Butts County GaArchives News.....Walden, Josh - CAught August 1901 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Don Bankston http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00024.html#0005864 January 6, 2013, 8:21 pm Jackson Argus August 1901 Walden, Josh – Caught The Coon That Shot Matt Willard Is Now In Jail. Sheriff J. M. Crawford and Dr. Goolsby of Juliette, had a lively run last Friday evenng, after Josh Walden, the negro who shot Marshall Matt Willard, of Flovilla, some two months since. The race was down in the neighborhood of Juliette, and but for the dense undergrowth and boggy swamps between there and the river, they would have bagged Walden sure. They had two of the sheriff’s bloodhounds with them, and when the hounds struck Walden’s trail, the followed through the swamps on their horses. Dr. Goolsby’s horse became mired up in the quicksand, and before they could get him out and proceed on the way, the hounds were out of hearing, and they saw nothing more of them nor of Josh. After hunting that night and next day, they gave up the search and returned to their respective homes. One of the sheriff’s hounds showed up the next day at Juliette, but one of them(the older and better) was not heard from until Tuesday, when he was brought in from the Stark neighborhood. Sheriff Crawford believes he could easily capture Walden, if he could get a fair shake at him without so many independent little parties being in the field trying to bag Josh and the $250 reward. Capt. Crawford says they would have gotten Josh this time, but for the chance passing of a negro who conveyed the warning to Josh before they were quite ready to start. As it was, they started after him without food for either man or beast fearing to take time to eat, lest the warning reach Josh in time for him to get across the river. Caught at Last Wednesday morning Sheriff Crawford received a telegram from the sheriff of Bibb county, stating that he had Josh Walden, the negro who shot Marshall Matt Willard, of Flovilla, in jail in Macon, awaiting Mr. Crawford’s arrival. A telegram to Wednesday’s Constitution thus tells the tale of the capture: Josh Walden , a negro, was brought to Macon tonight at 11 o’clock and placed in Bibb jail for safe keeping. He is charged with attempting to murder the Marshall of Flovilla, a short ago, by shooting him. There has been a reward of $250 for his arrest. He was captured by two negroes tonight at Dames Ferry, between Macon and Flovilla, in which vicinity he had been hiding for some time. It was reported that attempts might be made to lynch him and in order to escape this he was dressed in women’s clothing and secretly brought to Macon. Bibb county officials met those having him in charge at the Spring street bridge and brought him to jail. Sheriff Crawford went down to Macon Wednesday afternoon for Walden, but in the meantime some one had wired the Governor that there was a fear of a lynching both at Juliette and Flovilla, and the negro was left in the Bibb jail for safe keeping. Sheriff Crawford came back that night, and outside of a few who boarded the train at Juliette and Flovilla, saw little or no demonstration. Those who boarded the train seemed disappointed in not finding Josh aboard. He will probably be kept in Bibb jail until his trial comes off. The reward will go to the two negroes who captured him. When Mr. Crawford saw Josh in Macon jail, he said that if he had known who it was chasing him last Friday, and that he would have been given the protection of the law, he would have surrendered to the sheriff. He said the dogs overtook him no 300 yards from where Dr. Goolsby’s horse hit the quicksand. Josh says he would not have been caught as it was but he was stiff and sore from the desperate run Mr. Crawford’s dogs gave him. Jackson Argus – Week of August 9, 1901 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/butts/newspapers/waldenjo3211nw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 4.3 Kb