Orange County, Florida 1870 Federal Census This Census was transcribed by Donna Eldridge, ( USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or publication by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************* THIS IS AN INDEX. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION REFER TO THE LN AND HN IN THE TRANSCRIPTIONS. LN HN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE BIRTHPLACE 4 468 Acree James 7 Florida 2 468 Acree John 20 Florida 3 468 Acree Mack 17 Florida 5 468 Acree Nancy 13 Florida 7 468 Acree Pink 8 Florida 40 467 Acree Samuel 50 Florida 1 467 Acree Sarah 40 Florida 6 468 Acree Sarah 10 Florida 8 468 Acree Stephen 14 Florida 7 373 Allen Hellen 13 Mass. 6 373 Allen Henry 36 Mass. 8 373 Allen Henry 9 Mass. 12 167 Allman Anne 6 mo. Florida 37 189 Allman David 12 Georgia 8 167 Allman Jasper 30 Georgia 36 189 Allman Mary 40 Georgia 11 167 Allman Rena 4 Florida 9 167 Allman Welthaan 37 Georgia 10 167 Allman William 6 Florida 35 189 Allman Willis 16 Georgia 10 637 Anderson Berry 31 Georgia 11 637 Anderson Hannah 33 S. Carolina 12 637 Anderson Henry 9 Florida 13 637 Anderson Isaac 5 Florida 13 256 Arnold Sarah 18 Florida 16 56 Arnold Thomas 18 Georgia 38 371 Auld Isaac M. 29 S. Carolina 39 371 Auld Lenard 19 Florida 14 123 Avery Thomas 46 Florida 30 302 Bacon Hetty 40 Georgia 31 302 Bacon Nancy 16 Florida 25 288 Bailey Columbus 10 Florida 21 288 Bailey George 53 S. Carolina 27 288 Bailey John 7 Florida 22 288 Bailey Josanna 32 S. Carolina 23 288 Bailey Lucy 14 Florida 24 288 Bailey Mary 12 Florida 28 288 Bailey Thomas 8 mo. Florida 26 288 Bailey William 8 Florida 19 689 Ballard Addelline 4 Florida 28 669 Ballard Adeline 40 Georgia 26 690 Ballard Allen 1 Florida 21 690 Ballard Augustus 35 Georgia 34 670 Ballard Caroline 5 Florida 20 689 Ballard Caroline 1 Florida 16 689 Ballard Catherine 12 Florida 22 690 Ballard Celia 26 Georgia 32 670 Ballard Eliza 11 Florida 15 689 Ballard Elizabeth 25 Georgia 29 669 Ballard Hiram 19 Florida 35 670 Ballard Iona 2 Florida 31 670 Ballard James 13 Florida 1 672 Ballard James 3 mo. Florida 18 689 Ballard John 8 Florida 27 669 Ballard John C. 45 Tennessee 39 672 Ballard Lewis 23 Florida 30 670 Ballard Mary 15 Florida 23 690 Ballard Mary 5 Florida 33 670 Ballard Mickie 9 Florida 24 690 Ballard Perry 7 Florida 17 689 Ballard Rebecca 10 Florida 40 672 Ballard Sarah 20 Georgia 14 688 Ballard Sarah 35 Georgia 25 690 Ballard Washington 3 Florida 13 688 Ballard William G. 48 Alabama 32 580 Barber Ellen 5 Florida 16 618 Barber Francis 6 Florida 29 580 Barber Harriet 30 Georgia 25 579 Barber Jacintea 6 Florida 14 618 Barber John C. 10 Florida 24 579 Barber Joseph 9 Florida 30 580 Barber Joseph 9 Florida 28 579 Barber Mary 7 mo. Florida 31 580 Barber Mary 7 Florida 35 176 Barber Nancy 60 Virginia 11 618 Barber Nancy 35 Georgia 33 580 Barber Raney 8 mo. Florida 15 618 Barber Samuel 8 Florida 27 579 Barber Susan 2 Florida 13 618 Barber Susan 11 Florida 12 565 Barber Susan S. 23 S. Carolina 14 565 Barber Susan S. 7 mo. Florida 23 579 Barber Violet 27 Georgia 26 579 Barber William 5 Florida 12 618 Barber William 17 Florida 13 565 Barber William 2 Florida 4 575 Barnes Anderson 13 Florida 5 605 Barnes Finis 10 Georgia 6 605 Barnes James 8 Georgia 7 575 Barnes John 5 Florida 6 575 Barnes Martha 8 Florida 3 575 Barnes Mary 35 Georgia 9 575 Barnes Mary 3 mo. Florida 5 575 Barnes Rhoda 10 Florida 8 575 Barnes Susan 3 Florida 40 387 Barnhart Charles 22 Georgia 2 387 Barnhart George 9 Florida 1 387 Barnhart Maria 13 Florida 21 490 Barnhart Mary 18 Florida 39 386 Barnhart Michael 17 Georgia 34 478 Barnhart Minerva 19 Florida 38 386 Barnhart Sidney 24 Georgia 21 529 Barskin Ransom 26 S. Carolina 27 558 Bass Aaron 12 Florida 34 560 Bass Anna 28 Georgia 33 560 Bass Archibald 30 Georgia 35 560 Bass Augustus 5 Florida 36 560 Bass Barabella 3 Florida 31 559 Bass Barney 4 Florida 24 558 Bass Charles 37 Georgia 30 559 Bass Charles 6 Florida 21 557 Bass Crawford 8 Florida 16 237 Bass Croff 28 Georgia 19 557 Bass David 12 Florida 17 556 Bass Eliza 16 Florida 28 559 Bass Eliza 10 Florida 4 563 Bass Elizabeth 65 N. Carolina 18 237 Bass Ivan 7 Florida 15 556 Bass Jane 37 Georgia 32 559 Bass Joseph 2 Florida 22 557 Bass Litha 6 Florida 18 557 Bass Margaret 14 Florida 25 558 Bass Mary 30 Georgia 26 558 Bass Moses 14 Florida 29 559 Bass Needham 8 Florida 3 563 Bass Needham 85 N. Carolina 5 563 Bass Needham 15 Florida 17 237 Bass Priscilla 26 Florida 14 556 Bass Quinn 40 Georgia 19 237 Bass Renneford 3 Florida 16 556 Bass Richard 18 Florida 23 557 Bass Samuel 2 Florida 20 237 Bass Thomas 1 Florida 20 557 Bass Virginia 10 Florida 3 153 Beasley Amanda 5 Georgia 33 151 Beasley Charity 49 Georgia 35 152 Beasley Edie 24 Georgia 40 153 Beasley Elizabeth 11 Georgia 2 153 Beasley Ellen 7 Georgia 34 152 Beasley Hiram 26 Georgia 39 153 Beasley James 14 Georgia 38 153 Beasley Jincy 15 Georgia 14 145 Beasley John 18 Georgia 1 153 Beasley Levi 9 Georgia 37 153 Beasley Mary Ann 18 Georgia 36 152 Beasley Melthanna 20 Georgia 12 145 Beasley Narcissie 45 Georgia 32 151 Beasley Nathan 57 Georgia 13 145 Beasley Piety 50 Georgia 29 534 Belfast Henry 30 S. Carolina 40 482 Bell Enoch 24 Georgia 22 49 Bell Frank 17 Georgia 1 482 Bell Martha 17 Florida 38 480 Bell Mary 3 Florida 37 480 Bell Mathania 23 Georgia 2 483 Bell Sarah 47 N. Carolina 38 634 Bellamy John 23 N. Carolina 39 634 Bellamy Melinda 20 Virginia 40 634 Bellamy Sarah 2 Florida 27 533 Benjamin Prince 30 N. Carolina 1 306 Bisbee Harriett 30 Georgia 5 306 Bisbee Harriett 4 mo. Florida 4 306 Bisbee Paddy 9 Florida 40 306 Bisbee Romeo 35 S. Carolina 2 306 Bisbee Stepany 15 Florida 3 306 Bisbee Tobey 12 Florida 12 676 Blair Adeline 63 Georgia 7 695 Blair Allen 49 S. Carolina 12 696 Blair Allen 8 Georgia 11 676 Blair Joseph 71 S. Carolina 10 696 Blair Lawrence 13 S. Carolina 11 696 Blair Lucian 10 Georgia 8 695 Blair Lucinda 41 S. Carolina 9 695 Blair Philip 17 S. Carolina 1 635 Bohamon Duncan 56 Georgia 6 635 Bohamon John 5 Florida 4 635 Bohamon Luther 10 Florida 3 635 Bohamon Margaret 15 Florida 5 635 Bohamon Martha 8 Florida 8 635 Bohamon Maryilia 2 Florida 2 635 Bohamon Mazelia 30 Georgia 7 635 Bohamon Sarah 4 Florida 36 613 Bolton George 2 Florida 33 613 Bolton Green 34 Georgia 37 613 Bolton Henry 1 Florida 35 613 Bolton Samuel 4 Florida 34 613 Bolton Sarah 21 Georgia 37 465 Boon Jennie 20 Georgia 36 465 Boon March 24 N. Carolina 38 465 Boon Mathew 8 mo. Florida 17 528 Bostwick Robert 24 Georgia 7 293 Bradley Wiley 40 S. Carolina 23 657 Brantley Catharine 7 Florida 39 432 Brantley Ella 18 Florida 38 432 Brantley George C. 33 Georgia 20 657 Brantley John 14 Florida 19 657 Brantley Mary 18 Florida 38 671 Brantley Mary 3 mo. Florida 37 671 Brantley Mary Ann 23 Georgia 22 657 Brantley Richard 19 Florida 24 657 Brantley Robert 5 Florida 18 657 Brantley Samuel 22 Georgia 17 657 Brantley Susan 35 Georgia 36 671 Brantley William 35 Georgia 21 657 Brantley Zachariah 12 Florida 19 314 Brewington Sallie 20 S. Carolina 20 314 Brewington Samuel 23 S. Carolina 34 62 Brock M. E. 38 S. Carolina 35 62 Brock Martha 39 Florida 36 573 Bronson Charles 17 Florida 11 554 Bronson Eliza 17 Florida 19 588 Bronson George W. 37 Florida 1 550 Bronson Henry 8 Florida 33 572 Bronson James 70 S. Carolina 35 573 Bronson James 20 Florida 21 588 Bronson James 3 Florida 34 549 Bronson James R. 46 S. Carolina 37 573 Bronson Jennie 14 Florida 37 550 Bronson John 19 Florida 35 549 Bronson Margaret 25 Florida 7 552 Bronson Margaret 49 S. Carolina 20 588 Bronson Margaret 25 Georgia 3 550 Bronson Nancy 3 Florida 4 550 Bronson Polly 4 mo. Florida 36 549 Bronson Rebecca 21 Florida 38 550 Bronson Richard 17 Florida 6 552 Bronson Richard 44 S. Carolina 2 550 Bronson Robert 6 Florida 34 572 Bronson Sarah 50 S. Carolina 39 573 Bronson Sarah 8 Florida 39 550 Bronson Sarah E. 15 Florida 12 554 Bronson Seilah 11 mo. Florida 38 573 Bronson Virgil 12 Florida 5 551 Bronson Washington 25 S. Carolina 40 550 Bronson William 12 Florida 23 239 Brown Avery 37 Florida 27 240 Brown Avery 7 Florida 5 353 Brown Beuford 22 Georgia 16 209 Brown Charles 35 Kentucky 26 240 Brown Doctor 10 Florida 24 240 Brown John 18 Florida 22 239 Brown Lewis J. 48 Georgia 28 240 Brown Lydia 3 Florida 25 240 Brown Martha 13 Florida 12 525 Brown Robert 21 Georgia 33 494 Bruce Ada 8 Georgia 29 494 Bruce Angus B. 52 N. Carolina 30 494 Bruce Cornelia 40 Georgia 32 494 Bruce Cornelia 11 Georgia 34 494 Bruce Fannie 6 Georgia 31 494 Bruce Mary 14 Georgia 5 502 Bryant William 55 S. Carolina 13 646 Bryson George 6 N. Carolina 14 646 Bryson James H. 8 mo. Florida 11 645 Bryson John G. 46 N. Carolina 12 645 Bryson Mary C. 27 Georgia 3 322 Buckin Albert H. 37 Georgia 22 346 Buckin Charles 40 Georgia 26 346 Buckin Charles 6 Florida 23 346 Buckin Malissa 22 Georgia 25 346 Buckin Malissa 10 Florida 27 346 Buckin Mary 3 Florida 1 321 Buckin Peter 70 N. Carolina 2 321 Buckin Sarah 73 Georgia 24 346 Buckin Sarah 12 Florida 25 197 Bumsby Jessee 35 England 26 197 Bumsby Tempy 24 Georgia 37 79 Burke Isaac 20 Florida 36 496 Burrell John 35 Connecticut 22 458 Butler Albert 16 Georgia 40 449 Caldwell Alice 2 Florida 32 448 Caldwell Andrew 49 N. Carolina 39 449 Caldwell Andrew 4 N. Carolina 37 449 Caldwell Anne 10 N. Carolina 36 449 Caldwell Charles 12 N. Carolina 35 449 Caldwell David 14 N. Carolina 25 532 Caldwell Henry 26 Florida 33 448 Caldwell Julia 39 N. Carolina 38 449 Caldwell Lettie 8 N. Carolina 34 448 Caldwell Sallie 16 N. Carolina 5 282 Campbell Alexander 9 Tennessee 8 282 Campbell Charlie 3 Tennessee 6 282 Campbell Harriett 6 Tennessee 3 282 Campbell Javan 37 Georgia 17 312 Campbell Joseph 21 S. Carolina 38 319 Campbell Joseph 4 mo. Florida 10 284 Campbell Lisabella 81 S. Carolina 4 282 Campbell Malissa 28 Georgia 7 282 Campbell Rosa 5 Tennessee 27 262 Candle Martha 34 Georgia 24 475 Cane James 20 Florida 24 330 Canon Jake 20 S. Carolina 8 340 Carl James 10 Florida 9 341 Carpenter Benjamin 26 Alabama 13 341 Carpenter Cinderella 2 Florida 10 341 Carpenter Francis 23 Florida 15 342 Carpenter Martha 15 Alabama 11 341 Carpenter Mathew 4 Florida 14 342 Carpenter Samuel 28 Alabama 12 341 Carpenter William 4 mo. Florida 34 30 Carroll Bunk 20 Florida 35 31 Carroll John 80 Ireland 33 175 Chaines James 45 Florida 34 175 Chaines Mary 30 Florida 6 503 Champion Sam 25 Georgia 21 314 Clark Harry 16 S. Carolina 2 574 Clemens Hill 4 Florida 1 574 Clemens Jane 22 Florida 40 574 Clemens Joseph 24 S. Carolina 29 116 Clemons Joseph 21 S. Carolina 30 116 Clemons Peter 20 S. Carolina 30 651 Cole George 45 Tennessee 31 651 Cole Minerva 23 Alabama 30 429 Cone William 22 Georgia 13 272 Coner Luther 21 N. Carolina 13 665 Cooper Anna 8 Florida 5 664 Cooper Eli 40 Georgia 9 665 Cooper Eli 16 Georgia 10 665 Cooper Francis 13 Georgia 12 665 Cooper James 10 Florida 6 664 Cooper Martha 35 Georgia 14 665 Cooper Martha 2 Florida 11 665 Cooper Miles 11 Florida 8 665 Cooper Robert 18 Georgia 7 665 Cooper William 20 Georgia 37 413 Cothern Julia 49 Georgia 38 414 Cothern Mary 25 Georgia 36 413 Cothern Samuel 47 Georgia 36 164 Covas Edward H. 40 S. Carolina 28 476 Cowan James 8 Florida 27 476 Cowan John 10 Florida 25 476 Cowan William 46 Georgia 26 476 Cowan William 13 Florida 29 476 Cowan (twins) Frank 5 Florida 30 476 Cowan (twins) Frederick 5 Florida 34 162 Coward John 18 Georgia 13 17 Cox Eliza 22 Georgia 12 17 Cox Elizabeth 48 Georgia 15 17 Cox George 16 Georgia 18 17 Cox Harriett 8 Georgia 14 17 Cox Jerusha 19 Georgia 19 17 Cox Matilda 5 Georgia 17 17 Cox Mims 12 Georgia 27 426 Cox Riley 18 Florida 11 17 Cox Thomas 50 Georgia 16 17 Cox Thomas 14 Georgia 12 687 Crow Calhoun 14 Florida 9 686 Crow Eliza 58 Georgia 30 700 Crow Ellerin 7 Florida 24 699 Crow Ellerin H. 50 Alabama 25 699 Crow Emily 43 Alabama 11 687 Crow Henry 20 Florida 29 700 Crow John 9 Florida 28 700 Crow Nathan 11 Florida 26 699 Crow Robert 14 Florida 27 699 Crow Thomas 12 Florida 10 687 Crow Valea 25 Georgia 31 700 Crow William 5 Florida 8 686 Crow Willis M. 50 Georgia 24 249 Dan Adeline 5 Florida 22 249 Dan Caroline 9 Florida 20 249 Dan Clarissa 13 Florida 27 250 Dan Eliza 14 Georgia 25 250 Dan Elliott, Jr. 28 Georgia 12 246 Dan Elliott, Sr. 56 Connecticutt 19 249 Dan Emma 15 Florida 21 249 Dan Francis 11 Florida 23 249 Dan George 7 Florida 18 249 Dan Hanford 17 Florida 15 248 Dan Henry 24 Florida 29 250 Dan John 2 Florida 13 246 Dan Mary 48 Georgia 28 250 Dan Mary Ann 7 Georgia 17 249 Dan Mary L. 19 Florida 26 250 Dan Sarah 35 Georgia 14 247 Dan Stephen 26 Georgia 16 249 Dan William 22 Florida 34 632 Davis Caroline 13 Florida 32 631 Davis Francis 16 Georgia 36 632 Davis George W. 7 Florida 33 350 Davis James 42 Georgia 38 351 Davis James 6 Alabama 37 351 Davis Jefferson 10 Alabama 35 632 Davis Joseph 10 Florida 35 350 Davis Loretta 14 Alabama 39 351 Davis Lula 4 Alabama 34 350 Davis Mary 33 Alabama 40 351 Davis Mary 1 Alabama 31 631 Davis Nancy 36 Georgia 13 358 Davis Samuel 15 Georgia 36 351 Davis Walter 12 Alabama 30 631 Davis William H. 46 Georgia 33 632 Davis Winney 14 Florida 29 301 Delk No name 10 mo. Florida 28 301 Delk Samantha 25 Georgia 27 301 Delk William S. 56 Georgia 15 527 Dickerson George 23 Virginia 26 533 Dickson Dan 23 Georgia 37 242 Dinkens Nancy 13 Georgia 36 242 Dinkens Susan 18 Georgia 8 324 Doar Charles 20 Georgia 20 287 Dorset Anne 16 S. Carolina 19 287 Dorset John 24 S. Carolina 7 417 Doyle Ada E. 3 Florida 8 417 Doyle Arthur J. 2 Florida 6 417 Doyle Mary C. 25 Georgia 5 417 Doyle Micael J. 32 Ireland 16 35 Drawdy David 10 Florida 20 36 Drawdy David 2 Florida 15 35 Drawdy Jane 12 Florida 19 36 Drawdy Jane 30 Georgia 13 35 Drawdy Levi 38 Georgia 14 35 Drawdy Polly 30 Georgia 18 35 Drawdy Susan 4 Florida 17 35 Drawdy William 8 Florida 24 650 Driggers Amanda 15 Georgia 21 649 Driggers Catharine 20 Georgia 35 384 Driggers Edward 27 Georgia 36 384 Driggers Elizabeth 23 Florida 23 649 Driggers Georgia 16 Georgia 28 650 Driggers Jane 8 Georgia 29 650 Driggers Jessie 6 Georgia 20 649 Driggers Louisa 22 Georgia 25 650 Driggers Maria 14 Georgia 22 649 Driggers Marion 18 Georgia 27 650 Driggers Marion 10 Georgia 19 648 Driggers Tabitha 43 Georgia 26 650 Driggers William 12 Georgia 18 648 Driggers William W. 48 Georgia 40 178 Driggs Francis 49 Georgia 2 178 Driggs Frank 18 Georgia 4 179 Driggs Mary 15 Florida 7 179 Driggs Simeon 9 Florida 5 179 Driggs Thomas 13 Florida 3 179 Driggs Virginia 19 Georgia 6 179 Driggs William 11 Florida 1 178 Driggs Winnie 50 Georgia 35 251 Dunaway America 10 Georgia 34 251 Dunaway Benjamin 12 Georgia 30 251 Dunaway Elizabeth 48 Georgia 27 629 Dunaway Florida 10 Florida 4 254 Dunaway John 27 Georgia 6 254 Dunaway Marsten 3 Florida 32 251 Dunaway Mary 16 Georgia 26 629 Dunaway Mary J. 12 Florida 33 251 Dunaway Nathan 14 Georgia 15 297 Dunaway Nora 20 Florida 5 254 Dunaway Rebecca 28 Georgia 31 251 Dunaway Robert 18 Georgia 16 297 Dunaway Samuel 8 mo. Florida 14 297 Dunaway Sydney 23 Georgia 38 400 Durance Emily 8 Florida 39 400 Durance Francis 6 Florida 40 400 Durance Jane 4 Florida 35 400 Durance John 45 Florida 37 400 Durance Joseph 10 Florida 36 400 Durance Rosanna 28 Florida 11 391 Durrance Candas 17 Florida 12 391 Durrance Joseph 12 Florida 13 391 Durrance Mary 10 Florida 9 390 Durrance Rufus 43 Georgia 15 391 Durrance Rufus 4 Florida 10 390 Durrance Sarah 37 Georgia 14 391 Durrance William 7 Florida 36 660 Dykes Duncan 30 Georgia 37 660 Dykes Jane 22 Florida 3 401 Earnest Blan 9 Georgia 1 401 Earnest Charles 36 Tennessee 4 401 Earnest Edward 5 Georgia 20 444 Earnest Elijah 30 Tennessee 18 443 Earnest Felix W. 64 Tennessee 23 444 Earnest John 4 mo. Georgia 5 401 Earnest Lily 3 Georgia 21 444 Earnest Maggie 20 Georgia 19 443 Earnest Rachel 61 Tennessee 22 444 Earnest Samuel 2 Georgia 2 401 Earnest Sarah 30 Tennessee 21 49 Edwards Scipis 27 Georgia 39 80 Ellis Martha J. 29 Georgia 40 80 Ellis Martha V. 15 Georgia 1 80 Ellis Mary W. 11 Florida 38 80 Ellis William L. A. 39 Georgia 18 543 Emanuel Kate 6 Florida 17 543 Emanuel Mary 10 Florida 19 543 Emanuel Mary 4 Florida 16 543 Emanuel Sarah 26 Florida 20 543 Emanuel Wesley 2 Florida 36 202 Eppes Carrie 13 Florida 34 202 Eppes Francis 60 Georgia 37 202 Eppes Frank 20 Florida 35 202 Eppes Sarah E. 51 Georgia 29 126 Ericsson John P. 35 Sweden 5 64 Ervin Aaron B Florida 2 64 Ervin Amy 40 Florida 3 64 Ervin Louisa 18 Florida 4 64 Ervin Lucinda 10 Florida 24 424 Evans Alice 1 Florida 20 424 Evans Charles G. 33 S. Carolina 21 113 Evans Elizabeth 35 Florida 22 424 Evans Elizabeth 4 Florida 22 113 Evans Franklin 13 Florida 20 113 Evans John 48 England 9 636 Evans Joseph 27 Georgia 23 424 Evans Lulu 2 Florida 24 113 Evans Robert 3 Florida 23 113 Evans Virginia 9 Florida 21 424 Evans Virginia 26 Georgia 36 78 Farnell A. P. 25 Georgia 13 421 Fergurson Florence 26 Virginia 12 421 Fergurson John 31 N. Carolina 14 421 Fergurson Willis 5 N. Carolina 11 66 Ferguson Brown 25 Florida 13 66 Ferguson Jane 1 Florida 12 66 Ferguson Louisa 24 Florida 39 582 Fewhawks Eliza 9 Florida 38 582 Fewhawks Joel 12 Florida 35 581 Fewhawks Martha 35 Georgia 1 582 Fewhawks Martha 5 Florida 40 582 Fewhawks Mary 7 Florida 34 581 Fewhawks Robert 50 Georgia 37 581 Fewhawks Sarah 14 Florida 36 581 Fewhawks Viney 16 Florida 2 582 Fewhawks William 6 mo. Florida 40 433 Fly Sallie 20 N. Carolina 29 347 Ford Emily 50 Georgia 28 347 Ford Thomas 60 England 37 230 Foster Francis 51 Rhode Island 31 411 Foster Francis 20 Florida 30 411 Foster John 34 Tennessee 33 411 Foster John 1 Florida 32 411 Foster Maggie 2 Florida 25 88 Fowler David 55 Vermont 26 88 Fowler Martha 50 Georgia 21 345 Freeborn Eliza 35 Virginia 4 322 Freeborn Ella 8 Florida 5 322 Freeborn Henrietta 5 Florida 9 324 Freeborn William 13 Florida 9 283 Freeland Jessee 26 Georgia 23 620 Frier Andrew 8 Florida 28 621 Frier Barbara 5 mo. Florida 18 619 Frier Caroline 40 Georgia 21 620 Frier Elizabeth 14 Florida 26 621 Frier Elmira 21 Georgia 27 621 Frier George 2 Florida 22 620 Frier Hannah 11 Florida 17 619 Frier Jackson 42 Georgia 19 619 Frier Jordan 15 Florida 29 622 Frier Jordan 67 Georgia 25 621 Frier Samson 22 Florida 20 619 Frier William 12 Florida 24 620 Frier Willie 6 Florida 22 491 Fryer William 38 N. York 18 169 Fuller Thomas 24 Georgia 30 73 Fulso P. G. 26 Georgia 35 515 Garcia Larry 45 Ireland 37 497 Gardner Eliza 55 S. Carolina 38 497 Gardner John 10 Florida 37 431 Garreth B. F. 23 Alabama 37 643 Garrett Aritha 50 Georgia 39 643 Garrett Chaney 14 Florida 3 643 Garrett Elizabeth 7 Florida 1 643 Garrett James 11 Florida 40 643 Garrett Lewis 12 Florida 1 450 Garrett Mary 37 N. Carolina 2 643 Garrett Mary 10 Florida 38 643 Garrett Sarah F. 16 Florida 13 221 Gaskins Sarah 20 Florida 8 180 Gerkins Harriett 48 Georgia 38 335 Gerkins Jane 16 Florida 37 335 Gerkins John 25 Florida 27 640 Gilbert Ancel 11 mo. Florida 23 640 Gilbert Isaac 35 S. Carolina 26 640 Gilbert Laura 4 Florida 25 640 Gilbert Lavina 10 Florida 24 640 Gilbert Nancy 30 Florida 9 469 Gilbert William 22 N. Carolina 23 329 Giles James 8 Florida 22 329 Giles William 12 Florida 11 182 Gill Clarence 14 Georgia 9 181 Gill Francis 38 Georgia 12 182 Gill Francis 8 Florida 13 182 Gill Hardy 4 Florida 10 182 Gill Julia 36 Georgia 15 182 Gill No name 1 mo. Florida 14 182 Gill Thedone 2 Florida 8 674 Gillespi Catharine 31 N. Carolina 9 674 Gillespi Elizabeth 3 Florida 7 674 Gillespi M. 38 Georgia 12 440 Ginn Arthus 65 Ireland 39 498 Glenn Caroline 25 Florida 40 498 Glenn John 3 Florida 14 156 Glover Charlie 12 S. Carolina 17 157 Glover Charlotte 6 S. Carolina 11 156 Glover Fannie 45 S. Carolina 13 156 Glover Jane 14 S. Carolina 16 157 Glover Mary 8 S. Carolina 12 156 Glover Rosetta 16 S. Carolina 15 157 Glover Sallie 10 S. Carolina 18 157 Glover Susan 4 S. Carolina 19 157 Glover Thomas 1 Florida 10 156 Glover William 60 S. Carolina 12 45 Godfrey Maggie 16 Georgia 30 38 Godwin Betsy 37 Georgia 32 38 Godwin Elizabeth 10 Florida 33 38 Godwin Miser 2 Florida 29 38 Godwin Miser M. 42 Georgia 31 38 Godwin Pink 13 Florida 16 168 Goodman Henry 10 Georgia 15 168 Goodman John 15 Georgia 14 168 Goodman Maria 42 Georgia 13 168 Goodman Marion 25 Florida 17 168 Goodman Mary 6 Florida 10 295 Gore Hiram 35 N. York 37 22 Gosen Henry 42 Georgia 39 22 Gosen Henry 12 Georgia 40 22 Gosen Jane 8 Georgia 38 22 Gosen Sallie 35 Georgia 9 523 Goss Allen 22 Florida 26 331 Goulsby Elizabeth 20 Florida 28 331 Goulsby Elizabeth 8 mo. Florida 27 331 Goulsby Ella 8 Florida 18 328 Goulsby Frank 13 Florida 16 328 Goulsby Jacob 17 Florida 21 328 Goulsby John 6 Florida 19 328 Goulsby Lolow 10 Florida 14 327 Goulsby Mary 40 Georgia 29 332 Goulsby Richard 40 Georgia 15 327 Goulsby Samuel 19 Florida 17 328 Goulsby Virginia 27 Florida 13 327 Goulsby William 56 Georgia 20 328 Goulsby William 8 Florida 25 331 Goulsby William 27 Georgia 20 8 Graddick Alice 5 Florida 18 8 Graddick Eliza 28 Georgia 19 8 Graddick Elvira 9 Florida 17 8 Graddick Henry 35 S. Carolina 22 8 Graddick Henry 1 Florida 21 8 Graddick William 3 Florida 7 323 Grant Elmira 22 Georgia 6 323 Grant Henry 26 Georgia 6 42 Graves Cornelia 12 Florida 8 43 Graves Elizabeth 22 Florida 7 43 Graves Henry 37 Florida 9 43 Graves Henry 1 Florida 2 42 Graves John 50 N. Carolina 3 42 Graves Mary 47 N. Carolina 4 42 Graves Mollie 18 Florida 5 42 Graves Warren M Florida 23 363 Green Manuel 31 S. Carolina 7 402 Greg Nancy 42 Georgia 6 402 Greg Thadden 45 Virginia 35 642 Griffin Ardela 7 Florida 28 641 Griffin Benjamin 50 N. Carolina 34 642 Griffin Benjamin 9 Florida 33 642 Griffin George 12 Florida 31 642 Griffin John 18 Georgia 30 641 Griffin Maryilia 20 Georgia 32 642 Griffin Missouri 16 Georgia 29 641 Griffin Rachel 45 Georgia 36 642 Griffin Rachel 5 Florida 27 396 Griss John E. 12 Georgia 36 103 Groaner David 10 Florida 6 437 Guist Catherine 28 N. Carolina 5 437 Guist Philip 45 Germany 16 67 Haines Alfred 12 Florida 21 259 Halcolm Alfred 49 Georgia 24 260 Halcolm Alfred 11 Georgia 23 260 Halcolm Mary 21 Georgia 22 259 Halcolm Matilda 54 Georgia 33 228 Haldren Cora 3 Florida 32 228 Haldren John 5 Florida 31 228 Haldren Mary 7 Florida 29 227 Haldren Nancy 33 Florida 34 228 Haldren Nosman 2 Florida 30 228 Haldren William 9 Florida 28 227 Haldren William H. 43 Virginia 6 673 Hall Addeline 4 mo. Florida 8 486 Hall Daniel 60 N. York 2 673 Hall Ezekiel 26 Georgia 4 616 Hall Francis 15 Georgia 38 614 Hall John 47 Georgia 5 673 Hall John 2 Florida 40 615 Hall Laura 19 Georgia 3 616 Hall Lewis 16 Georgia 8 617 Hall Louisa 4 Georgia 39 614 Hall Lucinda 28 Georgia 2 616 Hall Margaret 17 Georgia 7 617 Hall Marietta 10 Georgia 3 673 Hall Nancy 18 Florida 5 616 Hall Page 14 Georgia 9 486 Hall Sarah 55 Georgia 9 617 Hall Susannah 2 Georgia 4 673 Hall Thereon 3 Florida 10 617 Hall Wetherford 6 Georgia 1 616 Hall Willey 18 Georgia 6 616 Hall William 12 Georgia 8 522 Hamilton Allen 25 S. Carolina 29 214 Hansel Asa 6 Georgia 34 217 Hansel Caroline 34 Georgia 26 214 Hansel Charles 12 Georgia 36 217 Hansel Charles 13 Georgia 37 218 Hansel James 11 Georgia 28 214 Hansel Jennie 9 Georgia 40 218 Hansel John 2 Georgia 38 218 Hansel Mary E. 8 Georgia 33 217 Hansel Michael 36 Georgia 39 218 Hansel Oliver 3 Georgia 27 214 Hansel William 10 Georgia 35 217 Hansel William 15 Georgia 15 697 Hardy Jacob 9 Florida 16 697 Hardy John 7 Florida 17 697 Hardy Nancy 2 Florida 13 697 Hardy Sarah 28 Alabama 14 697 Hardy Sarah 11 Georgia 15 208 Harney Selby 13 Kentucky 13 208 Harney William 38 Indiana 14 208 Harney William 1 Kentucky 11 454 Harold Celia 13 Florida 8 452 Harold Eliza 48 Georgia 14 454 Harold Eliza 5 Florida 13 454 Harold Henry 9 Florida 7 452 Harold James 47 Georgia 12 454 Harold James 12 Florida 10 454 Harold William 20 Georgia 11 375 Harrington Edward 10 Penn. 14 375 Harrington Hellen 4 Penn. 12 375 Harrington John 8 New York 13 375 Harrington Julia 6 Penn. 10 374 Harrington Lucinda 34 New York 18 378 Harrington Martha 24 New York 15 375 Harrington Robert 1 New York 9 374 Harrington Sayre B. 33 New York 20 529 Harris Isham 30 S. Carolina 30 214 Harris John 1 Florida 25 213 Harris Nancy 31 Georgia 24 213 Harris William 40 Georgia 1 1 Hart Christopher 34 Florida 12 5 Hart Daniel 19 Florida 24 9 Hart Elizabeth 17 Georgia 23 610 Hart Elizabeth 6 Florida 20 609 Hart Francis 30 S. Carolina 9 4 Hart Isaiah 26 Florida 23 9 Hart John 19 Florida 19 609 Hart John W. 50 S. Carolina 10 4 Hart Manervia 19 Georgia 3 1 Hart Mary 8 Florida 11 5 Hart Mary A. 56 Florida 22 610 Hart Mary J. 7 Georgia 2 1 Hart Pink P. 25 Florida 24 610 Hart Sherman 2 Florida 21 610 Hart William H. 22 Georgia 20 489 Hartley Corene 5 mo. Florida 12 488 Hartley Daniel 41 Georgia 16 489 Hartley Daniel 16 Georgia 13 488 Hartley Francis 38 Georgia 18 489 Hartley Frank 5 Florida 19 489 Hartley George 3 Florida 14 488 Hartley Green 21 Georgia 15 488 Hartley James 17 Georgia 17 489 Hartley Julia 11 Florida 23 569 Harvey George W. 15 Florida 25 569 Harvey Hatton 10 Florida 26 569 Harvey John 8 Florida 22 569 Harvey Martha 17 Florida 24 569 Harvey Mary Ann 12 Florida 1 434 Hatchett Dallas 25 S. Carolina 40 40 Hawthorne John 6 Florida 37 40 Hawthorne LaFayette 40 Georgia 39 40 Hawthorne LaFayette 12 Georgia 38 40 Hawthorne Sylvestius 39 Georgia 28 534 Hays Ransom 25 Florida 34 399 Heard Hetty 4 Florida 31 623 Hendricks Emily 13 Florida 30 623 Hendricks Jane 35 Georgia 32 623 Hendricks Roxey Anna 11 Florida 33 623 Hendricks Sarah Anne 9 Florida 20 27 Herndon Catherine 35 Georgia 21 27 Herndon Cathy 4 Florida 19 27 Herndon John H. 58 Georgia 13 5 Hickman Isaas 14 N. Carolina 40 14 Hickman John 16 N. Carolina 11 420 Hight Solomon 25 Georgia 3 425 Hill Benjamin 23 Florida 11 487 Hill Thomas 33 Georgia 7 485 Hodge Sarah 60 Georgia 9 16 Hodges Henry 10 Florida 20 18 Hodges Henry 60 Georgia 32 188 Hodges Hester 31 Georgia 33 188 Hodges Isaac 4 Florida 34 188 Hodges James 2 Florida 8 16 Hodges Jane 39 Georgia 22 18 Hodges John 20 Georgia 24 18 Hodges Lamb 16 Florida 23 18 Hodges Oirey 18 Florida 7 16 Hodges Samuel 42 Georgia 10 16 Hodges Samuel 6 Florida 21 18 Hodges Sarah 55 Georgia 7 166 Hodges William 15 Florida 31 188 Hodges William 38 Georgia 12 471 Holland Herbert 35 Massachusetts 13 471 Holland Sarah 27 N. York 14 472 Holland Ursula 24 N. York 9 144 Holoway Amanda 17 Florida 10 144 Holoway Cornelies 2 Florida 8 144 Holoway Edward 22 Georgia 23 148 Holoway John 15 Georgia 11 144 Holoway Noah 1 Florida 33 652 Hooker Anne 36 Georgia 12 656 Hooker Emily 36 Georgia 38 652 Hooker George 5 Florida 5 484 Hooker Henry 9 Florida 36 652 Hooker Margaret 8 Florida 13 656 Hooker Martha 8 Florida 37 652 Hooker Matilda 6 Florida 15 656 Hooker Matilda 6 Florida 34 652 Hooker Methin 12 Florida 16 656 Hooker Nameless 1 Florida 4 484 Hooker Nancy 25 Florida 6 484 Hooker Sarah 7 Florida 3 484 Hooker Stephen 33 Florida 14 656 Hooker Thomas 10 Florida 32 652 Hooker William 40 Florida 35 652 Hooker William 10 Florida 27 513 Hughey Alonzo 18 Florida 10 121 Hughey Bernard 15 Florida 6 121 Hughey Eliza 12 Florida 29 513 Hughey Ellen 14 Florida 30 513 Hughey Georgia 11 Florida 25 512 Hughey Hannah 55 Georgia 7 121 Hughey Ira 10 Florida 2 120 Hughey James 46 Georgia 8 121 Hughey James 8 Florida 4 120 Hughey John 16 Florida 24 512 Hughey John 77 Georgia 26 513 Hughey Lawrence 23 Florida 28 513 Hughey Milton 15 Florida 5 120 Hughey Sallie 14 Florida 3 120 Hughey Susan 35 Georgia 9 121 Hughey Thomas 6 Florida 29 428 Hughey Thomas 19 Florida 22 172 Hull Emily 33 Georgia 40 92 Hull Isaac 22 Florida 26 173 Hull Jane 7 Florida 27 173 Hull Lizzie 5 Florida 24 172 Hull Mary 11 Florida 29 173 Hull Nancy 1 Florida 28 173 Hull Simeon 3 Florida 25 172 Hull Warren 9 Florida 21 172 Hull William 40 Georgia 23 172 Hull William 13 Florida 6 388 Humphreys Charles 8 Florida 5 388 Humphreys Joseph 19 Florida 4 388 Humphreys Sarisa 37 Florida 3 388 Humphreys William 43 Florida 7 388 Humphreys William 3 Florida 27 72 Hunter Abraham 6 Florida 25 70 Hunter Eliza 36 Florida 26 70 Hunter John 8 Florida 28 72 Hunter Margaret 4 Florida 24 70 Hunter William A. 45 Georgia 27 149 Ivey Amy 13 Florida 4 416 Ivey Caroline 5 mo. Florida 40 243 Ivey Clara 2 mo. Florida 26 149 Ivey Hetty C. 15 Florida 24 149 Ivey John 35 Florida 30 150 Ivey John 7 Florida 1 416 Ivey John 26 Alabama 31 150 Ivey Joshua 2 Florida 28 150 Ivey Lewis 11 Florida 39 243 Ivey Mary 20 Florida 25 149 Ivey Matilda 31 Georgia 29 150 Ivey Robert 9 Florida 38 243 Ivey Robert 24 Florida 3 416 Ivey Samuel 3 Florida 2 416 Ivey Sarah 26 Georgia 26 425 Jackson David 10 Georgia 16 183 Jackson George 46 Georgia 2 435 Jackson Henry 35 Georgia 28 461 Jackson Joanna 17 Alabama 1 33 Jacobs Caspian 12 Florida 37 32 Jacobs Dorcas 50 N. Carolina 40 33 Jacobs Gooden 16 N. Carolina 38 33 Jacobs Joshua 21 N. Carolina 39 33 Jacobs Mary 18 N. Carolina 2 33 Jacobs Susan 9 Florida 3 33 Jacobs Thomas 3 Florida 36 32 Jacobs William 51 N. Carolina 24 364 James Hamilton 28 S. Carolina 39 481 Jaycox Charles 26 N. Carolina 32 333 Jeffcoate Alexander 12 Florida 34 333 Jeffcoate Anna 3 mo. Florida 33 333 Jeffcoate Glover 8 Florida 30 333 Jeffcoate Marion 35 S. Carolina 31 333 Jeffcoate Pancy 39 Georgia 6 292 Jeffocat Eliza 75 S. Carolina 5 292 Jeffocat Joel 65 S. Carolina 31 74 Jelks Needham W. 22 Georgia 32 303 Jenkins Daniel 34 S. Carolina 33 303 Jenkins Nealy 16 Florida 31 201 Johns Andrew 24 Florida 33 201 Johns Andrew 1 Florida 29 602 Johns Andrew 22 Florida 11 235 Johns Bettie 14 Florida 30 127 Johns Burb 36 Florida 12 236 Johns C. C. 45 Florida 36 128 Johns Charles 3 Florida 8 235 Johns Cornelius 26 Florida 40 190 Johns Cressy 16 Florida 1 190 Johns Elizabeth 13 Florida 38 190 Johns Ellen 40 Georgia 2 190 Johns Ellen 11 Florida 27 226 Johns George 18 Florida 15 236 Johns George 4 Florida 3 190 Johns James 7 Florida 14 236 Johns Joseph 19 Florida 10 235 Johns Lamb 15 Florida 31 602 Johns Lewis 1 Florida 31 127 Johns Marzina 30 S. Carolina 37 128 Johns Not named 6 mo. Florida 32 201 Johns Rebecca 23 Florida 13 236 Johns Rebecca 35 Florida 30 602 Johns Rebecca 20 Florida 39 130 Johns William 51 Georgia 39 190 Johns William 18 Florida 29 199 Johns William 20 Florida 9 235 Johns Zilpha 33 Florida 20 568 Johnson Amos 13 Florida 18 567 Johnson Axyanna 39 Georgia 27 569 Johnson Axyanna 4 Florida 20 48 Johnson Bolivar 21 Georgia 21 568 Johnson Catharine 11 Florida 32 349 Johnson Emeline 20 Florida 14 526 Johnson George 22 Georgia 27 137 Johnson Hatnra 26 Georgia 24 492 Johnson James 15 Georgia 23 492 Johnson Jane 30 Georgia 19 567 Johnson Lewis 15 Florida 17 567 Johnson Stephen 45 S. Carolina 26 137 Johnson William 32 Georgia 15 6 Jones Harriett 1 Florida 4 501 Jones King 22 Georgia 14 6 Jones Louisa 28 S. Carolina 10 419 Jones Peter 15 Florida 1 119 Jones Terrill 16 Florida 39 232 Jones William 48 England 19 170 Jones Williard 25 Florida 35 278 Joyner Carrie 14 Georgia 36 278 Joyner Eliza 12 Alabama 33 278 Joyner Elizabeth 57 Georgia 34 278 Joyner Nancy 20 Georgia 32 278 Joyner Robert 67 Georgia 34 128 Keene Dolly 10 Florida 23 545 Keene James 11 Florida 21 544 Keene James B. 32 Florida 35 128 Keene John 7 Florida 24 545 Keene Margaret 7 Florida 22 544 Keene Mary 31 S. Carolina 33 128 Keene Sarah 13 Florida 25 545 Keene Texas 1 Florida 32 128 Keene William 16 Florida 35 495 Kemp Henry 20 Florida 10 96 Kenady Fulton 5 Florida 11 97 Kenady George 4 Florida 8 96 Kenady Margaret 25 Georgia 7 96 Kenady Marion 28 Georgia 12 97 Kenady Mary 3 Florida 13 97 Kenady Robert 1 Florida 9 96 Kenady Thomas 7 Florida 32 216 King Charles 71 Georgia 31 215 King Elizabeth 64 Georgia 34 659 Kirkland Ellen 4 Florida 30 659 Kirkland Emma 14 Florida 31 659 Kirkland Franklin 12 Florida 22 639 Kirkland James W. 17 Georgia 29 659 Kirkland John 16 Florida 37 633 Kirkland John G. 14 Georgia 26 658 Kirkland Martha 38 Georgia 27 658 Kirkland Martha 20 Florida 28 659 Kirkland Mary 18 Florida 20 639 Kirkland Mathew 19 Georgia 32 659 Kirkland Misoura 8 Florida 35 659 Kirkland Perry 2 Florida 25 658 Kirkland Robert 40 Georgia 33 659 Kirkland Robert 6 Florida 21 639 Kirkland Solona 15 Georgia 23 136 Knowles Doctor 50 Bahama Islands 24 136 Knowles Emmeline 20 Alabama 25 136 Knowles Missouri 12 Georgia 10 675 Lamar John H. 60 Georgia 33 61 Lassiter Angelina 21 Georgia 32 61 Lassiter William P. 23 Alabama 23 59 Laster Amos 23 Georgia 25 59 Laster Cesar 2 Florida 24 59 Laster Sallie 22 Georgia 26 59 Laster William 1 Florida 10 44 Lawton Alexander 29 S. Carolina 13 45 Lawton Robert 23 Georgia 11 44 Lawton Sarah 24 S. Carolina 12 194 Lee Caroline 17 Florida 19 185 Lee Catherine 69 Georgia 5 143 Lee Eli 26 Florida 6 143 Lee Eliza 20 Florida 25 187 Lee Ellen 10 Florida 24 187 Lee Fatima 30 Florida 29 187 Lee Francis 2 Florida 20 186 Lee Hiram 22 Florida 21 186 Lee Jane 16 Florida 13 194 Lee Jane 15 Florida 27 187 Lee Pandora 7 Florida 26 187 Lee Penalla 8 Florida 23 187 Lee Riley 37 Florida 30 187 Lee Riley 1 Florida 18 185 Lee Vincent 83 Georgia 7 143 Lee William 1 Florida 28 187 Lee William 5 Florida 37 12 LeFieste Aaron 6 Florida 36 12 LeFieste Frank 22 Florida 35 11 LeFieste Harriett 40 Georgia 16 376 Lenard Andrew 27 Mass. 4 372 Lewis Annabell 6 Georgia 2 372 Lewis Edwin 11 Georgia 40 372 Lewis Elias R. 35 Florida 3 436 Lewis George 22 Florida 35 479 Lewis James 26 Georgia 5 372 Lewis Jessie 4 Georgia 36 479 Lewis Martha 21 Georgia 4 436 Lewis Miranda 60 N. Carolina 1 372 Lewis Rebecca 28 Georgia 3 372 Lewis Sallie 9 Georgia 6 23 Livingston Caroline 2 Florida 1 23 Livingston David 35 Georgia 4 23 Livingston Henry 6 Florida 3 23 Livingston Jane 8 Florida 7 24 Livingston Jones 68 Georgia 2 23 Livingston Mary 30 Georgia 5 23 Livingston Mary 4 Florida 8 24 Livingston Nancy 65 Georgia 23 37 Long Alonzo 14 Florida 33 139 Long Amanda 20 Georgia 24 37 Long Calvin 13 Florida 12 34 Long Elvira 18 N. Carolina 22 58 Long Fannie 25 N. Carolina 7 2 Long Gabriel 10 N. Carolina 34 139 Long Gabriel 3 Florida 32 139 Long John 22 Georgia 35 139 Long John 1 Florida 20 212 Long Kager 24 N. Carolina 36 140 Long Mary 60 Georgia 25 37 Long Penelope 10 Florida 33 29 Long Polly 16 N. Carolina 35 39 Long Prudence 18 N. Carolina 36 39 Long Prudence 1 Florida 21 37 Long Reuben 38 N. Carolina 23 212 Long Sabina 1 Florida 22 37 Long Sarah 30 N. Carolina 21 212 Long Serina 23 S. Carolina 6 2 Long Sibia 13 N. Carolina 28 37 Long Thomas 1 Florida 34 39 Long Thomas P. 22 N. Carolina 22 212 Long William 3 Florida 27 37 Long (twins) Christopher 6 Florida 26 37 Long (twins) Reuben 6 Florida 38 13 Love John 45 S. Carolina 14 311 Love John 7 Florida 16 311 Love Olley 1 Florida 13 311 Love Sallie 33 Ohio 12 311 Love Samuel 42 S. Carolina 8 389 Love Samuel 50 Georgia 15 311 Love Tallulah 5 Florida 1 165 Lovel Ellen 12 Florida 5 166 Lovel Florence 2 Florida 6 166 Lovel Ida 2 mo. Florida 3 165 Lovel James 6 Florida 40 165 Lovel John 14 Florida 39 165 Lovel Mary 15 Florida 38 165 Lovel Narcissa 38 Georgia 4 166 Lovel Robert 4 Florida 2 165 Lovel William 9 Florida 37 165 Lovel William A. 42 Georgia 26 160 Lucas ? E. 40 Georgia 27 160 Lucas John 16 Georgia 32 477 Lynch Fannie 30 Georgia 31 477 Lynch John 49 Ireland 33 477 Lynch Mary 9 Georgia 20 361 Mack John 30 S. Carolina 21 361 Mack Lawrence 28 S. Carolina 7 308 Madison James 22 Mississippi 14 273 Madoy Gillum 47 Virginia 29 277 Mallard Angelina 6 Georgia 28 277 Mallard Barton 7 Georgia 26 276 Mallard Charles 15 Georgia 25 276 Mallard Elizabeth 27 Georgia 31 277 Mallard Franklin 2 Georgia 30 277 Mallard Henrietta 4 Georgia 27 276 Mallard James 13 Georgia 24 276 Mallard John 37 Georgia 11 310 Mandorn James 38 England 29 241 Mann Archibald 30 Georgia 32 241 Mann Archie 9 Georgia 31 241 Mann Barrona 10 Georgia 35 241 Mann Benjamin 2 Florida 34 241 Mann Henry 5 Florida 33 241 Mann John 7 Florida 30 241 Mann Nicy 28 Georgia 38 104 Manning Madison 14 Florida 39 104 Manning Pink 10 Florida 37 104 Manning Sallie 40 Florida 11 524 Marks Addie 25 Georgia 19 456 Marks Jacintha 56 Georgia 10 524 Marks Richard 30 Georgia 15 422 Martin A. C. 33 N. Carolina 17 422 Martin Catherine 2 Florida 8 270 Martin Elijah 50 N. Carolina 9 270 Martin Eliza 36 Virginia 10 270 Martin Emma 10 N. Carolina 16 422 Martin Mary 24 Georgia 18 422 Martin Virginia 1 Florida 11 270 Martin William 3 N. Carolina 40 320 Mason Christianna 47 Ohio 39 320 Mason Zelotus 56 Pennsylvania 36 430 Mathews Anne 1 Florida 32 430 Mathews Celia 33 S. Carolina 33 430 Mathews Sarah 10 Florida 34 430 Mathews Solomon 5 Florida 31 430 Mathews Thomas 46 Florida 35 430 Mathews Thomas 4 Florida 1 93 Mayo D. L. 45 Alabama 4 95 Mayo James 11 Alabama 2 93 Mayo Lucy M. 40 Alabama 6 95 Mayo Marion F. 6 Alabama 5 95 Mayo Mary 9 Alabama 3 94 Mayo William 13 Alabama 16 508 Mazaros Emerie 40 Poland 35 464 McAllister Maria 23 N. Carolina 3 451 McCand Aaron 62 Georgia 5 451 McCand Anna 16 Georgia 4 451 McCand Jane 39 Georgia 6 451 McCand Jossie 3 Florida 32 535 McCoy Alexander 40 S. Carolina 26 670 McCraney Ada 7 Florida 22 678 McCraney Albert 18 Florida 24 670 McCraney Alina 12 Florida 28 670 McCraney Claudius 3 Florida 27 670 McCraney Duncan 5 Florida 19 678 McCraney Duncan 44 Georgia 25 670 McCraney Emma 9 Florida 23 678 McCraney Florence 15 Florida 21 678 McCraney Laura 20 Florida 20 678 McCraney Margaret 38 Georgia 29 670 McCraney Nameless 9 mo. Florida 22 362 McCreary Pinckney 27 S. Carolina 25 459 McDonald George 3 Wisconsin 23 459 McDonald John 28 Canada 24 459 McDonald Mary 22 Maine 26 459 McDonald Mary 6 mo. Florida 8 403 McDonald William 18 Florida 18 677 McEver Alonzo 1 Georgia 15 677 McEver Clarence 9 Georgia 17 677 McEver Clifford 3 Georgia 16 677 McEver Cloda 7 Georgia 13 677 McEver John P. 34 Georgia 14 677 McEver Sarah 32 Georgia 33 681 McEwen Alice 18 Georgia 32 681 McEwen Elizabeth 20 Georgia 40 684 McEwen Ellen 20 Alabama 39 684 McEwen Joshua 22 Georgia 1 684 McEwen Robert 1 Florida 31 681 McEwen Robert T. 48 Georgia 26 365 McFaden Abby 32 S. Carolina 27 365 McFaden Jeanette 13 S. Carolina 25 365 McFaden Theodore 36 S. Carolina 9 564 McKinsey Harriet M. 9 Georgia 6 564 McKinsey John 50 Georgia 10 564 McKinsey John 7 Georgia 11 564 McKinsey Raford 2 Florida 7 564 McKinsey Sarah 32 S. Carolina 8 564 McKinsey William A. 11 Florida 23 600 McLaughlin Elizabeth 16 S. Carolina 38 592 McLaughlin Henry 22 S. Carolina 21 599 McLaughlin John 24 S. Carolina 35 591 McLaughlin Louisa 4 Florida 36 591 McLaughlin Lucinda 3 Florida 33 591 McLaughlin Lyttleton 26 S. Carolina 1 592 McLaughlin Malcomb 1 Florida 37 591 McLaughlin Martha 1 Florida 40 592 McLaughlin Mary 3 Florida 39 592 McLaughlin Victoria 22 Georgia 22 600 McLaughlin William 18 S. Carolina 34 591 McLaughlin Zylpha 22 Florida 9 155 McLean Josephine 20 N. Carolina 20 158 Meeks Henry L. 23 Georgia 22 158 Meeks Laura V. 4 Florida 21 158 Meeks Sarah C. 24 Alabama 23 158 Meeks Thomas E. 1 Florida 8 3 Metcalf John 27 Georgia 16 7 Metcalf William 25 Georgia 11 405 Mette Georgiana 19 Georgia 10 405 Mette Jackson 25 Florida 14 406 Mette Lenora 10 mo. Florida 13 406 Mette Lydia 21 Florida 12 405 Mette Olivilde 10 mo. Florida 9 418 Metts Caroline 16 Florida 13 441 Miller Jerry 30 Georgia 14 441 Miller Minnie 28 Georgia 31 534 Miller Sim 22 S. Carolina 23 474 Mills Buddy 2 Florida 18 474 Mills Caroline 15 Florida 20 299 Mills Columbus 24 Tennessee 15 473 Mills Ebenezer 50 Georgia 19 474 Mills Elias 15 Florida 16 473 Mills Ellen 40 Georgia 21 474 Mills Ellen 8 Florida 24 159 Mills James M. 68 Tennessee 25 159 Mills Margaret 55 S. Carolina 22 474 Mills Martha 7 Florida 18 298 Mills Martha S. 22 Georgia 19 298 Mills Robert Lee 3 Georgia 17 473 Mills Roxanna 20 Florida 20 474 Mills Victoria 12 Florida 17 298 Mills William 48 Kentucky 22 69 Mitchell Henrietta 24 Florida 21 69 Mitchell J. F. 33 Virginia 23 69 Mitchell John 1 Florida 23 396 Montgomery Anne 11 Georgia 21 395 Montgomery Flamander 62 Georgia 25 396 Montgomery Hugh 6 Georgia 22 396 Montgomery James S. 26 Georgia 26 396 Montgomery Talemachus 5 Georgia 24 396 Montgomery Thomas 8 Georgia 30 200 Moody Joseph 23 Florida 10 356 Moore Alonza 30 Georgia 11 357 Moore Angus 48 Georgia 9 355 Moore Charlotte 50 Georgia 12 358 Moore Newton 24 Georgia 8 355 Moore William 70 Georgia 3 663 Murphey Allen 18 Florida 1 663 Murphey Ellen 22 Alabama 39 661 Murphey Harriet 50 Alabama 40 662 Murphey Lucinda 24 Alabama 2 663 Murphey Thomas 20 Florida 4 663 Murphey Wakefield 14 Florida 38 661 Murphey William 60 Alabama 21 125 Myzell Angeline 32 Georgia 11 122 Myzell David 62 Georgia 6 191 Myzell Fletcher 3 Florida 7 191 Myzell Ida 1 Florida 32 102 Myzell John 31 Florida 27 125 Myzell Joshua 4 Florida 35 103 Myzell Lena 1 Florida 25 125 Myzell Lulu 8 Florida 33 102 Myzell Maggie 21 Florida 22 125 Myzell Mary 14 Florida 12 122 Myzell Mary C. 66 Georgia 34 103 Myzell Minnie 2 Florida 4 191 Myzell Morgan 29 Florida 13 122 Myzell Sallie 21 Florida 23 125 Myzell Sallie 12 Florida 5 191 Myzell Sarah E. 27 Georgia 28 125 Myzell Stella 2 Florida 26 125 Myzell Thomas 6 Florida 24 125 Myzell William 10 Florida 11 595 Nancy J. 1 F Florida 40 336 Neal Gladny 14 Florida 11 326 Neal John 30 S. Carolina 12 326 Neal Martha 20 Florida 39 336 Neal Robert 22 Florida 39 91 Newton Benjamin 4 Florida 33 90 Newton Charles 50 Maine 36 91 Newton Charles 13 Florida 35 90 Newton Eliza 15 Florida 38 91 Newton Henry 7 Florida 34 90 Newton Mary 40 Georgia 37 91 Newton Walton 11 Florida 10 470 Nicholls Albert 28 N. York 11 470 Nicholls Maria 24 Georgia 22 315 Nicolls Jacob 23 S. Carolina 24 315 Nicolls James 5 N. Carolina 23 315 Nicolls Mary 30 S. Carolina 18 313 Noland John 21 S. Carolina 26 300 Norris Andrew 4 mo. Florida 24 300 Norris Ida 5 Mississippi 23 300 Norris John 9 Georgia 25 300 Norris Julia 3 Mississippi 21 300 Norris Martha 32 Georgia 22 300 Norris Mary 13 Georgia 31 289 Norwood Augusta 4 Florida 32 289 Norwood Dinah 2 Florida 30 289 Norwood Martha 27 N. Carolina 33 289 Norwood No name 5 mo. Florida 29 289 Norwood Selvin 30 N. Carolina 36 229 O'Connor James 47 Ireland 24 445 O'Neil Emmeline 33 S. Carolina 22 186 Orland William 12 Florida 33 76 Oskew Henry 19 Georgia 25 19 Osteen Jackson 24 Florida 27 19 Osteen Mary 2 Florida 26 19 Osteen Polly 20 Florida 17 455 Ostend David 6 Florida 16 455 Ostend John 9 Florida 18 455 Ostend Joseph 3 Florida 15 455 Ostend Marintha 25 Florida 25 589 Overstreet Eliza 18 Georgia 32 590 Overstreet George 2 mo. Florida 31 590 Overstreet Henrietta 3 Florida 22 589 Overstreet Henry 49 Georgia 27 590 Overstreet Henry 13 Florida 29 590 Overstreet John 9 Florida 24 589 Overstreet Malcolm 20 Georgia 23 589 Overstreet Mary 45 Georgia 26 590 Overstreet Mary 16 Georgia 28 590 Overstreet Savoras 11 Florida 30 590 Overstreet William 6 Florida 9 606 Padgett James 23 Florida 11 606 Padgett John 1 Florida 10 606 Padgett Lucy Ann 18 Florida 8 294 Page John S. 30 N. York 9 294 Page Mary 25 N. York 38 231 Parker James 25 N. Jersey 24 87 Parton Alonzo 2 mo. Florida 22 87 Parton Gilmore 24 Georgia 7 82 Parton Henry S. 36 Georgia 3 81 Parton Hugh 63 Georgia 9 82 Parton Hugh 10 Georgia 12 82 Parton James 2 mo. Florida 13 83 Parton James 25 Georgia 15 83 Parton Jeanette 1 Florida 5 81 Parton John 20 Georgia 23 87 Parton Margaret 18 Florida 14 83 Parton Mary 20 Georgia 4 81 Parton Nancy 50 Georgia 11 82 Parton Robert 3 Florida 20 85 Parton Robert 32 Georgia 8 82 Parton Ruth 30 Georgia 21 86 Parton Stephen 22 Georgia 6 81 Parton Temperance 18 Florida 10 82 Parton William 6 Florida 18 135 Patrick Andrew 12 Florida 21 135 Patrick Eliza 3 Florida 10 133 Patrick Hennigan 10 Florida 14 133 Patrick Henry 2 Florida 15 133 Patrick Isaiah 1 Florida 8 133 Patrick James 34 Florida 12 133 Patrick James 6 Florida 31 138 Patrick James 4 Florida 38 177 Patrick James 3 Florida 17 134 Patrick Jane 32 Florida 28 138 Patrick John 28 Florida 30 138 Patrick John 6 Florida 9 133 Patrick Lydia 27 Florida 11 133 Patrick Mary 8 Florida 19 135 Patrick Mary 11 Florida 29 138 Patrick Mary 21 Florida 37 177 Patrick Mary 24 Florida 39 177 Patrick Mary 2 Florida 13 133 Patrick Noah 5 Florida 22 135 Patrick Not named 6 mo. Florida 36 177 Patrick Richard 25 Florida 20 135 Patrick Robert 8 Florida 16 134 Patrick William 37 Florida 16 528 Perman Charles 50 Florida 18 112 Pervis Ebenezer 28 Georgia 11 109 Pervis Eliza 4 Florida 19 112 Pervis Henry 19 Georgia 5 108 Pervis Jeptha 53 Georgia 12 109 Pervis Julia 1 Florida 17 111 Pervis Love 23 Georgia 15 110 Pervis Lulu 4 Florida 16 110 Pervis Malvin 8 mo. Florida 6 108 Pervis Martha 36 Georgia 7 108 Pervis Martha 15 Georgia 9 109 Pervis Mary 7 Florida 13 110 Pervis Obadiah 27 Georgia 10 109 Pervis Paul 6 Florida 14 110 Pervis Rebecca 26 Florida 34 536 Pervis Robert 1 Florida 8 109 Pervis Roxia 10 Georgia 6 584 Peterson Elizabeth 17 Florida 9 584 Peterson Isaac 1 Florida 8 584 Peterson James 12 Florida 4 583 Peterson Lucy 22 Florida 5 583 Peterson Mitchell 19 Florida 3 583 Peterson Violet 48 Georgia 7 584 Peterson Williams 15 Florida 12 207 Pitts Fannie 74 Virginia 11 207 Pitts Walter 45 Virginia 40 233 Porter Marshall 50 England 1 233 Porter William 15 England 22 510 Potter Calhoun 16 Florida 23 629 Powell Andrew W. 16 Florida 1 53 Powell Anna 17 Georgia 4 234 Powell Arcadia 19 Florida 7 54 Powell Benjamin 12 Florida 9 54 Powell Caroline 9 Florida 39 53 Powell George C. 60 Georgia 5 54 Powell George W. 30 Georgia 24 629 Powell Georgiana 13 Florida 28 630 Powell John 5 Florida 8 54 Powell Lewis 10 Florida 3 234 Powell Martha 40 Florida 22 629 Powell Martha 31 Georgia 29 630 Powell Martha 1 Florida 3 53 Powell Martin 25 Georgia 25 629 Powell Mary J. 6 Florida 12 54 Powell Mathew 3 Florida 4 53 Powell Melinda 20 Georgia 10 54 Powell Oliver H. 7 Florida 40 53 Powell Patience 58 Georgia 5 234 Powell Sage 15 Florida 2 53 Powell Sarah 58 Georgia 6 54 Powell Susan 28 Georgia 11 54 Powell Susan 5 Florida 2 234 Powell William 45 Florida 21 629 Powell William 35 Georgia 6 234 Powell (twins) Bella 4 Florida 7 234 Powell (twins) Lizzie 4 Florida 27 115 Powers George A. 22 Georgia 25 114 Powers James ? 49 Georgia 28 115 Powers Jane 20 Florida 26 114 Powers Richard 18 Georgia 38 604 Prescott Daniel 14 Florida 33 603 Prescott Harriett 49 S. Carolina 19 577 Prescott Jessie 11 Florida 21 578 Prescott John 7 Florida 32 603 Prescott John H. 63 S. Carolina 3 605 Prescott John H., Jr. 20 Georgia 40 604 Prescott Josephine 10 Florida 1 604 Prescott Joshua 7 Florida 39 604 Prescott Kineyann 12 Florida 36 604 Prescott Lively 18 Florida 22 578 Prescott Marietta 6 Florida 18 577 Prescott Mary 40 Georgia 34 603 Prescott Mary 19 Florida 20 578 Prescott Misoura 9 Florida 35 604 Prescott Noah 21 Florida 17 577 Prescott Robert 43 Georgia 4 605 Prescott Sarah 30 Georgia 2 604 Prescott Silas 3 Florida 7 605 Prescott Silas 2 Florida 8 605 Prescott Victoria 1 Florida 37 604 Prescott Wilson 16 Florida 16 566 Presley Emma 42 N. Carolina 15 566 Presley Noah 32 N. Carolina 8 206 Preston Fannie 14 Missouri 17 210 Preston George 19 Missouri 10 206 Preston Howard 4 Texas 7 206 Preston Jennie 35 Virginia 9 206 Preston Lambeth 10 Texas 6 206 Preston Wassitta 36 Virginia 10 33 Prevatt Aldridge 8 Florida 26 10 Prevatt Elizabeth 42 Florida 28 10 Prevatt Fleming 17 Florida 8 33 Prevatt Jane 12 Florida 4 33 Prevatt John 45 Florida 27 10 Prevatt Joseph 19 Florida 31 10 Prevatt Kesiah 10 Florida 32 10 Prevatt Laura 8 Florida 33 10 Prevatt Malcolm 6 Florida 11 33 Prevatt Mitchell 6 Florida 4 2 Prevatt Morgan 74 S. Carolina 5 33 Prevatt Nancy 40 Georgia 30 10 Prevatt Pink 14 Florida 6 33 Prevatt Rowell 15 Florida 5 2 Prevatt Sarah 67 S. Carolina 29 10 Prevatt Sarah 16 Florida 9 33 Prevatt Sarah 10 Florida 7 33 Prevatt Thomas 13 Florida 1 42 Prevatt White 38 Florida 25 10 Prevatt William 43 Florida 34 10 Prevatt William 3 Florida 37 319 Prince Charity 12 Alabama 35 319 Prince Cora 16 Alabama 29 462 Prince Edward 28 Alabama 11 296 Prince James 24 Alabama 12 296 Prince Louisa 21 Alabama 30 462 Prince Margaret 23 Alabama 33 319 Prince Mary 51 Georgia 34 319 Prince Mary E. 20 Alabama 32 319 Prince Nicholas 52 N. Carolina 36 319 Prince Oliver 18 Alabama 13 296 Prince William 8 mo. Florida 19 528 Proctor Joseph 22 Virginia 19 211 Randolph Nathaniel 19 Virginia 18 211 Randolph William 22 Missouri 2 15 Raulerson Catherine 30 Florida 5 15 Raulerson Claudius 4 Florida 20 379 Raulerson Elizabeth 47 Georgia 25 380 Raulerson Francis 3 Florida 22 380 Raulerson Harry 14 Florida 6 15 Raulerson Hershel 2 Florida 24 380 Raulerson Jackson 8 Florida 3 15 Raulerson Keatley 8 Florida 23 380 Raulerson Sarah 11 Florida 1 15 Raulerson Wade 30 Georgia 19 379 Raulerson West 56 Georgia 21 380 Raulerson West 20 Florida 4 15 Raulerson William 6 Florida 18 84 Reddick Benjamin 3 Florida 19 84 Reddick Hugh 1 Florida 16 84 Reddick John 30 Florida 17 84 Reddick Pamela 38 Georgia 27 493 Rees Banes 3 Georgia 28 493 Rees Cornelia 1 Georgia 26 493 Rees Maggie 21 Georgia 25 493 Rees Raymond 23 Georgia 36 252 Reeves Bartlett 53 S. Carolina 8 255 Reeves Bessy 30 Georgia 12 255 Reeves Bolivar 1 Florida 1 253 Reeves Catherine 26 Georgia 7 255 Reeves Daniel 33 Georgia 11 255 Reeves Darius 3 Florida 15 257 Reeves Deliah 51 Georgia 2 253 Reeves Henry 9 Florida 3 253 Reeves James 7 Florida 9 255 Reeves James 9 Florida 16 258 Reeves Joshua 22 Florida 2 281 Reeves Leander 22 Florida 40 253 Reeves Mark 23 Florida 19 258 Reeves Martha 15 Florida 14 257 Reeves Rollin 60 S. Carolina 20 258 Reeves Rollins 12 Florida 37 252 Reeves Sarah 45 Georgia 39 252 Reeves Sarah 29 Georgia 10 255 Reeves Sarah 7 Florida 17 258 Reeves Solomon 18 Florida 18 258 Reeves Spicy 17 Florida 38 252 Reeves William 16 Georgia 39 694 Revel Aaron 15 Georgia 1 694 Revel Amos M. 11 Florida 34 692 Revel Catherine 45 Georgia 35 693 Revel Charles 27 Georgia 5 694 Revel Charles 3 Florida 33 692 Revel Cullen 50 Georgia 2 694 Revel Elizabeth 9 Florida 38 693 Revel Margaret 17 Alabama 4 694 Revel Martha 5 Florida 37 693 Revel Mary 19 Alabama 6 694 Revel Robert 1 Florida 40 694 Revel Samuel 13 Georgia 3 694 Revel Sarah 7 Florida 36 693 Revel William 23 Georgia 20 171 Rhodes James 33 Georgia 6 65 Rich Daniel 39 Florida 9 65 Rich Martha 4 Florida 8 65 Rich Mary 12 Florida 10 65 Rich Pharisa 1 Florida 7 65 Rich Rebeca 30 Florida 7 504 Robbins Noah 30 N. Carolina 28 28 Roberts Ada 11 Florida 22 28 Roberts Albert G. 50 S. Carolina 23 28 Roberts Anne 40 Florida 31 28 Roberts Carrie 4 Florida 32 28 Roberts David 1 Florida 26 28 Roberts Elizabeth 14 Florida 29 28 Roberts Ellen 9 Florida 35 228 Roberts Ismillen 14 Florida 6 307 Roberts Joseph 24 Florida 30 28 Roberts Julia 6 Florida 25 28 Roberts Mary E. 18 Florida 22 530 Roberts Miles 30 Georgia 27 28 Roberts Sallie 12 Florida 24 28 Roberts Stephen 20 Florida 8 192 Roberts Dinah 13 Florida 9 192 Roberts Nelson 8 Florida 11 285 Robinson Adolphus 30 S. Carolina 17 98 Robinson Alfred 11 Florida 7 244 Robinson Alice 9 Florida 38 141 Robinson Barbara 45 Georgia 14 98 Robinson Charles 35 Georgia 22 99 Robinson Charles 3 Florida 16 285 Robinson Clara 4 S. Carolina 37 141 Robinson Cornelius 50 Georgia 6 244 Robinson Cornelius 6 Florida 5 244 Robinson Emely 13 Florida 14 285 Robinson Florence 6 S. Carolina 8 244 Robinson Francis 3 Florida 13 285 Robinson George 12 S. Carolina 16 98 Robinson Henry 12 Florida 40 142 Robinson Henry 20 Georgia 18 99 Robinson Jackson 10 Florida 19 99 Robinson James 9 Florida 4 142 Robinson James 14 Florida 4 244 Robinson Jane 15 Florida 3 244 Robinson John 18 Florida 2 142 Robinson Lewis 15 Florida 1 244 Robinson Lewis 43 Georgia 35 412 Robinson Louisa 16 Florida 2 244 Robinson Martha 33 Florida 21 99 Robinson Mary 6 Florida 1 142 Robinson Mary 16 Florida 9 244 Robinson No name 4 mo. Florida 39 142 Robinson Noah 21 Georgia 12 285 Robinson Perlina 29 S. Carolina 17 285 Robinson Samuel 1 Florida 15 98 Robinson Sarah 34 Georgia 20 99 Robinson Smith 8 Florida 3 142 Robinson Stephen 17 Florida 15 285 Robinson Sumter 5 S. Carolina 18 286 Robinson Wiley 16 S. Carolina 34 412 Robinson William 24 Georgia 19 667 Rodgers Clarissa 35 Georgia 25 668 Rodgers Emma 5 Florida 20 667 Rodgers John 14 Florida 22 668 Rodgers Mary 11 Florida 18 667 Rodgers Middleton 43 S. Carolina 26 668 Rodgers Middleton 1 Florida 24 668 Rodgers Susan 7 Florida 21 667 Rodgers William 13 Florida 23 668 Rodgers Wilson 9 Florida 5 593 Roland Eliza 4 Florida 2 593 Roland Griffin 50 Georgia 3 593 Roland Malinda 27 Georgia 7 594 Roland Nancy 28 Georgia 4 593 Roland Samuel 6 Florida 6 593 Roland Wesley 2 Florida 8 553 Rollerson Sarah 20 Georgia 20 68 Rollin Martha 2 Florida 18 68 Rollin Mary 13 Georgia 17 68 Rollin Minla 30 Georgia 19 68 Rollin Susan 7 Georgia 4 338 Roney Caroline 38 Georgia 6 339 Roney James 10 Florida 3 338 Roney Joseph 45 Georgia 7 340 Roney Joseph 3 Florida 5 339 Roney Thomas 18 Florida 31 263 Roper Alice 12 Georgia 26 261 Roper Carolina 55 S. Carolina 28 262 Roper Fletcher W Georgia 30 263 Roper Preston 14 Georgia 29 262 Roper Sydney 16 Georgia 25 261 Roper William C. 61 S. Carolina 15 666 Rose E. T. 60 Tennessee 17 666 Rose Mary 20 Tennessee 16 666 Rose Robert 18 Tennessee 26 51 Rouse Anna 10 Florida 28 51 Rouse Carrie 8 Florida 30 51 Rouse Charles 3 Florida 35 52 Rouse Daniel 6 Florida 32 52 Rouse Eliza 27 Georgia 37 52 Rouse Emma 4 Florida 33 52 Rouse George 9 Florida 24 51 Rouse Ira 45 N. Carolina 38 52 Rouse Laura 6 mos Florida 25 51 Rouse Mary 29 Georgia 36 52 Rouse Mary 5 Florida 27 51 Rouse Rebecca 9 Florida 29 51 Rouse Susan 5 Florida 31 52 Rouse Willis 37 N. Carolina 34 52 Rouse Willis 7 Florida 26 446 Rowan