Bartow County GaArchives Obituaries.....Hannah Adams March 3 1917 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Fran Weatherby February 6, 2003, 9:09 pm The Bartow Tribune-The Cartersville News April 5, 1917 In Memorium On March 3d,1917, at 9:30 o'clock, the sweet spirit of Miss HANNAH ADAMS took its flight, and went home to God who gave it. Miss Hannah spent her early girlhood in and around Pine Log, moving from there to Folsom where she has since resided. She and her sister, Miss Lydia, lived alone, and their love for each other was something pathetic. Miss Hannah was never well and suffered much, but that did not keep her from radiating sunshine, and good cheer around her. O! How we miss her and the ever welcome smile she gave everyone. Their home was a home of many visitors- for one always felt welcome there. She was conscious to the last,and talked beautifully of the sweet rest and relief from pain, and she was glad to go. We can truly say of her, "Blessed are the dead,who die in the Lord". Rev. Hudson and Rev. Smith conducted the funeral services at the home, and a large crowd was present, despite the inclement weather. They paid a high tribute of respect to her loyalty to the church and her high Christian character. She was laid to rest beside her mother and other loved ones, at Pine Log, on March 5 to await the coming of the Lord. "Dear friend thou has left us Here,thy loss we deeply feel But 'tis God,who has bereft us He can all our sorrows heal" A Friend Additional Comments: Hannah Adams, 1865-1917 Lydia Adams, 1862-1941 Parents: Johnson and Emeline Adams This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb