Bacon County Georgia Church Mt. Pleasant Membership File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Louise Nettles Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: MT. PLEASANT PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH MEMBERSHIP ROLL Locaton: on Stewart Cemetary Road No longer exists. The handwriting is not the best in the world to read but here goes. February 15, 1903 Male Members of the Mount Pleasant Primitive Baptist Church, before Bacon County were formed. 1. W. G. Steward, Expelled September 19, 1903 2. M. T. Cothern 3. Jeb D. Cothern 4. J. P. Hinant 5. J. A. Cameron 6. B. F. Melton 7. A. M. Steward 8. Lee Hand By confession of faith 9. Timothy Bland By letter May 17, 1903 10. G. W. Sasser Dismissed by letter March 19, 1904 11. Mark Ellis Dismissed by letter March 19, 1904 12. Charlton Griffin Dismissed by letter May 19, 1904 13. Henry Gilliard Restored June 18, 1904 14. G. W. Sasser Received by letter January 14, 1905 15. B. F. Woodcock Received by letter January 14, 1909 16. J. B. Grayson By experiance of Grace July 16, 1905 First page of the book. ============= Second page of the fellowship of Mount Pleasant Primitive Baptist Church list dated February 15, 1903, Female's. 1. Thurcy A. Steward 2. Mary A. Cothern 3. Priscila Cothern 4. Lela Cothern 5. Margaret F. Stewart 6. Levicy Bland by letter May 17, 1903 7. Dora A. Tanner by Baptism August 15, 1903 8. Elvyar Knolls by Baptism June 18, 1904 9. Clarah Ellis by Baptism June 18, 1904 10. Sarrah Kelly Receive by letter January 14, 1905 11. Naoma Hand by letter August 20, 1904 12. Anner King by expereance January 15, 1905 13. Elizar J. Woodcock by experience March 19, 1905 Some of these names are not spelled correct, but this is the way they are spelled on this roll. The church doors were closed September 26, 1985, and Elisha Taylor was the Pastor at this time. ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============