Baldwin Co. GA - List of cemeteries from GNIS search engine Submitted by David Morgan _________________________________________________________________ Geographic Names Information System Query Results BALDWIN COUNTY, GEORGIA -- CEMETERY _________________________________________________________________ 17 Feature records have been selected from GNIS.* _________________________________________________________________ USGS Feature Name St County Type Latitude Longitude 7.5' x 7.5' Map ------------------- -- -------------- ------ -------- --------- --------------- Baldwin Memorial GA Baldwin cemete 330951N 0831649W Lake Sinclair W Gardens Bland Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330004N 0831136W Milledgeville Bone Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330532N 0831405W Milledgeville David Hill GA Baldwin cemete 325959N 0832213W Gordon Cemetery Green Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330823N 0830735W Lake Sinclair E Howe Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330932N 0831844W Lake Sinclair W Humphries Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330736N 0832415W Resseaus Crossr Jacob Gumm GA Baldwin cemete 330832N 0830907W Lake Sinclair E Cemetery John Arnold GA Baldwin cemete 330458N 0830846W Milledgeville Cemetery Leonard Smith GA Baldwin cemete 330056N 0832022W Browns Crossing Cemetery Memory Hill GA Baldwin cemete 330429N 0831347W Milledgeville Cemetery Newton Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 325744N 0832030W Gordon Oak Grove Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330012N 0831409W Milledgeville Rogers Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330112N 0830412W Friendship Sanford Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330935N 0831009W Lake Sinclair E Stiles Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 330925N 0832426W Resseaus Crossr The Line Cemetery GA Baldwin cemete 342437N 0833026W Baldwin _________________________________________________________________ | GNIS Query Form | Mapping Information | _________________________________________________________________ URL: Maintainer: Last modified: 15:09:38 Wed 24 Sep 1997 dlg