Biography of Charles E. Bostwick, Daytona Beach, Volusia County, FL File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Rayburn ( USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or publication by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************************** Transcribed from: The History of Florida: Past & Present, The Lewis Publishing Co., Vol. III, page 219, 1923. BOSTWICK, CHARLES E. Prior to locating at Daytona Beach, in November, 1919, CHARLES E. BOSTWICK had been preceded here by his reputation as a man of experience, ability and judgment in the hotel business. That he has fully lived up to this estimation of his worth is shown in the popularity and success of the Daytona Beach Hotel, of which he is now proprietor, and which is one of the finest on the east coast of Florida. Mr. BOSTWICK was born sixty years ago at Conyers, near Atlanta, Georgia, and is a son of JOHN M. and AMANDA (ROSSER) BOSTWICK. The DE BOSTOK family (as the name was then spelled) originated in France, whence members went to England as soldiers in 1305. In the latter country the spelling was first changed to BOSTOCK, then to BOSTICK and finally to BOSTWICK, as at present. The original American ancestor was ARTHUR BOSTWICK, who came to this country in 1639. Capt. ISAAC BOSTWICK, who lived at New Milford, Connecticut, was appointed ensign in the Second Company Militia in May, 1769, and in 1770 became captain in the Seventh Regiment, commanded by Col. CHARLES WEBB. In 1775 he was with Gen. Sullivan's Brigade at Winter Hill. His regiment then reorganized and became the Nineteenth Continental Infantry, and as such marched with General Washington to New York from Boston by way of New London, Connecticut. The command served in the vicinity of New York until the close of the year 1776, or when New York was being fortified, was with the advance guard in the famous crossing of the Delaware, December 25, 1776, and Captain BOSTWICK was at Danbury Alarm in April, 1777. JOHN M. BOSTWICK, the father of CHARLES E., was born in 1812 in Morgan County, Georgia, a son of AZARIAH BOSTWICK. He passed his life in farming in his native state, where he died in 1872. He and his wife were the parents of two daughters and one son. CHARLES E. BOSTWICK spent his public school days at Conyers, and at the age of fifteen years became practically self-supporting, so that he was able to put himself through the Atlanta Business College, where he completed his course at the age of nineteen years. His first employment was as a clerk in a general store, but after completing his business course he became a bookkeeper in the employ of the Estey Organ Company. He later was credit man for ten years for Capt. JOHN KELLEY of Atlanta, and then went to Knoxville, Tennessee, where he engaged in the dry goods business. After four years he disposed of his interests and moved back to Atlanta, where he was representative of Bradstreet's until 1898, at that time buying the Waycross Inn, at Waycross, Georgia, an establishment which he conducted with success for twelve years. He next became proprietor of the Royal at Brunswick, Georgia, and was the proprietor thereof until assuming the ownership of the Daytona Beach Hotel in November, 1919. Mr. BOSTWICK is an ideal host and has made his house one of the most popular on the east coast of Florida. It is perfect in appointments and cuisine, and is greatly patronized by tourists and the visitors who come to Daytona Beach to attend the famous automobile races held here. The Daytona Beach automobile race course has become one of the most famous in the world, and a number of world's records have been established thereon. It is under the ownership of the Daytona Beach Automobile Race Association, of which Mr. BOSTWICK is vice president. He has taken an interest in civic affairs, and is an active member of the Free Bridge Committee. Fraternally he is a Master Mason and an Elk. He and Mrs. BOSTWICK are members of the Episcopal Church, and while residing at Waycross, Georgia, Mr. BOSTWICK served as vestryman for seven years. In 1881 he married Miss WILLIE RICHARDSON, who died leaving three children: NINA, WILLIAM B. and CHARLES E., the latter superintendent and engineer of the Jacksonville Traction Company. The present Mrs. BOSTWICK was formerly Miss MINA CLARK, a relative of the late Hon. CHAMP CLARK.