Baldwin-Hancock County GaArchives Obituaries.....SMITH, Cosby Dawson April 7, 1865 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Julia White JCORKTOP12@aol.commc March 16, 2010, 11:24 pm Southern Recorder-May 23, 1865-Pg 2 OBITUARY 'Tis a sad, yet a true fact, that through the dispensations of an overruling Providence, we are forced to mourn the loss of another one of our country's most gallant and faithful defenders, by the death of LIEUT. C. D. SMITH, Company F, 9th Georgia Regiment, who, prompted by patriotic intentions and a determination to use his effots in rescuing our beloved country from the thraldom which seemed to overhang her, bid farewell to the ties which endeared home to him. girded on his armor and entered our noble army at the commencement of the struggle for Southern independence, actuated by no other motives but thelove os country and fixed resolve to live the life of a freeman or die the death of the brave. Through the interposition of that Providence, he was permitted to survive the hardships, privations, and dangers of the various campaigns thro' which the Army of Northern Virginia had to pass (though not untouched, for he had to suffer twice from severe wounds) until the 7th of April last, whilst on the memorable retreat from Richmond, Anderson's Brigade was ordered to charge the enemy, and whilst gallantly leading the charge, as was ever his custom, he fell, pierced through the heart by a deadly missle. Unable to urge his comrades on by words, he did so by waving his hand. Thus fell one of the noblest spirits of which our country canboast, and one of the most affectionate husbands that ever doted on a wife. He was truly blessed with nature's rarest gifts in possissing those qualities requisite to render him a dutiful son, a kind brother, a benevolent citizen, and an affectionate husband and a brave soldier. Life had for him many charms, but he was cut down in the prime and vigor of manhood with bright prospects before him. We will not murmur, neither would we attempt to reverse thy inscrutable dispensations, for how unsearchable are thy judgments, O Lord, and thy ways pass finding out; thought thou seemest at times to rule with a heavy hand, yet we know that thy ways are right and just. When we comtemplate upon his many noble traits of character, we trust that having faithfully discharged his earthly duties, and to prevent the humiliation of witnessing the surrender of our beloved chieftain and his noble army, his spirit was wafted from this world of trouble and sorrow to those blissful realms where the cannon's roar will no more greet his ears, but where all is peace and harmony. He has left a young wife and an infant boy without a father's watchful eye or guiding hand. A vacancy had been caused in this little family which time cannot fill, but may the Father of the fatherless be ever present with this infant child and enable his mother to be resigned to this sad bereavement, recognizing in it the hand of the Almighty. May He console, comfort and sustain them through thier pilgrimage on earth, and when the stern messenger, death, shall summons them to their final resting place, may they be prepared to meet him in those mansions of bliss where parting is unknown. A. S. Additional Comments: C. D. SMITH was the son of William Crawsby SMITH and Martha Ann Davis BURTON SMITH. He was the husband of Martha DOLES. His son was Crosby Dawson SMITH who died in 1898. Crosby's widow wife married Henry GOODMAN in 1871. She died in 1901. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb