Bleckley-Habersham County GaArchives Obituaries.....Jameson/Jamerson, Dr. William L. "Will" November 27, 1927 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: William J. (Jim) Carroll August 6, 2013, 6:24 pm The Cochran Journal 12-1-1927 Dr. W. L. Jamerson Dies Sunday Morning The many friends of Dr. W. L. Jameson were bowed in grief at his unexpected death which occured last Sunday morning about seven o'clock at his home near Cary. He had been in failing health for five months, though his death was not expected at this time. He was 54 years of age and had practiced medicine for the past twenty-three years in Bleckley and Twiggs counties. He was ever faithful and served his people well, leaving a vacancy in his practice that will be hard to fill. He had been very successful in all his practice and had accumulated considerable property. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at Cary church by Dr. frank Cochran, of Cochran. His remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Cary. A large concourse of friends numbering over five hundred were in attendance in testimony of the respect and esteem in which he was held among a large circle of friends throughout the surrounding territory. He is survived by his widow and three children---Miss Edith Jameson of Atlanta; Miss Lillian Jameson of Cary; and Mr. Earl Jameson of Birmingham,Ala. His brothers are Rev. E. J. Jameson of Haileyville,Okla., and Mr. Virgil Jameson of Virginia. Additional Comments: Dr. Jameson/Jamerson was born 22 Feb 1823 to Wilson Jameson/Jamerson and Unknown. His wife was Sophia Azalee Wills Jameson/Jamerson who is also buried in Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery in Cary, Bleckley County, Ga. Georgia Death certificate #26225. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb