Carroll County GaArchives Wills.....Bonner, John 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Teri Bonner November 24, 2004, 8:49 pm Source: Carroll County, Georgia Probate Written: 1893 Georgia Carroll County: In the name of God Amen: I, John Bonner, being of sound mind and disposing memory, but being old and knowing it is appointed unto man once to die, do make declare and publish this my last will and testament; hereby revoking all others heretofor made. Item 1. My Soul I commit unto the hands of God who gave it, trusting and believing in his name alone for Salvation. Item 2. I desire that my body be given simply a decent Christian Burial. Item 3. I will that my executors pay all my just debts, as soon as possible after my death. Item 4. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Lucy J. Bonner, Lots of land (Nos. Two Hundred and Eighty Two and Two hundred and Eight Three, Seventh District Carroll County Ga.) containing four hundred and five acres, more or less, to have and to hold during her natural life. My Said wife furnished Thirty one hundred dollars of the purchase money for the same, and the deed was made to me alone. Item 5. I also will and bequeath to my Said wife during her natural life, a one half interest in the rents & prophets in the Grist Mill and Gin and machinery, the said being located on the creek and run by water. I also give to my Said wife Lucy J. one buggy or carriage to be selected by her out of any I may have. One two horse wagon, and a one horse wagon, one good horse, one good mule, two good cows & calves, all the hogs, farming tools, all household and kitchen furniture (except as hereinafter provided) all crops of corn, cotton or produce of any kind that may be on the place where we live at the time of my death, to have and dispose of in any way She may see proper for the support and maintenance of herself and our three minor children, to wit: Lucy H., Nora E. and Lula A. Item 6. I hereby constitute and appoint any Said wife guardian of the person and property of our Said minor children with full power to act for them and for their interest in all things, and it shall not be necessary for her to give any Bond or make any returns of her actings and doings as I have full confidence in her judgement as well as her rectitude. Item 7. I will and direct that on the death of my Said wife Lucy J. the land bequeathed to her in item (4) four and such personal property of all kinds as may remain on the place, be sold by my executors, and the proceeds divided equally between the three children of my Said wife and myself. I have given Charles W. a one half interest in the Mill and machinery on the creek and I give to him the other half at the death of my wife. Item 8. I desire to do and equal part as near as I can with all my children and I think I am the best judge of it. After carefully considering the whole matter I have decided to make some special bequeaths to make it right in my estimation and I do so as follows. Item 9. I give and bequeath to my daughter Rhoda E. the S.W. Fourth of lot of land No. Two Hundred and Eighty in the Seventh District Carroll Co. Ga. Also one horse and Saddle worth one hundred dollars, or its value in money, as She may elect, - Also, the organ now at my house, - Also cash one hundred dollars, - Also two feather beds with necessary bedding, and one cook Stove and one sewing machine, or their value in money. Item 10. I give and bequeath to my Son Robert L. Bonner, The N.W. Fourth of land No. Two Hundred and Eighty in the Seventh Dist. Carroll County Ga. - Also one hundred dollars in money, - Also the horse I have already given him valued at one hundred dollars, One feather bed and necessary bedding and fifty dollars in provisions or money in lieu of it. Item 11. I give and bequeath to Lovett S. Bonner my Son, the N.E. Fourth of Lot of land No. Two Hundred and Eighty in the Seventh District Carroll County Ga. Also one horse and Saddle worth one hundred dollars, or that amount in lieu of it. Also one hundred dollars in cash, one feather bed with necessary bedding and fifty dollars in money or provisions. Item 12. I give and bequeath to my daughter Georgia Pentecost one hundred and fifty dollars in addition to what she has already had. Item 13. I give and bequeath to my daughter Josephine Hulsey one hundred dollars in addition to what I have already given her. Item 14. I give and bequeath to my grandchildren (W.Z. Barkers) to wit; Ida Smith, John Barker, George Barker, Emma Barker, .. Winder and to John Barker, for Lou Barker Eighty dollars each. Item 15. I give and bequeath to Mrs. Jeanie McClendon for my two great Granddaughters Georgia Barker and Sammie Barker, children of Bonner Barker, Eighty dollars to be equally divided between Said great Granddaughters. Item 16. I give and bequeath to my daughter Francis M. Hunter, in addition to what I have already given her, twenty five dollars ($25.00) a year to be paid to her at the