Georgia: Baldwin County: GENEALOGICAL GLEANINGS FROM MINUTES OF THE SESSION, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA 1826-1900 Volume 9 Number 3 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store this file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Central Georgia Genealogical Society ==================================================================== GENEALOGICAL GLEANINGS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE SESSION, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA 1826-1900 Contributed by: Mr. James W. Turnipseed, Jr, 311 Sparta Street, Warner Robins, GA 31088 Volume 9 Number 3 1878 25 Jan 1878 Session met at the house of Dr. White. Mrs. G.T. Goetchius was received by letter from the Presbyter Church, Macon, GA 8 Mar 1878 Session met in the Pastor's Study. Mrs. Mary Sanford was received by letter from the Goshen Church. 22 Mar 1878 Session met Friday immediately after prayer session. Mrs. Eudora M. Adams, Iverson H. Hall & Charles S. Drake were, after examination, received as members. 3 Apr 1878 Session met Friday afternoon after preparatory service. Sarah M. Combs (Col'd) was rec'd on profession of faith at the preaching station in Wilkinson County. Luther Jackson, Edward N. Lane, and Eddie Orme were after examination and profession of faith received into membership. 11 Apr 1878 Examined and approved by Augusta Presbytery at Penfield, April 11th, 1878. C.W. Lane, Moderator 3 Jun 1878 Session met Monday in Pastor's Study. Mrs. Elvira Tucker received by letter from the Decatur Pr. Ch. 9 Aug 1878 Session met Friday evening in the Pastor's Study. Col. R.L. Hunter, Chm of Comm(e) appointed to prepare a memorial on the death of Col. Wm. McKinley presented the following: In Memoriam Col. William McKinley (NOTE: The Memorial contained a full page of tribute. We will attempt to extract only data of genealogical significance). "Col. Wm. McKinley was born in Abbeville District, SC 30 Nov 1809. In the year 1814 his family removed to Green Co, GA & subsequently, that is to say in 1824, to Oglethorpe County where he grew up to manhood. He was the son of Dr. Archibald McKinley and a grandson of that distinguished scholar and man of God Rev. Francis Cumming, D.D. Having graduated at Franklin College he studied Law and entered upon the practice of his profession in Lexington, GA in 1849. He removed with his family to his plantation on the East side of the Oconee River in sight of Milledgeville where he spent the remaining years of his life. As a lawyer Col. McK was noted for his minute acquaintance with the laws of his country, and the practice of the Courts, both State and Federal; for his faithful guardianship of the interests of his clients and for the painstaking industry, with which he performed the duties of his laborious and exacting profession....he was chosen at different periods of his life to represent both Oglethorpe and Baldwin Counties in the State Legislature and as a Presidential Elector....Descended from a Presbyterian family...the Church of his fathers and for more than twenty years previous to his death was a ruling Elder of the Church in Milledgeville...Resolved That this memorial be inscribed upon the minutes of the Session and that a copy of the same be furnished to the family of the deceased. R. L. Hunter, Chairman." The Narrative of the State of Religion was presented and approved and ordered to be sent to Dr. R. Irvine, Chairman Committee. 28 Dec 1878 Session met at Pastor's Study. Miss Mary Drake tendered her resignation as Organist. Miss Mary Goetchius was elected to fill the place at a salary of Fifty Dollars. 1879 17 Jan 1878 Session met at the residence of the Pastor. It was moved and carried that the church roll be revised and a new roll of active and a roll of non resident members be prepared. 7 Feb 1879 Session met in church after prayer meeting. Mr. & Mrs. W.G. Hawkins were received into membership after examination. 3 Mar 1879 Mrs. Havis was received on profession of faith. 18 Apr 1879 Examined and approved by Augusta Presbytery at Milledgeville, Apr 18th 1879. R. Irvine, Moderator 27 Jan 1879 Session met in church after prayer meeting. Mrs. Fannie H. Brown (formerly Hunter) dismissed by letter to connect herself with the Pres. Church, Sparta, GA. Also letter of dismission to Mrs. Josephine Pound (formerly Skinner) to connect herself with the 3rd Presbyter Church, Atlanta, GA 1 Jul 1879 A letter of dismission was granted to Mrs. Antonette Goetchius to connect herself with the 2nd Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA 23 Sep 1879 Session met at the Room of the Pastor, present: Rev. D. McQueen, R.L. Hunter, F. Skinner, W.H. Hall & T.T. Windsor 1880 19 Jan 1880 Session met at the house of the Pastor. Mr. & Mrs. Dudley and Miss Emma Dudley were received by letter from the Cuthbert Presbyterian Church. Names of above: Dr. W.S. Dudley, Mrs. Mary Dudley, and Miss Emma Dudley. 25 Feb 1880 Session met at the room of the Pastor. Miss Mary Drake tendered her resignation as Organist. Mrs. Dudley was elected to fill the place of the Organist. The roll of the church was read and approved. Mr. Robt. A. Tripps was suspended from the Communion of the Church. 12 Apr 1880 Session met at the room of the Pastor. Mr. Geo. T. Wilden and Mrs. Lizzie R. Whilden were received by letter from Second Pr. Church, Charleston, SC 15 Apr 1880 Augusta April 15th, 1880. The minutes of the Milledgeville church were examined & approved by Presbytery with the following exception. Under date of 25th Feb 1880 it appears that Mr. Robert A. Trippe was suspended from the Communion of the Church, without having been previously cited by the Session to answer the charges against his in accordance with Rules 4, Discipline Chapter VI, Sec. III. The committee on Records recommends that the Presbytery of Augusta remit the case of Mr. Robert A. Trippe to the Session with instructions to deal with him according to the Laws of the Church. Report adopted by Presbytery. Henry Newton, Moderator 9 Jul 1880 Session met after prayer meeting. Mrs. Katie E. Wilson was received after examination 17 Sep 1880 Session met after prayer meeting. Mrs. Virginia Brake was received after examination. 27 Sep 1880 Session met. Mr. Robt. A. Trippe was to be notified by the Clerk as to charges against him. 1 Nov 1880 Monday, Session met. Dr. J.N. Shinholster appeared before the Session and on examination was received into membership. 25 Dec 1880 A letter of dismission was granted Mrs. Sallie Spaulding to connect herself with the Presbyterian Church, Darlen, GA 1881 21 Feb 1881 A Letter of dismission was granted to Mrs. M. L. Uhink to connect herself with the Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, GA 16 Mar 1881 Session met at room of Rev'd D. McQueen. Mr. T.T. Windsor reported he had contacted Mr. Trippe and after advising him his previous suspension was illegal that he was to appear before the Session to answer to the charge of drunkenness. Mr. Trippe stated he plead guilty and deemed it unnecessary to appear. On motion he was suspended from the Sealing Ordinances of the Church. Mr. T. T. Windsor appointed to prepare the Narrative on the State of Religion and forward same to Chairman G.P. Fitzsimons. 20 Mar 1881 Session met after morning worship in the church. Mr. A.L. Davidson was after examination received into membership. 1 Apr 1881 Examined and approved, Presbytery at Crawfordville, April 1/81. D. McQueen, Moderator. 29 Apr 1881 The Session met Friday afternoon after preparatory exercises in the church. After a through examination the following were admitted to church membership: Paul M. Carrington, Emma M. Carrington, Forest Lee Carrington, Martha E. Crawford, Alice R. Brooks, Willie M. Miller, Mattie J. Windsor, and Clara O. Hunter. 1 May 1881 Session met Sunday morning at the house of J.G. Shinholster. After examination the following were admitted to church membership: Professor D.H. Hall, Jr., Mr. Miller White and Miss Annie Brooks. The ordinance of baptism was publicly administered to Miss Alice R. & Annie Brooks at the reception of the candidates at morning worship. Mrs. Guy C. McKinley was rec'd by letter from the 2nd Presbyterian Church. Augusta, GA. 24 Jun 1881 Session met Friday after prayer meeting at the church. After examination the following were received into membership: Lewis J. Lamar, Hattie H. Thomas, Eloise W. Thomas, Pauline White, and Fannie W. Williams. 1 Jul 1881 Session met at church after preparatory service. Miss mary Ramsay and Mr. Wm. Carr were received into membership after examination. 30 Jul 1881 The Session met at the house of D. J. N. Shinholster. Miss Mary Hall, Miss Ada L. Hall & Miss Lena Miller were received into membership after examination. 31 Aug 1881 Session met at church. Miss Jane E. Humphreys was examined and received into membership. 1882 28 Mar 1882 Session met at room of Pastor, Present: Rev. D. McQueen, Moderator, Elders Wm. H. Hall and T.T. Windsor. The narrative of the state of religion was read and approved and ordered sent to H. Newton, Chm of the committee. R.L. Hunter was appointed delegate and T.T. Windsor alternate to the next meeting of Presbytery. 