Butts County GaArchives Photo place.....Williamson-Knowles Cemetery, Butts Co. GA 1883 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Larry Knowles knonga@bellsouth.net August 12, 2004, 5:05 pm Source: Larry C. Knowles, Conyers GA Photo can be seen at: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/butts/photos/tombstones/williamsonknowle/gph809williams.jpg Image file size: 95.3 Kb WILLIAMSON-KNOWLES CEMETERY, BUTTS CO. GA This photo displays several of the most prominent markers in the Williamson- Knowles Cemetery in Butts Co. In the center is the obelisk of James B. Knowles; his wife Lavonia C.(Williamson); and their middle son, Olen A.(or C.)who died at the age of seven. Olen's headstone is in the lower left corner. Though the nature of his death is unknown, he was said to be what is now known as a "hyper- active" child. Parents, James B. and Lavonia C.'s head(and footstones)flank the obelisk, left and right. In the background(left of the obelisk)is footend of the stone vault of Nathan Camp Williamson, Lavonia's father. Her mother, Agness (Thompson)Williamson is buried beside him in a stone-marked grave. Just off picture, mid-left, is the tombstone of Nathan's grandfather, Rev. Soldier John Williamson Sr.(see separate photo). John Williamson Sr. won this lot- #250/8D. in the 1821 Land Lottery(land then in Henry Co.). He had served in the Virginia Militia. After the war, he claimed bounty land in Wilkes Co. GA. After disbursing land and slaves to children in Jackson Co., John came to Butts Co. about 1826, with 8 to 10 slaves. Having lived in Franklin/Jackson Co. since 1792, he had been a weaver and dyer. He had been estranged from wife Margaret since the early 1800s. She died in Jackson Co. in 1828, and is buried in the family plot there, between Little Curry Creek and Oconee River. Nathan C. Williamson came to Butts Co before his grandfather's death in October 1831. Named in the elder man's will as coexecutor with his father, John Williamson Jr. of Jackson Co., he inheirted 600 + acres and three slaves; boys, Jack & Ben and likely their mother, Rachel. Nathan had two children from his first marriage to Irena Summerlin; Thomas J. & Winney Ann. He divorced her in September 1839. He and Agness had at least five children. Two reached adulthood; Lavonia(above)and Mary Elizabeth who married John J. Buffington. Three of their small children are also buried here; beneath matching vaults to that of their father-Nathan(also off picture, near the base of the pines at left). Widow Agness paid a Mr. Nelson for "walling four graves" in 1855 (Nathan's estate records). File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/butts/photos/tombstones/williamsonknowle/gph809williams.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.0 Kb