Berrien County GaArchives News.....JOE IVEY KILLS LEWIS DRAWDY -- In a Fight Resulting from an Old Trouble. Drawdy is Stabbed to Death. November 16, 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Skeeter Parker February 6, 2008, 3:43 pm The Tifton Gazette November 16, 1900 Lewis Drawdy was cut and almost instantly killed by Joe Ivey at the former Allen Hesters gin, near Lenox, Saturday last, in a fight over some old family trouble. The accounts of the affair practically agree that Drawdy went to the gin, now run by Peterson, where Ivey was firing the engine. There had been bad feeling between the men over some family trouble, and this Drawdy renewed, although Ivey three times told him he did not have time to talk with him. In a few minutes, following an abusive remark of Drawdy’s in regard to Ivey’s mother, the men clinched for a fight, and Ivey cut Drawdy six times across the breast with a pocket knife, one cut laying the breast open to the heart. Drawdy called to those standing by “Lay me down, he has killed me,” and in a few minutes expired. His remains were buried at the Harman Baker burying ground next day. Ivey made no attempt to escape, but surrendered himself to the officers and was carried to Nashville where his committal trial was set for yesterday. Both Ivey and Drawdy were well known citizens of Berrien. Drawdy leaves an estate of considerable value. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb