Marion County FlArchives Military Records.....BROWN, Elias Faison 1899 Civilwar - Pension 9th Regt Inf ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jimmy R. Polk July 17, 2010, 9:26 am FLORIDA CONFEDERATE PENSION APPLICATION FILES PENSION APPLICATION A12911: Surname: BROWN Given Names: Elias Faison Service Unit: 9th Regt Inf Reference: Wife’s Name: Application County & Year: Marion Co 1899 Page 001 A12911 Page 002 Form A 3. Soldier’s Application for Pension State of Florida} Marion County} On this 30th day of October, 1901, personally appeared before me, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said county and State, E. F. Brown who being by me duly sworn, declares he is the identical person who enlisted on or about the… of Feby, 1864, in Captain Gory’s Company, county of Marion, in the State of Florida, and that while in actual service in said company, 9th Fla. Regiment, of the State of Florida, on or about the….day of March, 1864, and was honorably discharged at the expiration of my service on the 14 day of April in 1865 Marion county, State of Florida (Here state fully and clearly all the facts, showing the injury, its character, and especially the extent of the injury and disability resulting therefrom.) I contracted measles & from exposure it settled on my bowels & caused dyspepsia from which I have never recovered, and that as the direct result of said injuries, thus received in line of duty during the war, I am now unable to gain a livelihood by manual labor; that I have continuously since January 1st, 1885, been a citizen of Florida; that neither I, nor my wife, nor both combined, own real and personal property to the value of $800 in this or any other State, and have not purposely disposed of our property for the purpose of availing ourselves of the provisions of the pension laws of Florida; that I am not otherwise enabled, or in a position to earn, and have no income from any source sufficient for a livelihood by manual labor, and that I never deserted the Confederate service, and that I receive a pension from no other source. E. F. Brown P. O. Address Ocala Fla Sworn and subscribed before me this 30th day of Oct., 1901. S. T. Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court, Marion County Page 003 I do solemnly swear that I was born on the 18th day of July in 1845 [Marion] Chambers Co. county, State of [Fla] Ala, [and that I am past the age of sixty-five (65) years;] that I was bona fide citizen of this State on January, A. D. 1885, and have continuously resided in this State since that date; that I do not own property, real or person, or real and personal, to the value of eight hundred dollars ($800), and that I am by reason of age incapable of providing a living by manual labor for myself. E. F. Brown P.O. Address Ocala Fla Sworn and subscribed before me this 30th day of Oct., 1901. S. T. Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion County We do solemnly swear that we personally knew E. F. Brown the above applicant for pension during the Civil War of 1861 to 1865, that we served with him in “G” Company 9th Regiment, and know of our own knowledge that he did receive the injuries set forth in the above application at the time and place claimed, and that the disability therefrom claimed to exist does exist, and that he never deserted the Confederate Army. C. M. Brown Late of County Co. “G” 9th Reg. E. T. Williams Late of “G” Co. 9th Reg. (To be subscribed by two persons.) We do solemnly swear that we are familiar with the value of all the property owned by [W. C. Jeffords J. D. Pooser] E. F. Brown and his wife, directly or indirectly, in this or any other State, and that the actual combined value thereof does not exceed $800; that they have not disposed of any property for the purpose of availing themselves of the provisions of the pension laws of Florida, and that he is not physically or otherwise able, or in a position to earn a livelihood, by manual labor. W. C. Jeffords P. O. Address Ocala J. D. Pooser P. O. Address Ocala Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of Oct., 1901. S. T. Sistrunk Clerk Page 004 We, the undersigned physicians, residents of the State and county aforesaid, do solemnly swear that we have carefully examined E. F. Brown, who is personally known to us to be the person above applying for a pension under the laws of Florida, and find that he is unable to earn a livelihood by manual labor in consequence of disease contracted in service during the war of 1861 to 1864. E. Van Hood MD Residence Ocala, Fla. W. R. Newsom MD Residence Ocala Fla Sworn and subscribed before me this 30th day of Oct., 1901. S. T. Sistrunk Clerk I certify that the above affidavits are genuine; that all of the affiants are persons of respectability and good reputation, and that their statements are worthy of belief; that the attesting officers are duly authorized to attest said affidavits, and that their signatures thereto are genuine. S. T. Sistrunk Clerk of Circuit Court We, the undersigned County Commissioners of Marion county, Florida, do hereby certify that we have carefully investigated the above application for pension made by E. F. Brown and are satisfied that the conditions and alleged facts therein stated are true and correct, and that he is legally and justly entitled to the pension provided by the act, approved May 3, 1901. H.W. Long Chairman Jno. L. Edwards N. A. Fort ………………………… ………………………… County Commissioners By the County Commissioners. Attest: S. T. Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Revised Statutes of Florida, Chapter II, Article I. 2077. The children of parents who are unable to support themselves, shall be required to make provisions for their support. 2078. On information filed before the Justice of the Peace of the proper district by any person whomsoever, stating that certain persons have made no adequate provision for their father and mother, or either of them, the Justice shall cause a summons to be issued to said parties, and evidence to be taken as to the truth of the facts stated in the information, and if the same shall be found true, after a fair trial in which the defendants shall have the right to be heard by counsel, the Justice shall issue an order making an assessment on the said children for such amount as be necessary for the support of their parents. 2079. Said order shall carry with it the right of enforcement by execution, and shall have the force and effect of a writ of garnishment on the wages of such children, and shall further provide for the person to whom and the manner in which the money assessed therein shall be paid. Page 005 2746 1102 12911A Granted Pay from Nov 13/1901 at the rate of $96.00 per annum CLAIM FOR PENSION By E. F. Brown Of Ocala, Florida Late Of Gary’s Co. G Company 9th Florida Regiment Filed In Executive Department Nov. 13th, 1901 Approved Feby 21st 1902 C. H. Dickinson Sec. Of Board Filed In Comptroller’s Office Feby 21 1902 I. B. Hilson, State Printer, Tallahassee, Fla. 100.00 Page 006 Form No. 114 The H. & W. B. Drew Company State Printers, Jacksonville, Fla 52413. APPLICATION FOR PENSION State of Florida} County of Marion} On this 8th day of April, 1899, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, E. F. Brown, aged 54 years, by occupation a farmer who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical E. F. Brown who was, on the 15th day of March, 1864, enrolled in Captain Gary’s Company of Marion County, State of Fla., and that while service as a private in Company G 9th Regiment, Ferguson’s Brigade, and in the line of his duty at Camp Milton in the State of Florida, on or about the X day of March, 1864, I (here state name or nature of disease, or location of the wound or injury. If disabled by disease, state fully its causes; if by wound or injury, the precise manner in which received, and especially the extent of the disability resulting therefrom.) was attacked with a violent case of mesles (sic) which settled on my bowels. I have never recovered from the effects of it and I am now very much emaciated and reduced by the continuance of this disease, which I have never been able to shake off and I am still suffering from, I am now in very feeble condition & unable to make or earn livelihood and that as the result of said injuries I am now unable to earn a livelihood; that I am a citizen of said County and State, and have been a bona fide citizen of the State of Florida continuously since January 1st, 1880; that neither I nor my wife owns property to the value of fifteen hundred dollars in this or any other State, and that I am not “otherwise enabled or in a position to earn a livelihood;” that I am not receiving a pension from the United States, or any other State; that I never deserted the Confederate service, and make this declaration for the purpose of being placed upon the invalid pension roll of the State of Florida, as provided by Act of the Legislature, approved June 8, 1889, as amended June 2, 1893 and June 15, 1897. E. F. Brown Applicant Homosassa Florida Postoffice Sworn and subscribed to before me this 10th day of April, A. D. 1899. John E. Bailey Notary Public We do solemnly swear that the above applicant Elias F. Brown served with us in Company “G” 9th Fla Regiment, and that he did not desert the Confederate service. E. M. Brown, Comg. Co. G 9th Fla At close of the war E. T. Williams Lieut Co. “G” 9th Fla at close of war Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of April, A. D. 1899. John E. Bailey Notary Public We do solemnly swear that we are familiar with the value of all the property owned by above E. F. Brown and his wife, in this or any other State, and that the actual combined value thereof is less than $1,500, and that he is not physically or otherwise able or in a position to earn a livelihood. C. M. Brown C. J. Phillips Sworn and subscribed to before me this 10th day of April, A. D. 1899. Jno. E. Bailey Notary Public Page 007 We do solemnly swear that we have carefully examined Elias Faison Brown who is to us well known as the applicant for pension above described, and find that (Here describe fully and completely the wound or disease, and especially the extent of the resulting disability.) he is sick and unable for any kind of manual labor. That he has been suffering from dyspepsia for about twenty years and chronic dysentery has been (illegible word) since the war between the States from which time all his troubles can be dated. Health ruined. Resulting directly in the loss of general health. A. H. R. Frederick, M.D. Residence:…………….. E. Van Hood, M.D. Residence Ocala, Fla. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of April, A. D. 1899. Jno. E. Bailey Notary Public I certify that the above affidavits are genuine, that all of the affiants “are persons of respectability and good reputation,” and that their statements are worthy of belief; that the attesting officers are duly authorized to attest said affidavits, and that their signatures thereto are genuine. S. T. Sistrunk Clerk of the Circuit Court We do hereby certify that [U.C.V.] Marion County Camp No. 56, U.C. V’s., at Ocala, Fla., has carefully and fully investigated the above application for pension by Elias Faison Brown and find that the facts alleged are correct in every particular, and therefore recommends that the pension be granted. W. L. Ditto Commander Attest: J. H. Livingston Adjutant 2117 CLAIM FOR PENSION By E. F. Brown Of Marion County Late Of Co. “G” Company 9th Regiment Finnegan’s Brigade Filed In Executive Department April 18/1899 Card. Approved ……………………, 189….. …………………………….. Governor Filed In Comptroller’s Office ……………………, 189…. The H. & W. B. Drew Company, State Printers, Jacksonville, Fla. Page 008 Ocala, Fla. 2/19/1902 Gov. W. S. Jennings Dear Sir: I return through the Clk. Of Court Mr. Sistrunk application of E. F. Brown for Pension which I think covers all the legal ground required. Kindly give this matter your personal attention before the board etc. His is a statement of facts, he was a member of my Company and of my own personal cognizance (sic) I speak. Respectfully C. M. Brown Additional Comments: NOTE: Words in [] are lined through in original. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 12.7 Kb