Santa Rosa County FlArchives Biographies.....Hobbs, Raymond B. February 27, 1893 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Rayburn August 26, 2015, 11:50 pm Source: Vol. II pg.57-58 The Lewis Publishing Co. 1923 Author: History of Florida, Past and Present RAYMOND BRUIT HOBBS, of Milton, Santa Rosa County, is here giving a most progressive and effective administration of the office of county superintendent of schools, and in this position he is able alike to express his fine loyalty to his native county and his advanced policies and the ordering of the public schools. Mr. Hobbs was born on his father’s farm in Santa Rosa County, and the date of his nativity was February 27, 1893. He is a son of the late JOHN and PAMILLA (ROBINSON) HOBBS, who passed their entire lives in Florida, the father having been a farmer and stockgrower and having been prominently connected with the logging and general timber business in this section of the state. After having profited by the advantages of the public schools of his na native county RAYMOND B. HOBBS took an effective course in the Starts Academy, at Montgomery, Alabama. Thereafter he gave seven years of admirable service as a teacher in the schools of his home county, the greater part of his work in this having been in the graded schools. Upon retiring from the pedagogic profession he became a train conductor on the line of the Florida & Alabama Railroad. He continued his service in this capacity three years, and then resigned, owing to his appointment to the office of county superintendent of schools for Santa Rosa County, in the summer of 1920, after the resignation of the regular incumbent. In the autumn of the same year he was elected to this office for the regular term of four years beginning in January, 1921, and his administration is fully justifying his selection for this important office. Mr. Hobbs is found loyally arrayed in the ranks of the democratic party, he and his wife are active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and he is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights of Pythias, including the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan. In July, 1914, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Hobbs to Miss LELIA HESSIE SIMMONS, who likewise was born and reared in Santa Rosa County, and who is a daughter of O. O. and MARGARET SIMMONS, the latter of whom still resides in this county. O. O. SIMMONS was at the time of his death one of the honored and influential citizens of this county where he had been actively concerned in farming and logging enterprises, besides having conducted a general store at Botts. He served as county demonstrator and agent, as postmaster at Botts and as a member of the school board of that village, which last named position he held several years. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs have two fine little sons, RAYMOND SIMMONS, and JOHN. Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb