CIVIL WAR PENSION APP. - J. R. STARKS, Santa Rosa Co., FL Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Deena Roberts, ( Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************************* #A12753 SOLDIER'S APPLICATION FOR PENSION STATE OF FLORIDA,} SANTA ROSA COUNTY} On this 22nd day of September, 1902, personally appeared before me, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said county and State, J. R. Starks who being by me duly sworn, declares he is the identical person who enlisted on or about the ____ day of ____, 1862, in Captain Rubin Shotwell's Company, county of Clay in the State of Mississippi, and that while in actual service in said company K 35th Miss Regiment, of the State of Mississippi and in line of duty as such soldier at ____, State of ____ on or about the ____ day of ____, 186_, and was honorably discharged at the expiration of my service on the ____ day of ____in ____ county, State ____, I was captured at Blakely, Alabama and carried to Ship Island, and was paroled at the close of the war at Vicksburg, Miss. That by reason of old age, I am now unable to gain a livelihood by manual labor; that I have continuously since January 1, 1885, been a citizen of Florida; that neither I, nor my wife, nor both combined, own real and personal property to the value of $800 in this or any other State, and have not purposely disposed of our property for the purpose of availing ourselves of the provisions of the pension laws of Florida; that I am not otherwise enabled, or in a position to earn, and have no income from any source sufficient for a livelihood by manual labor, and that I never deserted the Confederate service, and that I receive a pension from no other source. J. R. Starks P. O. Address: Bagdad, Fla. Sworn and subscribed before me this 22nd day of September, 1902. S. P. Golson, Clerk Circuit Court, Santa Rosa County I do solemnly swear that I was born on the 6th day of August, 1829 in Kershaw county, State of South Carolina and that I am now past the age of sixty-five (65) years; that I was a bona-fide citizen of this State on January A. D. 1885, and have continuously resided in this State since that date; that I do not own property, real or person, or real and personal, to the value of eight hundred dollars ($800), and that I am by reason of age incapable of providing a living by manual labor for myself. J. R. Starks P. O. Address: Bagdad, Fla. Sworn and subscribed before me this 22nd day of September, 1902. S. P. Golson, Clerk Circuit Court, Santa Rosa County. We do solemnly swear that we are familiar with the value of all the property owned by J. R. Starks and his wife, directly or indirectly, in this or any other State, and that the actual combined value thereof does not exceed $800; that they have not disposed of any property for the purpose of availing themselves of provisions of the pension laws of Florida, and that he is not physically or otherwise able, or in a position to earn a livelihood by manual labor. J. C. Gainer P. O. Address: Milton, Fla. A. Nicholson P. O. Address: Milton, Fla. Sworn and subscribed before me this 9th day of March, 1903. S. P. Golson, Clerk Circuit Court We, the undersigned physicians, residents of the State and county aforesaid, do solemnly swear that we have carefully examined J. R. Starks, who is personally known to us to be the person above applying for a pension under the laws of Florida, and find that his general and physical condition is very poor; he also has a double inguinal hernia which troubles him considerably all the time. G. B. Proctor, M. D. Residence: Milton, Fla. H. E. Eldridge Residence: Milton, Fla. Sworn and subscribed before me this 22nd day of Sept, 1902. S. P. Golson, Clerk Circuit Court I certify that the above affidavits are genuine; that all of the affiants are persons of respectability and good reputation, and that their statements are worthy of belief; that the attesting officers are duly authorized to attest said affidavits, and that their signatures thereto are genuine. "Except as to No. 3" S. P. Golson, Clerk of Circuit Court. We, the undersigned County Commissioners of Santa Rosa county, Florida, do hereby certify that we have carefully investigated the above application for pension made by J. R. Starks, and are satisfied that the conditions and alleged facts therein stated are true and correct, and that he is legally and justly entitled to the pension provided by the act, approved May 3, 1901. H. M. Thompson, Chairman A. H. Allen J. A. Milligan County Commissioners REVISED STATUTES OF FLORIDA, CHAPTER II, ARTICLE I. 2077. The children of parents who are unable to support themselves shall be required to make provisions for their support. 2078. On information filed before the Justice of the Peace of the proper district by any person whomsoever, stating that certain persons have made no adequate provision for their father and mother, or either of them, the Justice shall cause a summons to be issued to said parties, and evidence to be taken as to the truth of the facts stated in the information, and if the same shall be found true, after a fair trial in which the defendants shall have the right to be heard by counsel, the Justice shall issue an order making an assessment on the said children for such amount as shall be necessary for the support of their parents. 2079. Said order shall carry with it the right of enforcement by execution, and shall have the force and effect of a writ of garnishment on the wages of such children, and shall further provide for the person to whom and the manner in which the money assessed therein shall be paid. ******************************************************************************************* State of Missouri, St. Louis County. I do solemnly swear that I personally knew J. R. Starks, who is an applicant for Pension, during the Civil War of 1861-1865, that I served with him in Company "K" 35th Miss. Regiment, and know of my own knowledge that he never deserted the Confederate Army. R. H. Shotwell Late Captain Co. K 35th Miss. Reg. Sworn and subscribed before me this 10th day of March, 1903. T. B. Crews Judge of the Probate Court, City of St. Louis MO. We do solemnly swear that we personally knew J. R. Stark, the applicant for Pension, during the Civil War of 1861-1865, that I, J. M. Ervin, served with him in Company "K", 35th Miss. Reg., and A. J. Shaffer served with him in the same regiment and in company "C", and that he never deserted the Confederate Army. J. M. Ervin A. H. Fox Sworn and subscribed before me this March the 6th, 1903. A. H. Fox, Notary Public, Clay Co., Miss. ******************************************************************************************* CLAIM FOR PENSION BY J. R. STARK OF BAGDAD, FL, SANTA ROSA COUNTY. FILED IN EXECUTIVE DEPT. SEPT 28, 1902 APPROVED MARCH 25, 1903 C. H. Dickerson, Secretary of Board. Pay from March 12th, 1902 at rate of $96 per annum.