Caroline 33 Georgia 29 447 Rowan Georgia 11 Florida 31 447 Rowan James 5 Florida 30 447 Rowan John 9 Florida 27 446 Rowan Mary 16 Florida 25 446 Rowan William 45 N. Carolina 28 447 Rowan William 12 Florida 31 691 Royal Albert 5 Florida 29 691 Royal Alonzo 11 Georgia 30 691 Royal Eliza 7 Florida 27 691 Royal Ivey 39 Georgia 28 691 Royal Mary 34 Georgia 32 691 Royal Warren 4 Florida 33 265 Royall Benjamin 41 Georgia 34 265 Royall Sarah 26 Georgia 16 124 Russ Amy 17 Florida 19 124 Russ Hannah 6 Florida 18 124 Russ Jennie 11 Florida 15 124 Russ Mary C. 28 Florida 17 124 Russ Peter 14 Florida 20 124 Russ Tilliman 2 Florida 31 463 Russell Archibald 27 N. Carolina 33 463 Russell Archibald 2 N. Carolina 16 597 Russell David 25 Georgia 34 463 Russell Lorena 6 mo. N. Carolina 32 463 Russell Mary 21 N. Carolina 38 683 Rutherford Artemesia 1 Florida 36 683 Rutherford Elizabeth 22 Georgia 35 683 Rutherford James 25 Georgia 37 683 Rutherford William 2 Florida 30 571 Ryalls Jack 15 Florida 31 571 Ryalls James 12 Florida 32 571 Ryalls Simon 6 Florida 28 570 Ryalls Susan 35 Georgia 29 571 Ryalls Zachariah 18 Florida 37 266 Sadler James 11 S. Carolina 29 20 Savage Elizabeth 20 Florida 34 21 Savage Henry 8 Georgia 28 20 Savage James 40 Georgia 10 486 Savage John 12 Florida 33 21 Savage Mary Jane 10 Florida 35 21 Savage Renney 7 Florida 31 21 Savage Robert 43 Georgia 36 21 Savage Samuel 5 Florida 30 20 Savage Sarah 2 Florida 32 21 Savage Sarah 36 Georgia 2 562 Scott Burrell 8 Florida 39 562 Scott Elizabeth 40 Florida 1 562 Scott Henry 10 Florida 40 562 Scott Needham 15 Florida 36 516 Seabrook William 50 Ireland 37 291 Sessions Cornelia 15 Florida 35 290 Sessions Elizabeth 35 S. Carolina 2 291 Sessions Elizabeth 5 Florida 4 291 Sessions Ellis 2 Florida 38 291 Sessions Joel 14 Georgia 3 291 Sessions Lewellin 4 Florida 34 290 Sessions Lewylin 56 Georgia 1 291 Sessions Louisa 9 Florida 40 291 Sessions Mary 11 Florida 36 290 Sessions Rinaldo 17 Georgia 39 291 Sessions Sarah 12 Florida 32 264 Shadrick Adam 25 S. Carolina 18 360 Shaw Alice 3 S. Carolina 17 360 Shaw Arthur 5 S. Carolina 14 359 Shaw David 32 S. Carolina 16 359 Shaw Ellen 7 S. Carolina 19 360 Shaw Pauline 2 S. Carolina 15 359 Shaw Russa J. 30 S. Carolina 17 598 Sheffield Barsheeba 26 Georgia 18 598 Sheffield John 9 Florida 20 598 Sheffield Peter 5 Florida 19 598 Sheffield Priscilla 7 Florida 4 268 Sherman Allen 5 Florida 5 269 Sherman Allen 26 Florida 30 534 Sherman Daniel 25 S. Carolina 2 268 Sherman Lydia 12 Florida 40 268 Sherman Mary 40 Georgia 3 268 Sherman Mary 9 Florida 6 269 Sherman Milley 18 Florida 7 269 Sherman Milley 3 mo. Florida 1 268 Sherman Patience 14 Florida 39 268 Sherman Wesley 55 Georgia 28 427 Shine Thomas 32 N. Carolina 4 654 Simmons Adeline 12 Florida 4 626 Simmons Anna 32 N. Carolina 6 654 Simmons Anna 8 Florida 8 626 Simmons Archibald 9 Florida 21 698 Simmons Christopher 16 N. Carolina 5 654 Simmons Eliza 10 Florida 3 654 Simmons Emily 14 Florida 23 698 Simmons Ezekial 9 Georgia 3 626 Simmons George W. 34 Florida 5 626 Simmons Henry 14 Florida 8 654 Simmons Jackson 3 Florida 20 698 Simmons Jane 19 N. Carolina 15 607 Simmons John 7 Florida 18 698 Simmons John 61 N. Carolina 1 654 Simmons Louisa 23 Florida 9 655 Simmons Louisa 40 Georgia 11 655 Simmons Louisa 10 Florida 9 626 Simmons Louise 7 Florida 6 626 Simmons Macom 12 Florida 14 607 Simmons Margaret 10 Florida 18 608 Simmons Margaret 6 mo. Florida 40 653 Simmons Margaret 38 Florida 10 655 Simmons Martha 12 Florida 13 607 Simmons Mary 30 Georgia 7 654 Simmons Mary 6 Florida 19 698 Simmons Mary 53 N. Carolina 7 626 Simmons Nancy 10 Florida 12 607 Simmons Peter M. 31 Florida 16 608 Simmons Robert 26 Florida 22 698 Simmons Robert 13 Georgia 17 608 Simmons Sarah 20 Florida 2 654 Simmons Sarah 18 Florida 39 653 Simmons William 40 Florida 10 626 Simmons Zilpha 6 mo. Florida 37 279 Sims Bluford 32 Georgia 39 279 Sims Eugene 3 Florida 38 279 Sims Fannie 22 Georgia 40 279 Sims James 1 Florida 1 280 Sims Mary J. 21 Tennessee 17 377 Simson Albert 20 Georgia 33 117 Skipper David 19 Florida 35 117 Skipper Enoch 14 Florida 32 117 Skipper Jane 40 N. Carolina 40 118 Skipper John 1 Florida 31 117 Skipper John L. 46 Georgia 34 117 Skipper Jonathan 16 Florida 38 118 Skipper Joseph 6 Florida 37 118 Skipper Martha 8 Florida 36 118 Skipper Stephen 12 Florida 39 118 Skipper Thomas 4 Florida 23 511 Smith Alexander 16 Georgia 35 624 Smith Amelia 40 S. Carolina 38 625 Smith Ann E. 15 Florida 2 450 Smith Charles 12 Georgia 39 625 Smith Griffin 14 Florida 23 100 Smith Henry 22 Florida 30 101 Smith Henry 2 Florida 18 393 Smith Henry 22 Florida 27 460 Smith Henry 50 England 25 101 Smith Henry A. 32 S. Carolina 2 625 Smith Isabella 3 Florida 34 624 Smith Isia B. 56 Georgia 17 184 Smith John 22 N. Carolina 34 304 Smith Judy 60 Georgia 25 425 Smith Liss 8 Florida 37 625 Smith Mack 16 Florida 26 101 Smith Margery 33 Georgia 24 100 Smith Mary 18 Florida 19 393 Smith Mary 18 Florida 27 101 Smith Nancy 11 Florida 40 625 Smith Needham 12 Florida 20 394 Smith Richard 20 Florida 39 466 Smith Richard 45 S. Carolina 36 625 Smith Richard 21 Georgia 23 50 Smith Samuel 17 Georgia 2 80 Smith Samuel 14 Georgia 29 101 Smith Samuel 4 Florida 31 101 Smith Sojdaline 16 S. Carolina 38 561 Smith Sylvania 35 Georgia 28 101 Smith William 8 Florida 37 561 Smith William 37 Georgia 1 625 Smith William 7 Florida 4 107 Speer Adolphus 1 Florida 15 442 Speer Algernon S. 21 Florida 9 404 Speer Arthur 27 Georgia 3 107 Speer Clinton 3 Florida 1 106 Speer Edward W. 36 Florida 17 442 Speer George B. 1 Florida 35 266 Speer James G. 50 S. Carolina 2 106 Speer Mary 24 Florida 36 266 Speer Mary E. 31 Georgia 16 442 Speer Sallie 22 Georgia 35 701 Spencer James 10 Pennsylvania 34 701 Spencer Kate 13 Pennsylvania 32 701 Spencer Raines 44 England 33 701 Spencer Runabelle 40 Pennsylvania 17 638 Stapleton Alexander 9 Florida 14 638 Stapleton Allen 55 Georgia 18 638 Stapleton Marion 6 Florida 15 638 Stapleton Milley 40 S. Carolina 19 638 Stapleton Richard 10 mo. Florida 16 638 Stapleton Sawney 12 Georgia 38 203 Stephens Anne 33 Georgia 18 47 Stephens Ellen 33 Georgia 4 205 Stephens Lewis 8 Florida 5 205 Stephens Quinne 3 Florida 3 205 Stephens William 11 Florida 28 317 Steward Caroline 16 Florida 30 317 Steward Clacy 11 Florida 1 352 Steward David B. 29 Florida 25 316 Steward Eliza 45 Georgia 29 317 Steward Ellen 14 Florida 27 317 Steward John 18 Florida 3 352 Steward Marg 8 Florida 26 316 Steward Martha 20 Florida 2 352 Steward Misoura 23 Florida 31 318 Steward Samuel 22 Florida 30 349 Steward Samuel 57 Georgia 4 352 Steward Samuel 5 Florida 31 349 Steward Sarah 60 Georgia 17 343 Stewart Cinderella 44 Georgia 13 596 Stewart Elias 12 Florida 8 595 Stewart Frank 28 Georgia 15 596 Stewart Isham 8 Florida 18 343 Stewart James 19 Florida 20 344 Stewart Jonathan 12 Florida 10 595 Stewart Mary 4 Florida 12 596 Stewart Mary 30 Georgia 16 343 Stewart Mathew 48 Georgia 19 344 Stewart Miles 15 Florida 14 596 Stewart Newton 10 Florida 9 595 Stewart Sallie 24 Georgia 4 154 Stockton Alexander 34 N. Carolina 5 154 Stockton Cora M. 28 N. Carolina 7 154 Stockton Elizabeth 8 Texas 8 154 Stockton Mitchell 3 Florida 6 154 Stockton Walter 13 N. Carolina 3 685 Stokes Francis 25 Georgia 39 204 Stokes Henry 19 Georgia 2 205 Stokes Martin 12 Florida 40 204 Stokes Mary 16 Florida 4 685 Stokes Mary 8 Florida 7 685 Stokes Nameless 1 Florida 1 205 Stokes Needham 14 Florida 2 685 Stokes Richard 48 S. Carolina 5 685 Stokes Robert 6 Florida 6 685 Stokes Roxanna 4 Florida 9 453 Storey John 19 Florida 19 147 Summerall Elhanon 25 Georgia 21 147 Summerall Joseph 5 Florida 22 147 Summerall Mary 2 Florida 20 147 Summerall Rebecca 22 Georgia 10 325 Sures Edward 28 S. Carolina 29 72 Susannah Clarissa 45 Georgia 29 60 Sutton Andy 5 Georgia 28 60 Sutton Eliza 24 Georgia 27 60 Sutton Lyttleton 24 Georgia 30 60 Sutton Marly 3 Florida 39 14 Talbird John H. 40 S. Carolina 1 219 Tanner Asa 36 Georgia 5 219 Tanner Benjamin 3 Georgia 32 382 Tanner Catharine 10 Florida 4 219 Tanner Cawley 8 Georgia 3 219 Tanner Charles 13 Georgia 2 219 Tanner Eliza 38 Georgia 29 382 Tanner Henry 17 Florida 33 382 Tanner Jasper 8 Florida 26 381 Tanner John 57 Georgia 28 382 Tanner John 19 Florida 27 381 Tanner Mary 47 Georgia 31 382 Tanner Mary 12 Florida 6 219 Tanner Sallie 3 Florida 30 382 Tanner Thomas 14 Florida 34 383 Tanner Wiley 47 Georgia 37 385 Tanner William 22 Florida 7 521 Taylor Kit 26 Alabama 28 397 Taylor Samuel 34 Georgia 18 57 Taylor Sarah A. 24 Georgia 17 57 Taylor Simeon W. 35 Georgia 19 57 Taylor Stella E. 1 Florida 12 271 Terry Agnes 35 Virginia 27 612 Thigpen Anna 16 Florida 30 612 Thigpen Cornelia 8 Florida 29 612 Thigpen George 10 Florida 26 611 Thigpen Maria 40 Florida 31 612 Thigpen Samuel T. 7 Florida 32 612 Thigpen Susan 1 Florida 28 612 Thigpen William 12 Florida 25 611 Thigpen William A. 42 Florida 17 46 Thomas Augustus 12 Georgia 40 105 Thomas Cain 48 Georgia 15 46 Thomas Elizabeth 17 Georgia 14 46 Thomas John 40 Georgia 16 46 Thomas Lizzie 15 Georgia 6 354 Thomson Samuel 50 S. Carolina 7 354 Thomson Sylvia 48 S. Carolina 10 245 Thornton Daniel 19 Georgia 11 245 Thornton Martha 17 Florida 7 644 Tillman Amanda 12 Florida 4 644 Tillman Henry 43 Georgia 9 644 Tillman John 6 Florida 10 644 Tillman Joseph 3 Florida 5 644 Tillman Julia 43 Georgia 6 644 Tillman Martha 14 Georgia 8 644 Tillman Rachel 8 Florida 33 514 Timmons August 9 Florida 32 514 Timmons Hagan 30 Florida 34 514 Timmons Henry 1 Florida 31 514 Timmons Jack 27 Florida 16 223 Tiner Clement 24 Florida 18 223 Tiner Frank 18 Florida 17 223 Tiner John 21 Florida 14 222 Tiner Lenard 49 Georgia 15 222 Tiner Mary 35 Georgia 19 223 Tiner Willis 4 Florida 31 547 Tines Anna 23 Florida 33 548 Tines Leia 4 mo. Florida 32 548 Tines Mary 3 Florida 30 547 Tines Stewart 23 S. Carolina 13 587 Tison Bunk 18 Florida 15 587 Tison Eliza 14 Florida 14 587 Tison George 16 Florida 18 587 Tison James 8 Florida 16 587 Tison Jane 12 Florida 11 586 Tison Joel 22 Florida 12 586 Tison John 20 Florida 19 423 Tison Lawrence 32 Florida 23 225 Tison Martha 16 Georgia 17 587 Tison Martha 10 Florida 10 585 Tison Mesiah 40 Florida 20 457 Towns George 26 N. Carolina 21 457 Towns Maggie 26 Georgia 28 366 Troy William 30 N. York 11 26 Tucker Andrew 22 Florida 32 89 Tucker Edward 5 Florida 13 26 Tucker Eliza 18 Florida 9 438 Tucker Eliza 42 S. Carolina 17 26 Tucker Elizabeth 8 Florida 8 438 Tucker Howard 22 S. Carolina 7 438 Tucker J. W. 49 S. Carolina 27 89 Tucker James 40 Georgia 31 89 Tucker James 10 Florida 9 25 Tucker John 55 Georgia 14 26 Tucker Levy 15 Florida 10 438 Tucker Lulu 18 S. Carolina 15 26 Tucker Margaret 13 Florida 18 26 Tucker Mary 5 Florida 28 89 Tucker Mary 30 Georgia 29 89 Tucker Mary 14 Florida 12 26 Tucker Richard 20 Florida 16 26 Tucker Sallie 10 Florida 10 25 Tucker Sarah 50 Georgia 30 89 Tucker Sarah 12 Florida 38 517 Tyer Henrietta 3 Florida 39 517 Tyer Isabella 2 Florida 37 517 Tyer Jane 25 Georgia 23 409 Vaughan Alexander 19 Florida 21 409 Vaughan Augustus 57 Virginia 26 410 Vaughan Catharine 12 Florida 27 410 Vaughan Harriett 8 Florida 28 410 Vaughan Jefferson 6 Florida 25 410 Vaughan John 13 Florida 29 410 Vaughan John 1 Florida 24 410 Vaughan Joseph 17 Florida 22 409 Vaughan Louisa 40 Florida 1 131 Wafford Caroline 38 Georgia 16 647 Wafford Creary 19 Georgia 40 131 Wafford John 62 Georgia 17 647 Wafford Laura 3 Florida 7 132 Wafford Lee 2 Florida 6 132 Wafford Linsey 9 Florida 3 132 Wafford Nathaniel 16 Alabama 2 132 Wafford Thomas J. 19 Georgia 15 647 Wafford William B. 28 Georgia 5 132 Wafford (twins) Andrew 12 Florida 4 132 Wafford (twins) George 12 Florida 15 507 Waiters William 29 Virginia 21 238 Walker Catherine 20 Florida 34 77 Walker Harriett 25 Georgia 35 77 Walker Jessie 1 mo. Florida 35 536 Walker Lurd 5 Florida 20 224 Walker Mary 50 N. Carolina 22 224 Walker Mary 19 Georgia 24 225 Walker Mary 14 Florida 26 225 Walker Rachel 8 Florida 32 75 Walker Richard 23 Georgia 33 536 Walker Sarah E. 35 Florida 25 225 Walker Stephen 15 Florida 21 224 Walker William 21 Georgia 24 532 Ware Henry 21 Georgia 23 531 Ware Moses 25 Georgia 30 174 Washington John 22 S. Carolina 32 174 Washington John 1 Florida 31 174 Washington Susannah 18 S. Carolina 18 528 Water Rufus 25 Virginia 35 370 Waterman A. E. 26 Florida 33 369 Waterman Charles 21 Florida 34 369 Waterman Edward 11 Florida 30 367 Waterman Eliza 54 Florida 32 368 Waterman Mary 15 Florida 29 367 Waterman Rider 55 Florida 37 370 Waterman Rufas 2 Florida 31 368 Waterman Sarah 32 Florida 36 370 Waterman Sarah 22 S. Carolina 40 63 Watts Georgia 4 Florida 31 60 Watts Jeff 18 Florida 36 63 Watts Joseph 33 Florida 1 63 Watts Joseph B. 1 Florida 14 67 Watts Joseph B. 74 N. Carolina 38 63 Watts Kansas E. 10 Florida 39 63 Watts Margaret 7 Florida 37 63 Watts Pamela 26 Georgia 15 67 Watts Sarah A. 65 Florida 30 680 Webb John 23 Georgia 17 146 Welch Jefferson 12 Georgia 18 146 Welch John 7 mo. Georgia 15 146 Welch Mary 50 Georgia 16 146 Welch Mary 20 Georgia 19 275 Whatly John 9 N. Carolina 21 275 Whatly Levi 5 N. Carolina 20 275 Whatly Martha 7 N. Carolina 18 275 Whatly Mary 16 N. Carolina 22 275 Whatly No name 3 N. Carolina 23 275 Whatly No name 3 mo. Florida 11 193 Wheeler Hester 38 Florida 15 55 Wheeler Mary 12 Georgia 10 193 Wheeler Micael 32 Georgia 14 55 Wheeler Nancy 14 Georgia 13 55 Wheeler Thomas 46 Georgia 21 57 White Lilly A. 7 Georgia 20 57 White William 10 Georgia 1 518 Whitin Amanda 20 Georgia 5 519 Whitin Amanda 2 Florida 4 519 Whitin Charles 4 Florida 40 518 Whitin James 30 Georgia 2 519 Whitin John 30 Georgia 3 519 Whitin Malinda 24 Georgia 34 682 Whitler John 21 Georgia 16 407 Whitner Amelia 34 S. Carolina 12 506 Whitner Anne 10 Florida 1 499 Whitner Benjamin 51 S. Carolina 18 408 Whitner Charles 11 S. Carolina 10 505 Whitner Charles 15 Florida 14 506 Whitner Claude 2 Florida 20 408 Whitner Elizabeth 4 S. Carolina 17 407 Whitner Joseph 13 S. Carolina 8 505 Whitner Joseph 44 S. Carolina 15 407 Whitner Joseph N., Jr. 39 S. Carolina 9 505 Whitner Mary 37 Georgia 13 506 Whitner Mary 6 Florida 11 506 Whitner Matilda 13 Florida 19 408 Whitner Richard 8 S. Carolina 2 499 Whitner Sarah J. 48 Georgia 35 163 Whitted Elizabeth 57 Georgia 31 161 Whitted Joseph 7 N. Carolina 28 161 Whitted Levi C. 44 N. Carolina 32 161 Whitted Lizzie 4 Alabama 33 161 Whitted Mary 1 Florida 29 161 Whitted Sallie 30 N. Carolina 30 161 Whitted William 8 N. Carolina 16 274 Whitty Clarissa 40 N. Carolina 17 274 Whitty James 18 N. Carolina 15 274 Whitty Sydney 52 N. Carolina 36 334 Wilkison David 19 Florida 35 334 Wilkison Richard 22 Florida 9 220 Williams Andrew 13 Georgia 8 220 Williams Anna 45 Georgia 17 392 Williams Celia 22 Florida 40 414 Williams Clara 2 Georgia 36 305 Williams Daniel 19 Florida 39 305 Williams Dink 5 Florida 33 399 Williams Elias 8 Florida 7 220 Williams George 20 Georgia 32 399 Williams John 12 Florida 10 309 Williams Joseph ? Florida 12 220 Williams Memphis 5 Florida 30 398 Williams Nancy 16 Georgia 16 392 Williams Nathaniel 27 Florida 8 309 Williams Nelson 25 Georgia 10 220 Williams Rebecca 8 Florida 29 398 Williams Richard 38 Georgia 37 305 Williams Samuel 13 Florida 35 305 Williams Sarah 36 Georgia 39 414 Williams Susan 22 Georgia 9 309 Williams Synthia 20 Florida 11 220 Williams Thomas 7 Florida 38 305 Williams William 10 Florida 31 398 Williams William 14 Florida 38 267 Williamson Eli 26 Florida 38 129 Williamson Irene 50 Florida 11 439 Williamson Mathew 28 Georgia 19 628 Wilson Andrew 5 Florida 20 628 Wilson Charles 1 Florida 18 628 Wilson Daniel 7 Florida 12 627 Wilson Ester 35 Georgia 13 627 Wilson Francis 17 Florida 14 627 Wilson Harrison 15 Florida 16 628 Wilson Joshua 11 Florida 15 627 Wilson Owen 13 Florida 11 627 Wilson Robert 38 S. Carolina 17 628 Wilson Willis 9 Florida 18 196 Winegourd Alexander 15 Florida 27 198 Winegourd Charles 23 Florida 17 195 Winegourd Elizabeth 17 Florida 19 196 Winegourd Emmeline 14 Florida 16 195 Winegourd George 22 Florida 21 196 Winegourd Henry 10 Florida 14 195 Winegourd Isaac 52 N. York 24 196 Winegourd Isaac 4 Florida 20 196 Winegourd Laura 12 Florida 28 198 Winegourd Levicy 20 Georgia 15 195 Winegourd Mary 44 Georgia 22 196 Winegourd Mary 8 Florida 23 196 Winegourd Susannah 6 Florida 2 337 Winters Elizabeth 40 N. Carolina 1 337 Winters Jack 48 N. Carolina 13 525 Wood Mitchell 15 Georgia 20 509 Woodruff Emma 6 Florida 18 509 Woodruff Nancy 28 N. Carolina 19 509 Woodruff Seth 8 Florida 17 509 Woodruff William 39 Mississippi 21 509 Woodruff William 2 Florida 19 47 Wright Benjamin 20 Georgia 6 520 Wright William 30 Alabama 15 576 Yates Addeline 11 Florida 9 541 Yates Andrew 13 Florida 36 537 Yates Burrell 21 Florida 26 601 Yates Catharine 7 Florida 25 601 Yates Eliza 9 Florida 10 553 Yates Emily 8 mo. Florida 29 546 Yates Emma 2 Florida 27 546 Yates Geeny 23 Georgia 26 546 Yates George J. 26 Florida 38 539 Yates James 52 Georgia 27 601 Yates James 5 Florida 7 541 Yates Jane 17 Florida 13 555 Yates Joseph 27 Florida 6 541 Yates Levi 19 Florida 4 540 Yates Malintha 35 Florida 9 553 Yates Margaret 3 Florida 37 537 Yates Martha 20 S. Carolina 39 539 Yates Mary 40 Georgia 2 539 Yates Mary 20 Florida 28 546 Yates Mary 8 Florida 10 576 Yates Mary 45 Georgia 10 541 Yates Nancy 11 Florida 24 601 Yates Nancy 30 S. Carolina 14 542 Yates Needham 6 Florida 11 541 Yates Noah 3 Florida 14 576 Yates Ruben 15 Florida 11 576 Yates Samuel 23 Florida 13 542 Yates Sarah 25 Georgia 15 542 Yates Sarah 4 Florida 12 576 Yates Susan 19 Florida 13 576 Yates Thomas 17 Florida 16 576 Yates Trinity 8 Florida 8 541 Yates Victory 15 Florida 5 540 Yates Viney 20 Florida 40 539 Yates Vinney 8 Florida 1 539 Yates William 18 Florida 3 539 Yates William 2 Florida 12 542 Yates William 27 Georgia 28 601 Yates William 4 Florida