Calhoun County GaArchives Obituaries.....Georgia Strickland November 1926 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lindy Hard March 23, 2004, 1:26 pm Edison News 19 Nov 1926 Mrs. Georgia Strickland Died Saturday Night Mrs. Georgia Strickland, age 80, died Saturday night after an illness of about six weeks, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Eubanks, in this city. Mrs. Strickland was the widow of the late W. F. Strickland, who died about 17 years ago, and her long life was spent in this section, where she was known and loved by many who received news of her death with sorrow. The deceased was a faithful member of the Mars Hill Primitive Baptist Church. She is survived by four children: Mrs. Henry Eubanks, K. A. Strickland, of Edison, and Henry Strickland, of Decatur county, and Pat Strickland, of Milledgeville. She is also survived by one brother, Mr. John Pritchett, of Bluffton, and two sister, Mrs. Bob Forrest, of near Edison, and Mrs. J. K. Everett of Alabama. Funeral services were held Monday at the Salem cemetery, Edler Bartlett, of Headland, Ala., conducting same. The News joins in extending sympathy to the bereaved. Additional Comments: Microfilm Sept 1922-Apr 1927 This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb