Walton County FlArchives Biographies.....Campbell, Alexander R. 1855 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/fl/flfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Rayburn Naev@earthlink.net October 29, 2006, 10:27 am Author: The History of Florida: Past & Present, The Lewis Publishing Co., Vol. II, page 50, 1923 CAMPBELL, Hon. ALEXANDER R. During a period of thirty-five years Hon. ALEXANDER R. CAMPBELL, of DeFuniak Springs, has been before the people of his community in one or another public capacity, and as the incumbent of various public positions has discharged competently every trust reposed in him. Since 1917 he has occupied the position of county judge of Walton County, and in caring for the duties and responsibilities of this office has established a splendid record for fairness, dignity and firmness. Judge CAMPBELL was born November 17, 1855, on a farm in Walton County, and is a son of NEIL P. and NANCY (RAY) CAMPBELL. His great-grandfather on the paternal side, a native of Scotland, immigrated to the United Sates in young manhood and first settled in North Carolina, whence he came with his son to Florida. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, the paternal grandfather of Judge CAMPBELL, was born in North Carolina, and about 1830 moved to Florida, locating at the old Scotch settlement, at Knoxhill and Eucheeana, the latter-named place having been the old county seat of Walton County, where the Scotch clans of the early days congregated. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL married NANCY McPHERSON, who was born in North Carolina and came to Florida about 1832. NEIL P. CAMPBELL was born in North Carolina and was a child when brought to Florida, where he engaged in farming and stock raising. He also served as sheriff of Walton County, and at the outbreak of the war between the states occupied the position of postmaster. He resigned his office and enlisted in the confederate army as a cavalryman, with the rank of sergeant, being later promoted to lieutenant. He had a splendid war record, and at the close of his service returned to Walton County, where he resumed his farming and stock raising operations, in which he continued to be engaged during the remainder of his life. Mr. CAMPBELL married Miss NANCY RAY, who was born in Florida, a daughter of JOHN P. and FLORA (GUNN) RAY. JOHN P. RAY was born in North Carolina, and after his marriage moved to Florida and located in the old Scotch settlement. His wife’s parents were natives of Scotland, who on their immigration to the United States settled in North Carolina. Like other farmers’ sons of his day and locality, ALEXANDER R. CAMPBELL passed his boyhood and youth in alternately attending the district schools during the winter terms and helping his father during the summer months on the farm, continuing thus until he was twenty-six years of age, when he secured his certificate and began teaching school. After five years as an educator he transferred his activities to farming on his own account, and he was thus employed for ten years, during which time he also operated a sawmill and did logging. About 1898 he was appointed supervisor of registration for Walton County and held that position for six years. He was then elected town clerk of DeFuniak Springs, a position which he held for five years, and during this time was also elected clerk of the Criminal Court of Walton county and for some time occupied both positions and discharged their duties efficiently. After holding the position of clerk of the Criminal Court for two years, he was elected justice of the peace for the Eighth District and held that office until 1916, when he was appointed county judge of Walton County to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge W. E. PARISH. In the fall of the same year he was elected to this office, for a term of four years, starting January 1, 1917, and in the fall of 1920 was reelected to succeed himself, his term expiring January 1, 1925. He has displayed judicial ability of the highest order and has established an excellent reputation. Judge CAMPBELL is a staunch democrat. As a fraternalist he holds membership in the local lodges of the Masons, Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian Church. On November 4, 1880, Judge CAMPBELL was united in marriage at Knoxhill, Walton County, to Miss NANNIE GILLIS, daughter of JOHN and CHRISTINA (McINTOSH) GILLIS, the former of whom was born in Scotland and settled in North Carolina, where he followed farming and was an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Eight children have been born to Judge and Mrs. CAMPBELL, of whom four are living: FLORA EUNICE, who married H. F. POWELL, of Crestview, Florida, and has four sons and one daughter; ADA REBECCA, who is unmarried and resides with her parents, formerly for several years a teacher in the rural districts of Walton County, and now clerk in the post office at DeFuniak Springs; LOUISE CHRISTINA, who is the wife of O. M. COX, of Quincy, Florida; and HENRY ALEXANDER, a pharmacist at DeFuniak Springs. 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