6 Apr 1882 Session's Minute Book examined and approved in Presbytery at Eastonton, GA April 6th 1882. G.T. Goetchius, Moderator 4 May 1882 Session met. Letters of dismission were granted to Lillie W. Brooks and Alice R. Brooks to connect themselves with Presbyterian Church at Abbeville C.H., SC 8 Oct 1882 Session met at Church after morning service. Mr. Joseph Miller was examined on experimental religion and received into the membership of the Church. By their request letters of dismission granted to W.S. Dudley and wife and Miss Emma Dudley to connect themselves with the Presbyterian Church in Tallahassee. Florida and Miller G. White to 1st Presbyterian Church. Macon, GA, and Miss Jennie Humphrey for some church in New York City. T.T. Windsor appointed delegate to Presbytery to meet at Monticello with request to appoint an alternate should he not go and Dr. Wm. H. Hall as the delegate to attend the meeting of Synod to be held in this place on November 8th. 1883 12 Feb 1883 Session met at the home of Moderator. Mrs. I.S. Pound was received by letter of dismission from the 3rd Church, Atlanta, GA. The case of Mr. Wm. F. Skinner, Ruling Elder, and Dr. O.T. Kenan, Deacon, was brought to the attention of Session for Continued absence from the Ministry and Ordnances of the Church and the Clerk of Session was directed to address them each a letter calling their attention to this fact in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 2, Book of Discipline and citing them to appear before Session on the 26th of this month in person to answer the charges brought against them. Mr. L. J. Lamar was by unanimous consent elected Supt. Of Sabbath School. The death of our beloved brother (Deacon) F.W. Morse was brought to the notice of the Session and the Moderator was requested to prepare a short and suitable memorial upon his death. 26 Feb 1883 Session met at the Lecture room of the Church. The cases of Elder F. Skinner and Deacon O.T. Kenan were again taken up and they failing to appear in person, the Clerk of Session was requested to cite them again and send each a copy of the following order based upon the book of discipline. "This being your second citation you are hereby informed according to the direction of the book of discipline Chap VII, Art. 2, that if you fail to appear before the Session on Monday night 12th Proximo you will be suspended from the Church for contumacy until you repent." The following memorial was presented by the Pastor on the death of our late lamented brother F.W. Morse, read and received and ordered to be entered upon our Session book and a copy to be sent to the family of the deceased. ...Fred Wilson Morse, born May 16th 1856, Received into membership of this church August 30th 1874, Elected Deacon June 9th 1878, Died February 5th 1883. 12 Mar 1883 Elder F. Skinner and Deacon O.T. Kenan failing again to appear after due notice given, the following action was taken by Session. Whereas it appears to the satisfaction of the Session that Elder F. Skinner and Deacon O.T. Kenan have been duly cited the second time to appear before the judicatory to answer to the charge against them and, Whereas they still refuse to obey the lawful summons of the Session to which as members of this church they are responsible in the discipline of Christ's house, Now therefore be it resolved in accordance with book of discipline, Chap. VII, Art. 2 that Elder F. Skinner and Deacon O.T. Kenan ought to be and they are hereby suspended from the exercise of the functions of their office and from the communion of the Church for their contumacy until they repent. The following letter was addressed to each. Whereas you (F. Skinner, a Ruling Elder and O.T. Kenan, a Deacon) in the Presbyterian Church in Milledgeville, GA are found guilty of Contumacy (in accordance with Cap. VII, Art 2, Book of Discipline). We the Session of said Church in the name and by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ do now declare you suspended from the Sacraments of the Church and from the exercise of your office until you give satisfactory evidence of repentance praying that God in the abundance of His Grace and for the sake of our blessed Moderator and Advocate, the Lord Jesus Christ, will lead you to repentance for all your sins, as for this also, your sin of Contumacy in refusing to hear the Church. Ruling Elder R.L. Hunter was appointed to attend the next meeting of Presbytery in Augusta, GA and T.T. Windsor his alternate. 6 Apr 1883 Session's minute book was examined and approved in Presbytery at 2nd Church, Augusta, April 6th 1883. W. Adams, Moderator 13 May 1883 Miss Mollie R. Page was at her own request dismissed from this church to connect herself with the Methodist Church at Dadesville, AL, there being no Presbyterian Church within her bounds which she can join. Letter unanimously granted. 20 May 1883 Mr. Anson B. Cutts and Miss Hattie Hendrix after a thorough examination were received into the membership of this church. 4 Jul 1883 Letters of dismission were granted to Dr. Wm. Harris and his wife, Mrs. Eugenia Harris, also Miss Kate Stubbs to connect themselves with Mount Zion Church, Hancock Co., GA