Appling-Ware County GaArchives Obituaries.....Carter, Mrs. Pearl Anderson July 12, 1981 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Harris Atkins January 24, 2008, 1:21 pm Waycross Journal Herald, Tuesday, July 14,1981 BAXLEY - Mrs. Pearl Anderson Carter, 70, of Baxley, died Sunday at the Appling General Hospital after a long illness. A native of Tattnall County, she had lived in Appling for the past 36 years and was a member of the Spring Branch Missionary Baptist Church in Baxley. Surviving are her husband, Olen C. Carter, Baxley; four daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Lee, Columbus, Mrs. Blanche King, Richmond Hill, Mrs. Carrie Cannon, Riverdale and Mrs. Peggy Corbett, Phoenix City, Ala.; two sons, Ellis T. Carter, Brunswick and Lewis Carter, Baxley; a sister, Mrs. Janie Blocker, Brunswick; two brothers, Elton and Bennie Anderson, both of Glennville; 17 grandchildren and , two great-grandchildren. Funeral was to be held at the Spring Branch Baptist Church. Burial was to be in the Appling Memorial Gardens. Swain Funeral Home of Baxley was in charge File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb