TO THE MEMORY OF/WILLIAM PEARCE, WHO WAS BORN AUG 24,1815/AND DEPARTED THIS LIFE/OCT 31,1856/A MEMBER OF THE METHODIST E. CHURCH, ONE THAT FEARED GOD/AND ESCHEWED EVIL, DEATH WAS/TO HIM BUT THE ENTRANCE INTO/HEAVEN, THE CHANGE OF THE FRAIL/BODY FOR THE VESTMENT OF/IMMORTALITY, A CELESTIAL UNION/WITH THOSE WHO HAD GONE BEFORE. SACRED/TO THE MEMORY OF/WILLIAM H. PEARCE/BORN APRIL 21,1852/DIED FEBRUARY 11,1853/SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME. REBECCA HARP/1846 - 1912/AT REST JAMES E. VANN/DIED MAY [MAR?] 17,1904/AGE 82 YEARS [BROKEN STONE] DICEY M./WIFE OF/J.E. VANN/BORN/JUNE 13,1825/DIED/SEPT 12,1892/GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN [STONE SHATTERED BY 1989.] PRISCILLA SEVER/WAS BORN SEPT 27/___ AND DEPARTED THIS LIFE/JULY 17[18?],1884[?] [CONCRETE SLAB COVERS AN ADULT'S GRAVE. VERY DIFFICULT TO READ.] SACRED/TO/THE MEMORY OF/WILLIAM SEVER/WAS BORN OCT 16th 1788/AND DEPARTED THIS LIFE APRIL 8th 1870 [CONCRETE SLAB. VERY DIFFICULT TO READ.] REV./JOHN GRAMLING/BORN DEC 2,1785/DIED FEB 5,1835/BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHO DIE IN THE LORD. [FOOTSTONE:] J G ELIZABETH/GRAMLING,/BORN DEC 13,1789/DIED/MAY 7,1876/THERE _____ A REST/TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD. [FOOTSTONE:] E G CATHERINE A./ROYSTER/OCT 15,1820/MAR 26,1913/COME UNTO ME ALL YE THAT/LABOR AND ARE HEAVY/WITON[LADEN?] AND I WILL GIVE YOU/REST MAT 11-28 [FOOTSTONE:] C A R IN MEMORY OF/JULIA/DAUGHTER OF J.R. & M.B./GRAMLING/BORN DEC 8,1874/DIED JUNE 11,1887/THOUGH LOST TO SIGHT/TO MEMORY DEAR NEXT ROW MARY D. MARTIN/BORN SEPT 6,1818/DIED/MAY 26,1877/REST IN PEACE [FOOTSTONE:] M D M ROBERT T. MARTIN/BORN JAN 1,1852/DIED NOV 28,1867/GONE BEFORE ELIZABETH CRAY [GRAY?]/BORN/APR 18,1814/DIED/JULY 13,1877/BLESSED ARE THE __________ JANIE R./DAUGHTER OF W.M. & E.D./CASON/AUG 7,1900/SEP 5,1900/GONE SO SOON CHARLES D./SON OF/W.M. & E.D./CASON/JULY 19,1902/APR 23,1903/GONE TO A/BETTER LAND ABRAHAM T./SON OF/W.M. & E.D. CASON/FEB 1,1905/AT REST JOHN E./SON OF/W.M. & ELLA D./CASON/FEB 24,1893/MCH 6,1907/GONE TO BE AN/ANGEL NEXT ROW BERTIE DASHER/1890 - 1913/AT REST LUELLA D./SON OF/W.M. & E.D./CASON/OCT 28,1907/NOV 23,1907/ONLY SLEEPING W.M. CASON/1851 - 1912/AT REST ELLA D. HARP/WIFE OF/W.M. CASON/FEB 13,1871/OCT 28,1907/WE TRUST OUR LOSS/WILL BE HER GAIN/AND THAT WITH CHRIST/SHE'S GONE TO REIGN [COULD EASILY BE READ IF THE STONE WERE CLEANED.] GEORGIA E./DAU OF/T.J. & F.E./WILSON/BORN/MAR 15,1870/DIED/OCT 5,1874/THO LOST TO/SIGHT TO MEMOR/Y DEAR [STONE BROKEN IN TWO PLACES.] [IN 1989, THE STONE IS DOWN.] MINNIE L./DAU OF/T.J. & F.E./WILSON/BORN/JULY 23,1864/DIED/SEPT 15,1871/GONE BUT NOT/FORGOTTEN [IN 1989, THE STONE IS BROKEN, THE TOP IS OFF.] JOHN R. MARTIN/BORN/JUNE 26,1811/DIED/FEB 11,1891/AT REST END OF CEMETERY RECORDED 18 FEBRUARY 1985 CHECKED 5 APRIL 1989