Georgia, Appling county, Harley A. Bland - Fannie Hinnant marriage record. ==================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Wilma Coombs ==================================================================== State of Georgia, County of Appling To any Judge, Justice of the Peace, or Minister of the Gospel, You are Hereby Authroized to Join, Harley A. Bland and Miss Fannie Hinnant in the Holy State of Matrimony, according to the Constitution and Laws of this State, and for so diong this shall be your license. And you are hereby required to return this License to me with your certificate heron of the fact and date of the marriage. Given under my hand and seal, this 18th day of January 1901. Signed by A. M. Crosby, Ordinary ......................................................................................................................................................................................... State of Georgia, County of Appling I certify that Harley A. Bland and Fannie Hinnant were joined in matrimony by me, this 28th day of January, 1901. Signed by Isaac Taylor Recorded March 14,1901 A. M. Crosby, Ordinary