Bartow-Gordon-Habersham County GaArchives History .....Whites among the Cherokees December 1832 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Paula Grant March 2, 2004, 7:38 pm "WHITES AMONG THE CHEROKEES" BY Mary B. Warren and Eve B Weeks. PAGE 110 THE BOWMAN MASSACRE December 18, 1832, Salacoe Settlement near Salacoe Town, Cherokee Co., Petition of white settlers to Gov. Wilson Lumpkin disclosed the murders of the bowman family by Indians. On Dec. 15, 1832, James L. Bowman, his wife Bersheba Bowman, their infant daughter Martha Jane Bowman, and Bersheba's mother Elizabeth Halcomb were butchered and their home burned after it was plundered. Bowman was about 21 years of age and his wife about 18: and her mother was "a vary old lady and totally blind." The white settlers requested that a troop of 100 men be sent immediately to "awe the the Indians of the Salacoe Settlement into submission." Petition was signed by: JACOB R. BROOKS SHERRED BOWMAN NATHAN RICE JOSEPH HAMBLETON BENJAMIN BOWMAN JOHN BOWMAN JOHN HAMBLETON WILLIAM HAMBLETON J.H. STOKES NATH'N WOFFORD WM. GRANT HIRAM BRIGHT A postscript added that "two years since these same Indians rob'd murdered and burnt a travellor near the same place." The whites asked for help from either General John Coffee or Col. William W. Williamson. SOURSE: Cherokee letters, page 385, Georgia Archives. December 20, 1832, Camp Lumpkin, Etowah (Town) Col. William W. Williamson reported to Gov. Lumpkin of the Bowman murders and pillage of the home. He added "there must have been some difficulty between this unfortunate family and the Indians. The whole neighborhood were in the same situation insuspecting and unprotected. Your Excellency may rest perfectly satisfyed that all that can be done with the limited means I have, shall be done." SOURSE: Telamon Cuyler Collection, Gov. Wilson Lumpkin papers, Box 49, University of Georgia Library. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb