ST. LUKE'S CEMETERY, Slavia, Seminole County, Florida File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Steve Rajtar, ( ******************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or publication by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************* Motorists traveling along Aloma Ave. (SR 426) between Winter Park and Oviedo, just northeast of Orlando, Florida, might notice the two green-and-white D.O.T. signs about a mile apart, each containing only the single word "Slavia". They might see the signs for Mikler and Slavia Rds., or the businesses of A. Duda & Sons, Inc., Tesinsky Automotive and Lukas Nursery. More obvious is the old store with the large "SLAVIA" painted on it. Far less obvious are the stories of the pioneers who settled this area, and what happened to them and their families. In the early 1900s, the American Slovak slogan was Spat ku gazdovstvu, or "Back to the farm". A number of immigrants from Slovakia felt uncomfortable in their occupations as workers in an industrial society. They wanted their children to grow up on farms where there would be less temptation and wickedness of the large cities. In 1911, members of the Holy Trinity Slovak Lutheran Church in Cleveland, Ohio, chose Rev. Leopold Alexander Jarosi and member Martin Stanko to investigate Florida's claims of a healthy climate and productive soil. In August of that year, they reported suitable sites near Bartow, Taft and Oviedo. They formed the Slavia Colony Company, headquartered in Cleveland. In October, they bought 1,200 acres near Oviedo from D.W. Currie for $17,400. Joseph Mikler was perhaps the first settler to arrive, in early 1912. He sold his house in Cleveland, and he and his family boarded the train to Florida. They were put off at the next stop because they had failed to buy tickets. Eventually reaching Orlando, they switched to a small train to the more rural Oviedo, close to Lake Jesup. When they arrived, they found that much of the company's land was overflowed and had to be drained before it could be cultivated. The only buildings were a few wooden shacks providing meager housing for black turpentine and sawmill workers. Mikler built the first new house in 1913. Another early couple was Joseph and Dorothea Lukas. Their daughter, Anna, who was born in July of 1912, was the first white person born in Slavia. While the land was being readied for buildings, the settlers lived in the old shacks. A surveyor in 1915 drew up a plat with 140 lots, but was unable to locate any corner stakes, so the colonists avoided building near property lines for fear of encroaching on their neighbors' lands. A 1926 survey corrected the earlier errors. Andrew Duda, Sr., who had settled in Cleveland in 1909, moved to Florida in 1912. Soon after, his wife Katarina and their children arrived from Austria-Hungary. He unsuccessfully attempted to grow celery in 1913, and moved back to Cleveland three years later. In 1926, he returned to Slavia and with his three sons produced a successful celery crop. Their family farm business grew into one of the largest in the U.S. In 1967, they switched from celery to sod as their main crop, and A. Duda & Sons, Inc. remains a large thriving business today. On March 17, 1912, the settlers formed St. Luke the Evangelizer Church with Andrew Duda, Sr. as its president. Early services were held in one of the pre-Slavia worker's shacks. That building has been modified several times over the years, including being covered with aluminum siding, and was used for decades for storage and allowed to deteriorate. The building is located on the edge of the cemetery, where it was moved to during the late 1990s. Some of the men living in Slavia worked in Henry Overstreet's shingle mill in Oviedo. Others worked at the citrus packing plant, which by the 1920s employed most of the population of Slavia. Children attended school in Oviedo, and financial help came from stockholders in Cleveland and from Slovak religious organizations throughout the country. One of the original proponents of the Slavia settlement, Martin Stanko, moved there in 1926 and opened a store in a new building. Across the road was a small wooden depot facing the railroad tracks. The Slavia Colony Company dissolved in 1928, and the remaining four stockholders divided the last 785 acres among themselves. The first full-time pastor at St. Luke's was Rev. Stephen M. Tuhy, who was installed on July 31, 1934. To accommodate a growing congregation, residents constructed a brick church, which was completed in 1939. Additions have been made over the years, most recently in the late 1990s by the addition of a new sanctuary which dwarfs the original section, which now serves as an entryway. During the 1930s, the Slavia Drainage District was formed to bring 4,500 acres of low mucklands into production. That project went bankrupt when non-resident investors defaulted, and was saved only when Martin Stanko and Andrew Duda, Jr. were able to obtain a loan from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. In 1915, the company had offered ten acres adjacent to the church for use as a cemetery. Because the road to it was in poor repair, it was relocated to the south, where it sits today. The first person buried there, on February 9, 1933, was John Mikler, the 11-year-old son of Joseph and Katarina Mikler. St. Luke's Cemetery reflects the simple lives of the Slavia pioneers. Nearly every headstone is at least roughly a rectangle, flush with the ground or standing no more than two feet tall. There is little more than names and dates, and perhaps a scriptural quote in English or Slovak. Designs of any type are uncommon. There are no family plots or crypts. For more information regarding Slavia, see Like a Mustard Seed by Paul Wehr (The Mickler House 1982). Much of the above material comes from that book. Following is a complete list of the headstones in St. Luke's Cemetery as of November 20, 2001. To get to the cemetery, drive east on SR 426 (Aloma Ave.) from Winter Park and through Goldenrod. At the intersection with Chapman Rd., before reaching Oviedo, turn right (east) on Chapman and the cemetery main gate appears on the south side of the road one block east of Aloma, at the intersection with Church St. ABELL, "Lex" Henry A., b. Oct 24, 1926, d. Feb 4, 1976 ARNDT, Pauline B., b. 1920, d. None (wife of R. Jerry) ARNDT, R. Jerry, b. 1917, d. 1982 (husband of Pauline) ARNDT, R. Jerry Jr., b. Aug 18, 1943, d. Jun 29, 1963 (son of R. Jerry and Pauline) BABCHAK, Andrew, b. Dec 12, 1919, d. Jul 17, 1996 (husband of Olga) BABCHAK, Olga, b. Mar 16, 1926, d. None (wife of Andrew) BARNES, Charles F., b. Oct 29, 1920, d. None (husband of Dorothea) BARNES, Dorothea R., b. Feb 27, 1918, d. Apr 26, 2000 (wife of Charles) BARRETT, Winifred Anna, b. Jan 30, 1910, d. Sep 16, 2001 BARTOS, Amelia, b. Feb 26, 1904, d. Jun 9, 1992 BEASLEY, Charlie E., b. Jan 6, 1920, d. Aug 15, 1978 (husband of Julia) BEASLEY, Joseph, b. Dec 15, 1957, d. Dec 15, 1957 (son of Charlie and Julia) BEASLEY, Julia J., b. Feb 16, 1921, d. Apr 23, 1980 (wife of Charlie) BECKMANN, Esther, b. 1906, d. None (wife of Theodore) BECKMANN, Theodore, b. 1906, d. 2000 (husband of Esther) BEHNKE, Else Carl, b. 1902, d. 1990 BEHNKEN, Dora, b. Dec 22, 1921, d. None (wife of Lloyd) BEHNKEN, Lloyd, b. Aug 19, 1921, d. Dec 23, 1987 (husband of Dora) BEHRENDT, Edward W., b. Sep 14, 1898, d. Jan 29, 1982 (husband of Margarete) BEHRENDT, Margarete L., b. Jan 11, 1902, d. Oct 4, 1987 (wife of Edward) BEISNER, Grace Christine, b. Jul 2, 1999, d. Jul 2, 1999 BELENCAK, Paul, b. Oct 7, 1906, d. Nov 6, 1969 BELLA, Andrew, b. Jan 6, 1907, d. Mar 16, 2001 (husband of Barbara) BELLA, Barbara, b. Dec 19, 1923, d. None (wife of Andrew) BELLA, Daniel F., b. 1897, d. 1982 (husband of Helen) BELLA, Helen, b. 1909, d. 1993 (wife of Daniel) BELLHORN, Albert J., b. Apr 3, 1911, d. Mar 17, 1989 BELLHORN, Donald A., b. May 19, 1941, d. Jul 26, 1994 BENGE, Mark A., b. Jan 22, 1960, d. Feb 24, 1989 BENITEZ, Jose F., b. May 29, 1922, d. Jul 5, 1993 BERG, Eugene F., b. 1916, d. 1998 (husband of Mary Lou) BERG, Mary Lou, b. 1919, d. None (wife of Eugene) BIEL, Bernice C., b. Sep 7, 1915, d. None (wife of Kurt) BIEL, Kurt W., b. Sep 9, 1915, d. Oct 3, 2000 (husband of Bernice) BLODGETT, Leonard, b. 1902, d. 1977 (husband of Mary) BLODGETT, Mary A., b. 1888, d. 1976 (wife of Leonard) BODA, Rev. Andrew, b. 1891, d. 1952 BODISH, Michael, b. 1879, d. 1971 (husband of Mary) BODISH, Mary, b. 1881, d. 1966 (wife of Michael) BORNEMANN, George W., b. Feb 22, 1915, d. Jan 23, 1997 (husband of Helen) BORNEMANN, Helen E., b. Apr 9, 1918, d. None (wife of George) BOWERMAN, Irma M., b. Jun 14, 1921, d. None (wife of Martin) BOWERMAN, Martin H., b. Oct 4, 1924, d. Jan 31, 2001 (husband of Irma) BOYCE, Esther E., b. 1896, d. 1980 (wife of Paul) BOYCE, Paul L., b. 1901, d. 1966 (husband of Esther) BREZINA, John, b. Apr 7, 1888, d. Apr 29, 1973 (husband of Mary) BREZINA, Mary, b. 1890, d. 1976 (wife of John) BREZNAK, Jan, b. 1875, d. 1951 BROWN, Florence C., b. 1905, d. 1991 BULMAHN, Henry F., b. 1904, d. 1981 (husband of Velma) BULMAHN, Velma, b. 1907, d. None (wife of Henry) BURKETT, Gary L. Jr., b. Nov 1, 1956, d. Aug 8, 2000 BUUCK, Lorraine H., b. 1923, d. 2001 (wife of Marcus) BUUCK, Marcus H., b. 1918, d. 1999 (husband of Lorraine) BYRNES, Carl J., b. 1905, d. 1989 (husband of Mildred) BYRNES, Mildred L., b. 1912, d. None (wife of Carl) CASTELEIRO, Helen Haller, b. Dec 22, 1948, d. Aug 25, 1995 CAULK, Codelle Vernon, b. Feb 6, 1915, d. Sep 2, 1994 (wife of Samuel) CAULK, Samuel E., b. Apr 19, 1917, d. May 19, 1997 (husband of Codelle) CEDAR, Alexandra, b. 1878, d. 1955 CEDAR, Selim Alexander, b. 1875, d. 1951 CIBIK, Anna, b. Mar 20, 1907, d. Jun 5, 1995 (wife of Emery) CIBIK, Emery, b. Oct 29, 1905, d. Oct 8, 1979 (husband of Anna) CIROCCO, William M., b. Oct 31, 1934, d. Oct 3, 1972 COLBERT, Micheline Aimee, b. Oct 17, 1978, d. Jan 17, 1980 COOK, Donald M., b. Apr 6, 1907, d. Jul 25, 1971 CULBERT, James D., b. 1920, d. None (husband of Sue) CULBERT, Sue M., b. 1923, d. 1989 (wife of James) DAHM, Walter C., b. Jun 5, 1907, d. May 26, 1987 (husband of Louise) DALY, Joshua Scott Ivo "Josh", b. Aug 31, 1978, d. Feb 3, 1999 DAMM, Pauline M., b. 1923, d. 1999 (wife of Theodore) DAMM, Theodore F., b. 1921, d. None (husband of Pauline) DANIEL, Andrew, b. 1891, d. 1980 (husband of Anna) DANIEL, Anna, b. 1900, d. 1995 (wife of Andrew) DANIELS, H. Lamar, b. 1935, d. None DAVIS, Audrey Mae, b. 1922, d. 1985 DAVIS, Bessie B., b. 1883, d. 1972 (wife of Franklin) DAVIS, Franklin T., b. 1881, d. 1976 (husband of Bessie) DIENES, John R., b. 1903, d. 1979 (husband of Mildred) DIENES, Mildred G., b. 1906, d. None (wife of John) DINDA, Michael J., b. 1895, d. 1978 DREVENY, Daniel, b. 1882, d. 1964 DREVENY, Katarina, b. 1881, d. 1953 DRICKAMER, Roth A., b. 1913, d. 1999 DUDA, Andrej, b. Nov 9, 1893, d. Jan 20, 1958 DUDA, Andrew Jr., b. Apr 7, 1906, d. Sep 17, 1996 (husband of Elizabeth) DUDA, Ann Mikler, b. Nov 18, 1918, d. Nov 20, 1989 (wife of Ferdinand) DUDA, Elizabeth M., b. Oct 26, 1911, d. None (wife of Andrew) DUDA, Ferdinand, b. Apr 22, 1909, d. Sep 17, 1996 (husband of Ann) DUDA, Janet Ruth, b. Jul 14, 1957, d. Sep 3, 1961 DUDA, John, b. Jun 18, 1904, d. Dec 17, 1988 (husband of Katharine) DUDA, Katerina Rodena Zatko, b. Apr 13, 1874, d. Aug 2, 1934 (wife of Andrej) DUDA, Katharine, b. Sep 4, 1910, d. Aug 9, 1974 (wife of John) DUDA, Walter Andrew, b. Aug 19, 1935, d. May 18, 1999 DUWE, Henry Christian, b. 1909, d. 1985 (husband of Pauline) DUWE, Pauline Kathryn, b. 1909, d. None (wife of Henry) EARLE, David M., b. May 25, 1917, d. May 4, 1987 (husband of Gertrude) EARLE, Gertrude H., b. Apr 13, 1922, d. Aug 15, 1980 (wife of David) EDWARDS, Beata C., b. Oct 5, 1897, d. Feb 3, 1992 EGGERS, Bernard W., b. 1919, d. 1993 (husband of Dorothy) EGGERS, Dorothy L., b. 1923, d. 1980 (wife of Bernard) EGGERSTEDT, Derinda M., b. May 7, 1906, d. Apr 18, 1977 ELDRED, Albertina, b. 1910, d. 1999 (wife of Nelson) ELDRED, Nelson A., b. 1908, d. 1990 (husband of Albertina) EVERHARD, John H., b. 1904, d. 1980 (husband of Palma) EVERHARD, Palma A., b. 1906, d. None (wife of John) FABRY, Mary S., b. Dec 23, 1906, d. Nov 9, 1999 (wife of Paul) FABRY, Paul, b. Dec 12, 1903, d. Apr 23, 1985 (husband of Mary) FAJNA, George, b. 1881, d. 1960 FEDERWITZ, Julie, b. 1893, d. 1973 FILIPEK, Anna, b. 1869, d. 1941 (wife of John) FILIPEK, John, b. 1865, d. 1939 (husband of Anna) FLESCH, Devon P., b. Apr 18, 1988, d. Apr 19, 1988 FOLKERTS, Leonard, b. Jun 3, 1923, d. Sep 6, 2001 FOLSTAD, Arnt I., b. Jul 27, 1911, d. Feb 28, 1998 FUTRELL, Melvin J., b. Jan 1, 1938, d. Feb 23, 1999 GALEN, Rev. Albert W., b. 1907, d. None (husband of Martha) GALEN, Martha E., b. 1908, d. 1990 (wife of Albert) GALINAT, August A., b. Dec 17, 1915, d. Mar 15, 2000 (husband of Shirley) GALINAT, Shirley Barkley, b. Sep 15, 1924, d. None (wife of August) GALL, Andrew, b. 1893, d. 1976 (husband of Anna) GALL, Anna, b. 1894, d. 1984 (wife of Andrew) GAVER, Mary J., b. 1925, d. 1998 GEIST, Carl T., b. Mar 9, 1924, d. May 5, 1997 GLUCH, Esther, b. 1905, d. 1993 (wife of John) GLUCH, John Jr., b. 1904, d. 1983 (husband of Esther) GOAD, "Hi-Lo" Clifford B., b. Jun 30, 1929, d. Apr 4, 1993 GOTTSCHALL, Roger W., b. Nov 12, 1924, d. 17, 1992 (husband of Virginia) GOTTSCHALL, Virginia A., b. Dec 21, 1928, d. May 14, 1991 (wife of Roger) GRUNEWALD, Anna Louise, b. Aug 31, 1900, d. Oct 12, 1970 (wife of John) GRUNEWALD, John Bruno, b. Jul 26, 1896, d. Nov 25, 1964 (husband of Anna) GUCCI, Helen H., b. 1937, d. 2000 HAGER, Laura Ann, b. Apr 27, 1968, d. Jan 24, 1982 HANAS, George, B. Mar 27, 1904, d. Oct 7, 1981 (husband of Susan) HANAS, Mary L., b. 1908, d. 1977 HANAS, Susan, b. Dec 24, 1904, d. Aug 10, 1953 (wife of George) HEILMANN, Marie, b. Sep 11, 1894, d. Feb 9, 1989 HEIN, Florentine C., b. 1906, d. 1979 (wife of Henry) HEIN, Henry G., b. 1900, d. 1966 (husband of Florentine) HEIN, Mable R., b. 1925, d. 1976 (wife of William) HEIN, William R., b. 1922, d. 1974 (husband of Mable) HENTGES, Edward F., b. 1904, d. 1981 (husband of Elizabeth) HENTGES, Elizabeth A., b. 1898, d. 1988 (wife of Edward) HEKTOR, George, b. 1895, d. 1974 (husband of Meta) HEKTOR, Meta Marie, b. 1901, d. 1975 (wife of George) HERMAN, Marie, b. 1915, d. 2001 HERMAN, Molly, b. 1913, d. 2001 HINGST, Esther L., b. Sep 18, 1893, d. Aug 19, 1984 HOENER, Harry, b. 1885, d. 1978 (husband of Jennie) HOENER, Jennie, b. 1885, d. 1986 (wife of Harry) HOLLOWAY, Foy E., b. Sep 7, 1918, d. Jan 5, 1994 (wife of William) HOLLOWAY, William M., b. Feb 19, 1919, d. Jun 18, 1964 (husband of Foy) HUDSON, Althea P., b. 1934, d. 2000 (wife of Grant) HUDSON, Grant A., b. 1929, d. None (husband of Althea) HURST, Pearl Munch, b. Nov 13, 1915, d. None (wife of William) HURST, William Lonsdale, b. Apr 9, 1913, d. Apr 4, 1998 (husband of Pearl) HVIZDAK, Joseph, b. Mar 5, 1901, d. Aug 29, 1983 (husband of Mary) HVIZDAK, Mary, b. Apr 18, 1906, d. Oct 18, 1984 (wife of Joseph) IVO, Ione S., b. Jul 9, 1928, d. May 18, 1996 (wife of Robert) IVO, Robert O., b. Mar 5, 1922, d. Aug 27, 1991 (husband of Ione) JACOBSEN, Doris A., b. 1902, d. 1997 JAKUBCIN, Andrej, b. Jun 9, 1884, d. Dec 14, 1942 (husband of Barbara) JAKUBCIN, Andrew, b. Sep 20, 1912, d. Sep 11, 1954 JAKUBCIN, Anna, b. Sep 27, 1900, d. Dec 21, 1977 (wife of George) JAKUBCIN, Barbara, b. Sep 25, 1886, d. Feb 18, 1974 (wife of Andrej) JAKUBCIN, Edward John, b. Jul 30, 1960, d. Aug 2, 1960 JAKUBCIN, George, b. Jun 14, 1887, d. Jun 5, 1978 (husband of Anna) JAKUBCIN, George Jr., b. Dec 22, 1920, d. None (husband of Mildred) JAKUBCIN, John, b. Jun 14, 1916, d. Dec 22, 1974 (husband of Olga) JAKUBCIN, Milan F., b. Oct 2, 1930, d. Nov 3, 1999 (husband of Vera Ann) JAKUBCIN, Mildred L., b. Jun 19, 1927, d. Sep 29, 1996 (wife of George Jr.) JAKUBCIN, Olga A., b. None, d. None (wife of John) JAKUBCIN, Robert Scott, b. Mar 29, 1972, d. Jun 23, 1973 JAKUBCIN, Vera Ann, b. Feb 24, 1930, d. Nov 14, 1992 (wife of Milan) JESKE, Elsie O., b. 1911, d. None (husband of Henry) JESKE, Henry W., b. 1910, d. 1994 (husband of Elsie) JOHNSON, Anna Cadra, b. Sep 17, 1914, d. None (wife of Harris) JOHNSON, David N., b. Jan 18, 1918, d. Oct 29, 1987 (husband of Hildegard) JOHNSON, Grace C., b. 1912, d. None (wife of Sven) JOHNSON, Harris C., b. Jun 3, 1911, d. Mar 17, 1992 (husband of Anna) JOHNSON, Hildegard F., b. Feb 20, 1919, d. Aug 1, 1968 (wife of David) JOHNSON, Sven J., b. 1907, d. 1989 (husband of Grace) KARDOS, Charlotte, b. Sep 9, 1903, d. None KARSON, Gail M., b. Oct 9, 1945, d. Jun 6, 1995 KERN, John H., b. 1936, d. 1971 KLAENHAMMER, Adeline B., b. 1891, d. 1987 (wife of Otto) KLAENHAMMER, Otto T., b. 1889, d. 1980 (husband of Adeline) KLAGES, Amos W., b. Apr 21, 1917, d. None (husband of Genevieve) KLAGES, Genevieve M., b. Apr 2, 1920, d. Dec 21, 1980 (wife of Amos) KLINECT, Erva M., b. 1905, d. 1997 KLUTTZ, Arnold S., b. Aug 23, 1919, d. Apr 7, 1998 (husband of Lena) KLUTTZ, Lena W., b. Apr 8, 1925, d. None (wife of Arnold) KOCKOVSKY, Augusta, b. 1875, d. 1956 KOCKOVSKY, Kristina, b. 1870, d. 1956 KOHR, Bradley G., b. 1918, d. 1999 (husband of Dorothy) KOHR, Dorothy L., b. 1917, d. 1999 (wife of Bradley) KOLARIK, Anna Dinda, b. 1892, d. 1983 KOLARIK, Beth C., b. 1916, 1988 (wife of J. Milan) KOLARIK, J. Milan, b. 1913, d. 1990 (husband of Beth) KOSKO, John, b. 1884, d. 1973 KOVICIK, Paulina, b. 1896, d. 1964 (wife of Samuel) KOVICIK, Samuel, b. 1890, d. 1960 (husband of Paulina) KOZIC, Anthony C., b. 1978, d. 1980 KOZIC, Elizabeth, b. 1892, d. None (wife of John Sr.) KOZIC, John Jr., b. May 12, 1915, d. Jan 10, 1998 (husband of Myrtle) KOZIC, John Sr., b. 1890, d. 1978 (husband of Elizabeth) KOZIC, John III, b. 1938, d. 1958 (son of John Jr. and Myrtle) KOZIC, Myrtle L., b. Jun 13, 1918, d. May 11, 1997 (wife of John Jr.) KREUZER, Hedwig G., b. Jun 3, 1896, d. Mar 28, 1989 KROKAVEC, Maria, b. Dec 6, 1893, d. Nov 16, 1996 KUCHARIK, Eleanor M., b. Feb 5, 1920, d. Dec 14, 2000 (wife of John) KUCHARIK, John J., b. Jan 29, 1917, d. None (husband of Eleanor) KUCHÁRIK, Josephine, b. 1891, d. 1951 KUCHENBECKER, Franklin E., b. Oct 31, 1909, d. Jun 20, 1995 (husband of Margaret) KUCHENBECKER, Margaret L., b. Jun 24, 1912, d. Jul 28, 2001 (wife of Franklin) KUHNS, Lillian M., b. Aug 14, 1876, d. Dec 21, 1966 KUSUBAR, Mary, b. Nov 18, 1902, d. Nov 21, 1995 LACKO, Bertha, b. 1873, d. 1963 LACO, Mary, b. 1897, d. 1985 LACY, Charles E., b. Nov 17, 1930, d. Mar 5, 1995 LAMPRECHT, Emily A., b. 1904, d. 1985 LAMPRECHT, Matilda Ann, b. 1915, d. 1999 (wife of Paul) LAMPRECHT, Paul, b. 1907, d. None (husband of Matilda) LANGDON, Carol M., b. Jul 15, 1941, d. Mar 15, 1996 (wife of Ernest) LANGDON, Emil E., b. 1899, d. 1980 LANGDON, Ernest L., b. Jun 9, 1940, d. None (husband of Carol) LASLEY, Alma Ruth, b. 1892, d. 1978 LEIBMANN, Edward F., b. Jan 6, 1911, d. May 5, 1997 (husband of Marie) LEIBMANN, Marie G., b. Nov 3, 1922, d. None (wife of Edward) LESTOCK, John, b. 1911, d. 1996 (husband of Sophia) LESTOCK, Sophia, b. 1909, d. None (wife of John) LINCK, Robert Scott, b. Jun 2, 1988, d. Jul 27, 1988 LINGARD, Ralph Jr., b. Oct 7, 1929, d. Oct 19, 1986 LUKAS, Anne, b. Apr 6, 1919, d. Aug 9, 1953 LUKAS, Bille Jo, b. Mar 23, 1933, d. None (wife of Dusan) LUKAS, Daniel V., b. Sep 12, 1925, d. May 29, 1996 LUKAS, Dusan A., b. Nov 11, 1928, d. Feb 21, 2000 (husband of Billie Jo) LUKAS, Gertrude G., b. None, d. None (wife of Paul M.) LUKAS, Mary, b. Sep 27, 1887, d. Jul 31, 1961 (wife of Paul) LUKAS, Milton A., b. Sep 28, 1921, d. Dec 22, 1982 (husband of Ruth) LUKAS, Paul, b. Sep 25, 1886, d. Jan 28, 1939 (husband of Mary) LUKAS, Paul M. Sr., b. Jul 6, 1914, d. Jan 15, 1970 (husband of Gertrude) LUKAS, Ruth R., b. Dec 20, 1924, d. None (wife of Milton) LUNDBERG, Axel E., b. 1883, d. 1972 LYNCH, Daisy G., b. Mar 1, 1917, Feb 24, 2000 (wife of Marvin) LYNCH, Marvin J., b. Mar 16, 1917, d. Oct 6, 1989 (husband of Daisy) MARCEK, George, b. 1895, d. 1980 (husband of Theresa) MARCEK, Theresa, b. 1902, d. 1996 (wife of George) MAROHN, August, b. 1892, d. 1985 (husband of Irma) MAROHN, Irma, b. 1895, d. 1980, (wife of August) MATANIN, Elizabeth, b. Nov 16, 1899, d. Jun 23, 1980 (wife of Michael) MATANIN, Michael, b. Jan 10, 1889, d. May 20, 1978 (husband of Elizabeth) MAYER, Frieda G., b. 1905, d. 1984 (wife of William) MAYER, William F., b. 1902, d. 1985 (husband of Frieda) McCHESNEY, Marian J., b. 1922, d. None (wife of Richard) McCHESNEY, Richard L., b. 1919, d. 2001 (husband of Marian) McGRAW, Katherine, b. Jul 1, 1908, d. Sep 8, 1993 McILWAIN, Florence, b. 1914, d. 1992 (wife of George) McILWAIN, George, b. 1909, d. None (husband of Florence) MEICKE, Anna S., b. 1911, d. 1999 (wife of Herman) MEICKE, Herman O., b. 1905, d. 1988 (husband of Anna) MEIER, Mary L., b. Nov 4, 1898, d. Apr 20, 1984 (wife of Walter) MEIER, Walter A., b. Jul 27, 1897, d. Nov 4, 1976 (husband of Mary) MERTAN, Elizabeth, b. 1891, d. 1976 (wife of George) MERTAN, George, b. 1884, d. 1972 (husband of Elizabeth) METCALF, Shawn J., b. Apr 27, 1980, d. Oct 9, 1998 MEYER, Harold F., b. 1904, d. 1992 (husband of Martha) MEYER, Lois B., b. 1918, d. None (wife of Paul) MEYER, Martha A., b. 1903, d. None (wife of Harold) MEYER, Paul G., b. 1914, d. 1998 (husband of Lois) MIKLER, Andrew, b. 1914, d. 1976 (husband of Mildred) MIKLER, Anna J., b. Jun 8, 1914, d. Feb 13, 1998 (wife of Joseph B.) MIKLER, Eleanor E., b. 1922, d. None MIKLER, Ethel A., b. None, d. None (wife of Joseph L.) MIKLER, Ján, b. 1921, d. 1933 MIKLER, John, b. 1921, d. 1986 MIKLER, Josef, b. 1880, d. 1963 (husband of Katarina) MIKLER, Joseph B., b. Mar 15, 1909, d. Feb 28, 1958 (husband of Anna, son of Michael 1882 and Maria) MIKLER, Joseph L., b. 1908, d. 1982 (husband of Ethel) MIKLER, Katarina, b. 1885, d. 1958 (wife of Josef) MIKLER, Margaret S., b. 1913, d. 1996 (wife of Stephen) MIKLER, Maria, b. Jun 20, 1882, d. Nov 18, 1941 (wife of Michael 1882) MIKLER, Mathilda Lamos, b. 1908, d. 1985 (wife of Michael 1906) MIKLER, Michael, b. Apr 9, 1882, d. Aug 2, 1955 (husband of Maria) MIKLER, Michael, b. 1906, d. 1939 (husband of Mathilda) MIKLER, Mildred, b. 1922, d. None (wife of Andrew) MIKLER, Paul, b. Jul 8, 1916, d. Apr 12, 2000 (husband of Virginia) MIKLER, Paul Thomas, b. Feb 2, 1947, d. Feb 7, 1947 (son of Paul and Virginia) MIKLER, Raymond Michael, b. 1967, d. 1996 MIKLER, Stephen, b. 1912, d. 1989 (husband of Margaret) MIKLER, Virginia B., b. Nov 26, 1916, d. None (wife of Paul) MILKO, Andrew, b. Nov 2, 1915, d. Nov 11, 2000 (husband of Mary) MILKO, Mary, b. Apr 15, 1920, d. None (wife of Andrew) MILLER, Elsie A., b. 1902, d. 1993 (wife of Warren) MILLER, Warren E., b. 1900, d. 1975 (husband of Elsie) MOGAARD, Andrew L., b. 1868, d. 1953 MOHL, Carol L., b. 1893, d. None MOHL, Marie, b. None, d. None MONTGOMERY, Anne, b. Jul 13, 1914, d. Feb 11, 1994 MOSES, Helen, b. Apr 28, 1916, d. Apr 20, 2001 MOSNY, Anna, b. 1889, d. 1967 MUELLER, Clara L., b. 1917, d. None (wife of Luther) MUELLER, Jesse Alan, b. Jan 9, 1985, d. Mar 17, 1985 MUELLER, Luther H., b. 1917, d. 1996 (husband of Clara) MUSGROVE, Bertha, b. 1897, d. 1982 (wife of James) MUSGROVE, James E., b. 1902, d. 1988 (husband of Bertha) MYERS, Mary Anne, b. Sep 24, 1956, d. None (daughter of Žornicka) MYERS, Roy E., b. 1901, d. 1981 MYERS, Žornicka Mildred, b. Nov 5, 1931, d. Sep 20, 1994 (mother of Mary Anne) NAGLE, Clara E., b. 1913, d. None (wife of Harry) NAGLE, Harry F., b. 1913, d. 1996 (husband of Clara) NEMCHEK, Samuel, b. 1882, d. 1952 NIXON, C. Robert, b. 1914, d. 1998 (husband of Marie) NIXON, Marie K., b. 1913, d. None (wife of C. Robert) NOVAK, George, b. Jan 11, 1875, d. Mar 19, 1959 (husband of Johanna) NOVAK, Johanna, b. Jun 24, 1880, d. Feb 18, 1961 (wife of George) OBEDA, Steffw, b. 1906, d. 1989 (husband of Suzana) OBEDA, Suzana Bašnar, b. 1907, d. 1995 (wife of Steffw) OFFEN, Henry W., b Jun 21, 1907, d. Jan 21, 1999 (husband of Magdalena) OFFEN, Magdalena E., b. Apr 3, 1914, d. None (wife of Henry) ONTKO, Andrew, b. Jun 7, 1893, d. Aug 10, 1981 (husband of Emilie) ONTKO, Dusan John, b. 1923, d. 1994 (husband of Margaret) ONTKO, Elizabeth, b. Dec 28, 1906, d. Jul 12, 1995 ONTKO, Emilie Matejka, b. Aug 27, 1894, d. Oct 27, 1977 (wife of Andrew) ONTKO, Margaret, b. 1922, d. 1997 (wife of Dusan) ORLING, Emma M., b. 1911, d. 1992 (wife of Ewald) ORLING, Ewald J., b. 1910, d. 1997 (husband of Emma) PAGE, Esther L., b. Jul 17, 1917, d. None (wife of James) PAGE, James W., b. May 9, 1919, d. Aug 9, 1990 (husband of Esther) PAKAN, Maria, b. 1875, d. 1957 PANKE, Janet Key, b. Jan 18, 1970, d. Jan 21, 1970 PAVLIK, Andrej, b. 1888, d. 1943 PELIKAN, Bessie, b. 1905, d. None PELIKAN, Elizabeth, b. 1904, d. 1998 PELIKAN, Mildred, b. 1907, d. 1980 PETROVIC, Katherine, b. 1881, d. 1969 PFEUFFER, Anton, b. 1901, d. 1989 (husband of Gertrude) PFEUFFER, Gertrude, b. 1913, d. 1997 (wife of Anton) PINE, Helen M., b. 1914, d. 1991 (wife of Paul) PINE, Paul C., b. 1915, d. 1997 (husband of Helen) PRAVNAN, Daniel, b. 1888, d. 1979 (husband of Helen) PRAVNAN, Helen O., b. 1889, d. 1978 (wife of Daniel) QUALHEIM, Genevieve F., b. 1913, d. 1999 (wife of Maurice) QUALHEIM, Maurice E., b. 1908, d. None (husband of Genevieve) RASUMSSEN, Carl C., b. 1887, d. 1982 (husband of Jessie) RASMUSSEN, Claudius, b. 1890, d. 1960 (husband of Maye) RASMUSSEN, Jessie M., b. 1897, d. 1996 (wife of Carl) RASMUSSEN, Maye, b. 1907, d. 2000 (wife of Claudius) RATHJEN, Carl A., b. 1911, d. 1984 RATTA, Linda E., b. Oct 1, 1945, d. Oct 19, 1994 (wife of Richard) RATTA, Richard R., b. Sep 23, 1941, d. None (husband of Linda) RICH, Clarence, b. May 12, 1900, d. Mar 8, 1972 (husband of Mary) RICH, Karen Jane, b. Oct 21, 1959, d. Apr 8, 1963 (daughter of William and Laura) RICH, Laura Jane, b. May 22, 1935, d. None (wife of William) RICH, Mary E., b. May 3, 1906, d. Oct 21, 1982 (husband of Clarence) RICH, William "Billy" Sr., b. Jun 4, 1929, d. Feb 27, 1985 (husband of Laura) RICHARDS, Clarence Henry, b. Feb 26, 1916, d. Oct 8, 2001 RIEFSTAHL, William H., b. 1872, d. 1962 ROBERTS, Claude W., b. Oct 5, 1916, d. Mar 1, 1985 ROBOOM, Auguste H., b. 1898, d. 1994 (wife of Walter) ROBOOM, Walter H., b. 1901, d. 1982 (husband of Auguste) ROOK, Ann S., b. Apr 2, 1914, d. None (wife of Seth) ROOK, Seth J., b. Oct 21, 1917, d. Dec 6, 1992 (husband of Ann) ROOS, Eliza, b. 1865, d. 1952 SABO, Elizabeth, b. 1905, d. 1989 (wife of John) SABO, John, b. 1902, d. 1987 (husband of Elizabeth) SAFFEN, Earle R., b. 1895, d. 1991 (husband of Opal) SAFFEN, Opal C., b. 1904, d. 1981 (wife of Earle) SAGEHORN, Erwin F., b. Aug 27, 1908, d. May 31, 1994 (husband of Luzinda) SAGEHORN, Luzinda M., b. Oct 6, 1998, d. Apr 6, 1998 (wife of Erwin) SAWYER, Richard A., b. 1928, d. 1994 (husband of Ruth) SAWYER, Ruth V., b. 1923, d. None (wife of Richard) SCHILLING, Alexandra, b. 1913, d. 1994 (wife of Arnold) SCHILLING, Arnold, b. 1913, d. 1990 (husband of Alexandra) SCHOENBOHM, Richard A., b. Sep 6, 1907, d. Oct 2, 1991 (husband of Wilma) SCHOENBOHM, Wilma L., b. Sep 18, 1909, d. None (wife of Richard) SCHRIEBER, blank SCHUETTE, Bernice A., b. 1910, d. 1996 SCHULE, Christian C.E., b. 1893, d. 1976 (husband of Lillie) SCHULE, Lillie H., b. 1895, d. 1985 (wife of Christian) SCHWADERER, Hilda A., b. 1911, d. None (wife of Paul) SCHWADERER, Paul G., b. 1908, d. 1982 (husband of Hilda) SCHWARK, Clara T., b. Dec 6, 1917, d. Aug 21, 2001 (wife of William) SCHWARK, William F., b. Jul 2, 1914, d. None (husband of Clara) SEACREST, Vera J., b. 1911, d. None (wife of William) SEACREST, William G., b. 1914, d. None (husband of Vera) SEASS, Amy Kathryn, b. 1968, d. 1972 SEASS, Lois Kathryn Duwe, b. 1938, d. 1989 SEDIVY, Jan, b. 1869, d. 1949 SIDLIK, Patricia J., b. 1940, d. None (wife of Steven) SIDLIK, Steven R., b. 1933, d. 1994 (husband of Patricia) SIMKO, Anna, b. Apr 8, 1913, d. Jan 1, 1990 SIMKO, Emil, b. Jun 12, 1918, d. Nov 20, 1998 SIMKO, John, b. Feb 25, 1924, d. None (husband of Linda) SIMKO, Linda M., b. Jun 12, 1931, d. None (wife of John) SINCLAIR, George, b. 1919, d. 1981 (husband of Mary) SINCLAIR, Mary C., b. 1924, d. 1968 (wife of George) SINCLAIR, Mary Jane, b. Jan 27, 1947, d. Jul 13, 1953 (daughter of George and Mary) SKALOS, Julia, b. 1885, d. 1972 SKORNIA, Albert, b. 1902, d. 1983 (husband of Geraldine) SKORNIA, Geraldine, b. 1906, d. None (wife of Albert) SLAWTER, Anna, b. 1899, d. 1978 (wife of Harold) SLAWTER, Harold C., b. 1907, d. 1985 (husband of Anna) SMEYAK, Margaret, b. 1908, d. 1982 (wife of Paul) SMEYAK, Paul, b. 1908, d. None (husband of Margaret) SMITH, Paul, b. 1896, d. 1981 (husband of Susan) SMITH, Susan, b. 1892, d. None (wife of Paul) SPENCE, Eva Slavik, b. 1892, d. 1986 STACHNICK, Anna K., b. 1894, d. 1977 (wife of John) STACHNICK, John W. Sr., b. 1891, d. 1973 (husband of Anna) STANKO, Andrew, b. 1910, d. 1993 (husband of Susan) STANKO, John, b. Sep 6, 1899, d. Dec 18, 1985 (husband of Mary) STANKO, Juliana, b. 1887, d. 1978 (wife of Martin) STANKO, Martin, b. 1880, d. 1950 (husband of Juliana) STANKO, Mary, b. Nov 22, 1902, d. Oct 3, 2000 (wife of John) STANKO, Susan C., b. 1917, d. None (wife of Andrew) STEPHAN, Steve, b. Jan 1, 1886, d. Sep 25, 1971 STOVER, Florentine P., b. 1903, d. 1989 (wife of LeRoy) STOVER, LeRoy R., b. 1896, d. 1983 (husband of Florentine) STRUHAR, Katarina, b. Dec 23, 1883, d. Apr 3, 1976 TESINSKY, Mary, b. Aug 1, 1912, d. May 6, 2001 (wife of Paul) TESINSKY, Paul, b. Oct 23, 1905, d. Feb 27, 1988 (husband of Mary) THOMPSON, Minne K., b. 1888, d. 1979 THRUN, Everett, b. 1909, d. 1988 (husband of Marie) THRUN, Marie, b. 1911, d. None (wife of Everett) TOELKE, Rev. Carl H., b. 1911, d. 1987 (husband of Josephine) TOELKE, Josephine, b. 1908, d. 1994 (wife of Carl) TOLAN, Kevin James, b. Oct 19, 1996, d. Oct 19, 1996 TONNESEN, Margrette A., b. 1924, d. None (wife of Thomas) TONNESEN, Thomas H., b. 1919, d. 1995 (husband of Margrette) TRACY, Marguerite A., b. 1907, d. None TUHY, Elena Anna, b. Sep 21, 1939, d. Dec 12, 1959 (daughter of Stephen and Olga) TUHY, Olga, b. Nov 2, 1910, d. Feb 8, 1988 (wife of Stephen) TUHY, Stephen Miroslav, b. Oct 14, 1909, d. Dec 26, 1967 (husband of Olga) VANCAK, Elizabeth, b. Jul 29, 1908, d. Mar 1, 1987 (wife of John) VANCAK, John, b. Nov 24, 1901, d. Nov 1, 1994 (husband of Elizabeth) VARGO, Anna, b. Aug 8, 1886, d. Feb 26, 1977 VELEK, Bertha L., b. Apr 1907, d. None (wife of Otto) VELEK, Otto E., b. Mar 15, 1902, d. May 16, 1981 (husband of Bertha) VENTURE, Grace, b. 1893, d. 1982 (wife of Joseph) VENTURE, Joseph, b. 1898, d. 1976 (husband of Grace) VILES, Carrie Mae, b. May 12, 1925, d. Dec 28, 1999 VIVALDO, Julia E., b. Jan 19, 1909, d. Jul 12, 1992 VOIGT, Esther Y., b. 1907, d. 1993 (wife of Harry) VOIGT, Harry R., b. 1909, d. 1984 (husband of Esther) VOLZ, Albert, b. 1896, d. 1984 (husband of Evelyn) VOLZ, Evelyn Meyer, b. 1906, d. 1998 (wife of Albert) VON SPRECKELSEN, Ruth, b. 1908, d. 1987 (wife of William) VON SPRECKELSEN, William, b. 1906, d. 1990 (husband of Ruth) WEBER, Arthur R., b. 1907, d. 1998 (husband of Elizabeth) WEBER, Edmund W., b. 1899, d. 1987 (husband of Henrietta) WEBER, Elizabeth M., b. None, d. None (wife of Arthur) WEBER, Esther M., b. 1903, d. 1987 (wife of Harvey) WEBER, Frieda W., b. 1891, d. 1964 (wife of Hugo) WEBER, Harvey C., b. 1904, d. 1987 (husband of Esther) WEBER, Henrietta B., b. 1901, d. 1997 (wife of Edmund) WEBER, Hugo, b. 1892, d. 1974 (husband of Frieda) WEISENBARGER, Mary Ann, b. None, d. None (wife of Roy Jr.) WEISENBARGER, Roy E. Jr., b. Feb 3, 1940, d. Jun 23, 1998 (husband of Mary Ann) WEISENBARGER, Roy Edward, b. Nov 11, 1964, d. Mar 25, 1998 (son of Roy Jr. and Mary Ann) WIEBENGA, Eve H., b. Oct 8, 1900, d. None (wife of John) WIEBENGA, John, b. Aug 20, 1900, d. Nov 27, 1990 (husband of Eve) WIRTZ, Anton, b. 1900, d. 1991 WOLFF, John C., b. Apr 30, 1912, d. Jan 11, 1995 (husband of Theresa) WOLFF, Theresa, b. Jun 24, 1911, d. Jul 27, 2000 (wife of John) WOODS, Anna Cedar, b. Feb 13, 1917, d. Aug 5, 1948 WRIGHT, Hazel M., b. 1914, d. 2000 (wife of Norman) WRIGHT, Norman H., b. 1914, d. None (husband of Hazel) WUNDERLICH, Lorenz C., b. 1906, d. 1993 (husband of Mildred M.) WUNDERLICH, Mildred R., b. 1912, d. 1987 WUNDERLICH, Mildred M., b. 1904, d. 1985 (wife of Lorenz) ZENICH, Sophia, b. Aug 16, 1885, d. Nov 6, 1966 ZIEBARTH, Ernal, b. Sep 26, 1917, d. May 23, 1999 (wife of Lawrence) ZIEBARTH, Lawrence O., b. Dec 24, 1918, d. None (husband of Ernal)