Manatee County FlArchives Biographies.....Campbell, John T. October 6, 1876 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Rayburn November 18, 2006, 3:54 am Author: The History of Florida: Past & Present, The Lewis Publishing Co., Vol. II p340 1923 CAMPBELL, JOHN T. has been a resident of Bradentown for over twenty years, and is a well known banking official here and in other towns of Manatee County. He was born in Jacksonville, Georgia, October 6, 1876, son of WILLIAM P. and SUSANNA (WILCOX) CAMPBELL, both natives of Georgia, and grandson of HENRY JACKSON CAMPBELL, a native of North Carolina, and of MITCHELL and MARTHA (SWAIN) WILCOX, of Georgia. WILLIAM P. CAMPBELL was a soldier in a Georgia regiment in the Civil war and died in 1887, and his wife passed away in 1888. After the death of his parents JOHN T. CAMPBELL lived at Darian, Georgia, five or six years, and then came to Florida. He was a clerk in the circuit clerk’s office at Tampa a year, and then for a number of years continued work as a bookkeeper in that city. He came to Bradentown in December, 1899, and since then has been active in banking. He became cashier of the old Bank of Manatee, which since 1912 has been the First National Bank , of which he is now vice president and cashier. He is a director in the Manatee County State Bank at Palmetto, is president and director of the Citizen Bank at Manatee, is vice-president and director of the Guarantee Abstract Company, and is director, secretary and treasurer of the Bradentown Builders Association. On November 19, 1903, Mr. CAMPBELL married NETTIE LEE COOK, a native of Georgia, and daughter of J. F. and DAMARIUS (McARTHUR) COOK. They have two daughters, ELIZABETH and MARTHA. Mr. CAMPBELL is a trustee and chairman of the Building Committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a democrat and a Knight Templar Mason. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb