Baldwin-Troup County GaArchives Marriages.....Florence Turk - Stephen Thornton September 1906 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Eileen B. McAdams March 21, 2004, 5:06 pm Atlanta Constitution, Sep. 19, 1906 September 19, 1906 Atlanta Constitution Turk-Thornton A marriage of interest in Atlanta was that of Miss Florence Turk and Mr. Stephen Thornton, both of Milledgeville, which took place Monday night. The news of the marriage was received here with surprise by the large acquaintance of the bride and bridegroom, who had not announced their plans beforehand. The bride is a notably handsome young woma, who has always been the receipient of marked admiration and attention during her visits here, when she has usuually been the guest of Miss Katherine Wooten, and she is a belle in Milledgeville. Mr Thornton, who is originally from LaGrange, is a brother of Mrs. Ernest Knox and a relative to Mr. Albert Thornton, of Atlanta. He is a man of pronounced personal attraction, and is well known in business as manager of the Milledgeville oil mill. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.4 Kb