Bartow County GaArchives Obituaries.....Powell, Dwight November 23, 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carla Miles November 14, 2011, 2:32 pm The Atlanta Constitution, November 24, 1924 The Atlanta Constitution Monday, November 24, 1924 Page One Two Are Killed In Auto Mishap Cartersville Youths Die When Automobile Dashes Into Stone Wall Late Saturday Night Cartersville, Ga., November 23 – Frank Smith, 18, was instantly killed and Dwight Powell, 19, was so badly hurt that he died at the home of his parents, here about noon Sunday as the result of an automobile accident late Saturday night on the road leading to White, 7 miles north of Cartersville. In the car at the time were four young men, Henry Branton, driving and Carl Stennett, in addition to the two who lost their lives. Neither Branton nor Stennett was injured. Smith died instantly, his neck and back being broken. Powell suffered concussion of the brain and lingered for about twelve hours. Smith was the son of Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Smith, of White, and is survived by his parents and two sisters and three brothers. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Pine Log campground. Powell was a son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Powell and besides his parents is survived by two sisters and three brothers. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon. Smith was fireman on a tram road operated by the Bertha Mineral company near Cartersville and Powell had been in the employ of the city government for five years. The accident happened at an underpass over which the Louisville and Nashville trucks pass. Branton said he did not know the road came to turn and before he realized it, the car dashed into a stone wall. Additional Comments: Transcriber's note: I'm not related to or researching the Powell family. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb