Georgia: CAMPBELL COUNTY: MUSTER ROLL OF COMPANY E, 35th REGIMENT CAMPBELL VOLUNTEERS ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store this file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Carolyn L. Harper Johnson ==================================================================== MUSTER ROLL OF COMPANY E, 35th REGIMENT GEORGIA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA C. S. A. CAMPBELL COUNTY, GEORGIA CAMPBELL VOLUNTEERS Whitley, Evan Riley-Captain August 12, 1861. Resigned, disability, January 23, 1863. Hammond, George W. 1st Lieutenant August 12,1861. Elected Captain January 23, 1863. Resigned, disability, June 10, 1863. Milford, John W.-2d Lieutenant August 12, 1861. Killed at 2d Manassas, Va. August 30, 1862. Morris, John F.-Jr. 2d Lieutenant August 12, 1861. Appears without remark on roll dated August 31,1862. No later record. Hembree, Isaiah- 1st. Sergeant August 12, 1861. Wounded at Wilderness, Va. May 6,1864. Died of wounds May 8,1864. Strawn, James B. 2d Sergeant August 12, 1861. Died of disease in General Hospital #16, at Richmond, Va. June 28,1863. White, David P.-3d Sergeant August 12,1861. private in 1862. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3, 1863. Roll for February 28, 1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record. Strawn, Francis M.-4th Sergeant August 12, 1861. Appointed 3d Sergeant in 1863. Roll for February 28,1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave since August 22,1864. No later record. Childs, James M. 5th Sergeant August 12, 1861. Appointed 4th Sergeant in 1863. Captured near Petersburg, Va. March 25,1865. Released at Point Lookout, Md. June 24,1865. Garrett, Lemuel- 1st. Corporal August 12, 1861. private in 1862. Appointed 4th Corporal in 1862. Captured at Wilderness, Va. May 6,1864. Paroled at Elmira, N. Y. October 11,1864. Received at Venus Point, Savannah, Ga. for exchange, November 1&,1864. No later record. Banks, Abram C. 2d Corporal Aug 12,1861. Discharged on account of rheumatism, which caused contraction of right leg and effusion in knee joint, from General Hospital at Farmville, Va. October 13, 1862. (Born in Coweta County, Ga. June 6,1836.) Brock, John- 3d. Corporal August 12,1861. Died at Fredericksburg, Va. December 29,1861. Foster, Abner J.-4th Corporal August 12,1861. Appointed lst Corporal in 1862. private October 1862. Captured at Petersburg, Va. April 2, 1865. Released at Point Lookout, Md. June 8, 1866. Bomar, Armistead R. Musician August 12, 1861. Discharged, under-age, at Camp Gregg, Va. January 19,1863. Adair, William Henry- private August 12, 1861. Discharged, disability, at Richmond, Va. November 16,1861. Aderhold, John C. Sr. private February 15, 1862. Appointed 2d Sergeant June 28, 1863. Captured at Farmville, Va. April 6, 1865. Released at Newport News, Va. June 25, 1865. (Born in Ga. February 9,1843.) Allen, Henry A.- private February 13,1862. Captured at Wilderness, Va. May 6,1864. Died of acute diarrhea at Fort Delaware, Del. January 19,1866. Allen, Hiram W. private August 12, 1861. Killed at Cedar Run, Va. August 9,1862. Beall, Josiah B. private August 12, 1861. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. December 13, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1862, shows him "Absent and at hospital somewhere." No later record. Boatright, William V- private August 12, 1861. Wounded bones fractured in right arm between elbow and wrist, and through lungs, at Spotsylvania, Va. May 12, 1864. Wounds resulted in paralysis and deafness. (Born in Ga. August 3,1833. Died in Douglas County, Ga. January 3,1904.) Bullard, William H. private August 12,1861. Died in Petersburg, Va. hospital August 30, 1862. Burson, Ausburn J. (or Asbury J.)- private August 12, 1861. Killed at Seven Pines, Va. May 31, 1862. Casey, Ausburn J. ( or Asbury J. ) - private August 12, 18 61. Died of measles in Richmond, Va. hospital October 16,1861. Casey, Elisha B. private August 12, 1861. Appointed 3d Corporal December 29, 1861; 2d Corporal in 1862; lst Corporal in 1863. Roll for February 28, 1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave from February 21, 1865. No later record. Childs, Daniel P. S- private April 26, 1862. Appointed lst Sergeant in 1864. Killed near Petersburg, Va. March 26,1865. Couch, James Green- private August 12, 1861. Captured near Petersburg, Va. March 25, 1865. Released at Point Lookout, Md. June 26,1865. Couch, James T. private August 12, 1861. Died of measles in hospital October 9,1861. Cowan, J. W. (or Conine)- private August 12,1861. Captured, date and place not given. Died at Camp Chase, O. March 22, 1865. Grave #1733, Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery. Davenport, Charles W. See private, Co. C. Davidson, J. M. private February 10, 1862. Absent, sick, April 1862. No later record. Diggs, Berry S. private August 12, 1861. Severely wounded at Jericho Ford, Va. May 23, 1864. Diggs, George- private August 12, 1861. Died of measles at Richmond, Va. November 12, 1861. Dunlap, Jeptha- private August 12, 1861. Discharged on account of tuberculosis at Richmond, Va. August 23, 1862. Foster, John O. private July 30, 1862. Died at Winchester, Va. November 17, 1862. Foster, Moses R. private July 30, 1862. Discharged, disability, at Decatur, Ga. October 29, 1862. Gary, Harlam J. private July 3, 1862. Appointed 5th Sergeant July 31, 1864. Captured at Petersburg, Va. April 4, 1865. Released at Fort Delaware, Del. June 16, 1865. Giles, James M. private August 12, 1861. Died of measles at Richmond, Va. October 9, 1861. Gray, James H. private August 12, 1861. Killed near Richmond, Va. June 26, 1862. Hammond, Hiram W. private August 12,1861. Appointed 4th Corporal in 1863; 3d Corporal in 1864. Wounded at Spotsylvania, Va. May 12,1864. Captured in Richmond, Va. hospital April 3,1865. Released at Newport News, Va. June 26, 1865. Hammond, Joel F. private August 12, 1861. Roll dated February 28, 1865, last on file, shows him Absent, Hospital Steward, Augusta, Ga." No later record. Hammond, John M. private August 12, 1861. Captured near Petersburg, Va. March 25, 1865. Released at Point Lookout, Md. June 27, 1865. Harp, John H. private August 12, 1861. Died at Fredericksburg, Va. December 29, 1861. Irwin, W. J. private August 12, 1861. Wounded, date and place not given. Jackson, Benjamin F. M. private August 12, 1861. Wounded at Chancellorsville, Va. May 3,1863. Died of wounds in General Hospital #23, at Richmond, Va. May 16, 1863. Jackson, Daniel A. private August 12, 1861. Appointed Corporal. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. April 9, 1865. Jackson, John C.- private August 12,1861. Appointed 3d Corporal in 1862;1st Sergeant in 1863. Killed at Petersburg, Va. March 25,1865. Jackson, Robert A. private August 12, 1861 Appointed 4th Corporal in 1862; 3d Corporal in 1863; 2d Corporal in 1864 Surrendered as a private in Co. D, this regiment (no record of transfer found,) at Appomattox, Va. April 9, 1865. Jackson, Warren J. private August 12, 1861. Died of diarrhea in Richmond, Va. hospital November 17, 1862. Jackson, William J. private August 6, 1862. Died in Winchester, Va. hospital October 14, 1862. Johnston, George W. private August 12, 1861. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3,1863, and captured there July 5,1863. Received at City Point, Va. September 27, 1863. No later record. Jones, J. J. private April 23, 1862. Killed at Seven Pines, Va. May 31,1862. Karr, John A. private August 12, 1861. Wounded in left eye, resulting in loss of sight, and captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3, 1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware, Del. October 30, 1864. Received at Venus Point, Savannah River, Ga. for exchange, November 15, 1864. Pension records show he lost hearing from explosion of shell and was discharged. (Born in Ga. April 8, 1842.) Karr, William P. private August 12, 1861. Discharged, disability, December 8, 1862. (Born in Ga. in 1844.) Latham, Thomas W. private August 12, 1861. Elected 2d Lieutenant September 25, 1862; 1st Lieutenant; Captain June 10, 1863. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. April 9, 1865. Lewis, Jesse L. private April 23, 1862. Killed at 2d Manassas, Va. August 20,1862, and buried there. Lewis, Samuel Bailey- private April 23, 1862. Appointed 4th Corporal in 1864. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. April 9, 1865. Lindley, John- private August 12, 1861. Discharged July 30, 1862. Lindley, Johathan- private August 12, 1861. Discharged, disability and oveage, November 14, 1861. Long, William J. T. private August 12, 1861. Appointed 3d Corporal in 1862. Captured at Petersburg, Va. April 3, 1865. Released at Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor June 15, 1865. McCormick, George W. private August 12, 1861. Died October 21, 1862. McKibbin, James E. private February 24,1862. Died of chronic diarrhea in Lynchburg, Va. hospital June 11, 1864. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery. No. 5, Line ---, Lot 201- Knight's. McLure, Charles P. private August 12, 1861. Killed at Seven Pines, Va. May 31, 1862. McMahan, Robert- private August 12, 1861. Died of disease at Evansport, Va. December 7, 1861. Meadows, James M. (or John M.)- private August 12, 1861. Roll for December 1862, reports him "Absent at the hospital." No later record. Milam, Wiley B. private August 12, 1861. Wounded at Seven Pines, Va. May 31, 1862. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3,1863. Died at Point Lookout, Md. November 17, 1863. Moody, Benjamin F. private August 12, 1861. Killed at Mechanicsville, Va. June 26, 1862. Morse, Samuel F. private August 12, 1861. Appointed 1st Corporal October 1862. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. December 13,1862. In Lynchburg, Va. hospital December 31,1862. Wounded, date and place not given. Discharged on account of paralyzed arm, resulting from wounds, March 22, 1864. Nixon, John F. private August 12, 1861. Killed at 2d Manassas, Va. August 30,1862., Paulett, Henry T.- private August 12, 1861. Died at Lynchburg, Va. August 17, 1862. Buried there in Confederate Cemetery-Longhorne's Factory. Disinterred and sent to Atlanta, Ga. Reed, George W. private December 18, 1861. Wounded and permanently disabled at Seven Pines, Va. May 31, 1862. Recommended for retirement to Invalid Corps, right leg shortened 5 inches from wound, October 17, 1864. Reed, Wiley J.- private August 12, 1861. Wounded at Seven Pines, Va. May 31, 1862. Died of wounds at Richmond, Va. June 23, 1862. Richardson, Baylis-- private April 19, 1862. Captured at Petersburg, Va. April 2,1865. Released at Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor June 15, 1865. Riley, Edward O.- private August 12, 1861. Captured at Wilderness, Va. May 5, 1864. Released at Fort Delaware, Del. May 11,1865. Riley, William S. private August 12,1861. Killed at Mechanicsville, Va. June 26,1862. Royal, Nevils (or Royall)-Enlisted as a private in Co. A, 30th Regiment North Carolina Inf. (State Troops,) September 1, 1861. Transferred to Co. E, 35th Regiment Ga. Inf. in 1862. Roll for May-June 1864, shows him present. Not on subsequent rolls. "Union Register of prisoners confined at Bermuda Hundred, Va. shows that he was captured August 9,1864, at Dept. Headquarters, a deserter." Shadix, Green B. private August 12, 1861. In General Hospital (Jackson 3d Division,) at Richmond, Va. December 31, 1863 - February 29,1864. In Jackson Hospital at Richmond, Va. April 7, 1864. No later record. Shadix, John J. private August 12, 1861. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. April 9, 1865. Shaver, William- private February 13,1862. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3,1863. Roll dated February 28, 1865, shows him "Absent, captured." No later record. Shirley, Abner M. private August 12,1861. Attached to Jackson Hospital at Richmond, Va. April 10, 1864. Returned to duty July 16,1864. Deserted July 29, 1864. Shirley, Jonathan- private August 12,1861. Sick at Richmond, Va. March 1862. Discharged July 30,1862. Shirley, William F.- private August 12,1861. Roll for February 28, 1865, last on file, shows him present. No later record. Silvey, James W. private July 30, 1862. Detailed drummer in 1864. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. April 9, 1865. Smallwood, John R. private September 8,1862. Wounded in foot January 1863. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. April 9, 1865. Smith, John J. private August 12, 1861 Captured at Wilderness, Va. May 6, 1864, (also shown as Spotsylvania, Va. May 12,1864 ). Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. and enlisted in U. S. Army June 15, 1864. Smith, John W. private August 12, 1861. Appointed 2d Corporal in 1863. Absent with leave February 28, 1865. No later record. Smith, Sanford C. private February 24, 1862. Wounded in right hand at Fredericksburg, Va. December 13,1862. On detached duty at Gordonsville, Va. February 28, 1865. No later record. Smith, Thomas F. private August 12,1861. Discharged on account of old age and extreme debility May 1, 1862. (Born in 1804.) Sprayberry, William J. private May 19, 1862. Deserted June 5, 1863. Strickland, William- private August 12, 1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2,1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware, Del. February 1866. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va., March 10-12, 1865. Admitted to General Hospital #9, at Richmond, Va. March 10,1866. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. March 11,1866. Tackett, Henry T. private August 12,1861. Died at Richmond, Va. November 9,1861. Thomas, Henderson- private August 12, 1861. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. April 9,1866. Thomas, Joel- private February 24, 1862. Died at Fredericksburg, April 8, 1862. Tomblin, Solomon S. private August 15, 1862 Captured at Spotsylvania, Va. May 12, 1864. Released at Fort Delaware, Del. June 7,1865. Torrance, David- private August 12,1861. Roll for June 1864, shows him present. No later record. Torrance, Middleton- private August 12, 1861. Died in Richmond, Va. hospital June 23,1862. Turner, James- private August 12,1861. Roll for February 28,1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave. Pension records show he was on sick furlough from spring of 1863, to close of war. (Born in Ga. March 1834.) Underwood, Henry- private August 12,1862. Admitted to General Hospital at Danville, Va. with chronic diarrhea July 12, 1863. Returned to duty July 21,1863. No later record. Webb, John W. private August 12,1861. Killed at 2d Manassas, Va. August 30, 1862. Williams, Henry S. private July 8, 1862. Wounded in right arm, necessitating amputation, at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3, 1863. Retired, disability, March 10, 1864. (Resident of Ga. since 1846.) Williams, John H. private March 2, 1864. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va. April 9, 1865. Williams, Lemuel M. private August 12, 1861. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant October 31, 1862; 1st Lieutenant January 10, 1863. Roll for February 28,1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave December 28, 1864. Woodard, James (or Woodward)- private January 8, 1862. Discharged on account of chronic rheumatism from General Hospital at Danville, Va. October 8, 1862. Young, Smith J. private August 12, 1861. Died at Richmond, Va. December 8,1861. This company entered the Confederate States service August 12, 1861, and was ordered to Evansport, Va. in 1861. Was encamped at Yorktown, Va. in 1862; near Fredericksburg, Va. in 1864. Was engaged in battles of Manassas and Seven Pines, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Wilderness and Spotsylvania, Va. and around Petersburg, Va