first of each year by my Executors during her lifetime. - Should She die before my estate is wound up, I will and direct that her children be paid her equal distribution Share of my estate, whatever it may be. Item 17. In the distribution of my estate I direct that my grandchildren of W.Z. Barker or (any other of my Grandchildren whose parents my be dead) Shall get such share as their parent if living would get under this Will, and that the children of such deceased parents receive equal parts of said share, - Share and share alike. Should any of my children die, having no child or children or wife, the Share of such child is to revert to my estate. Item 18. I want to be equal with all my children, I have given some of them more than others, I wish to settle that matter myself, so that there may be no dispute among them as to what my intentions are. While some of them owe me considerable amounts, I shall not require them to account to my estate for it unless they make it necessary by claiming Settlement themselves. I do not desire to charge my son James Lafayette with the excess in my farm of perhaps one thousand dollars on our accounts and dealings, but if he continues The Suit now pending and should get a judgement against my or any estate, the amount of said judgement whatever it my be, is to be charged against him in the distribution of my estate, and he is to get no distribution share, till this is satisfied by him. Item 19. After the special bequests herein named, and my debts, and the expenses of Administration are all paid, I will and direct that my Executors make an equal division of all that my be left of my estate, between my beloved wife Lucy J. Bonner and all my children, that is to say each child shall receive an equal share and my said wife shall get a childs part, which share together with the bequeaths made to her, shall be in full of her share of my estate, and in full satisfaction of Dower, years support, or any other claims against my estate. Item 20. Of course before any such distribution can be made, it will be necessary for my Executors to sell and dispose of my estate. I therefore direct that they have full power so to do, either at public or private sale, and it shall not be necessary for them to get any order of Court for this purpose. (They are first to sell all Gins and machinery of every kind at once after my death, except the water Mill, Gin, and machinery referred to on the creek, in which my wife has a lifetime interest). As soon after my death as my Executors think best, I want them to sell, either at Public or private sale as in their judgement may seem best, all the property of which I may die possessed, of every kind both real and personal, and convert the same into money, except such property as is herein especially disposed of, and shall make returns of said sales to the Ordinary, so that all parties interested may see just what is done. And no order of Court shall be necessary to authorize saidsale or sales, and no other returns shall be necessary, except that the receipts are vouchers which are received for the amounts paid out, shall be returned in final return. I believe my Executors are honest and will do right, and I want as little machinery and expenses in winding up my estate as possible. Item 21. I hereby appoint my son W.S. Bonner, my Soninlaw John Pentecost and my beloved wife Lucy J. Bonner as Executors of this my last will and testament. Item 22. Having full confidence in the integrity Shill and ability of my friend G.W. Merrell Esq.- I hereby direct that he be retained by Executors as Attorney, to see that this my will is carried out, and to give advice generally, and to assist in any litigation that may arise in which my Estate may be concerned or interested. This 1st of April 1893. John Bonner Signed declared and published by John Bonner as his Last will and testament, in the presence of us the Subscribers, who subscribed our names hereto in the presence of Said Testator, John Bonner and at his special instances and request, and in the presence of each other, he signing in our presence and we signing in his presence. The words, "Together with my interest in the Water Mill and Gin on the Creek and other machinery", on page 3 erased before signing. April 1st 1893 J.F. Sale J.T. Freeman R.H. Fits G.W. Merrell Georgia Carroll County, We W.F. Sale, J.T. Freeman, R.H. Fitts and G.W. Murrell do Swear that we saw the within named John Bonner sign and publish the within proper as his Last Will and Testament. That we Subscribed the same as witnesses thereto at the special instance and request of the said John Bonner, and in his presence: That the said John Bonner signed the same freely and voluntarily, and was at the time of such signing of sound and disposing mind and memory. J.T. Sale G.W. Merrell J.T. Freeman R.H. Fitts Sworn to and subscribed before me Nov 30th 1893 S.J. Brown Ordinary Georgia, Carroll County: We Lucy J. Bonner, W.S. Bonner and J.W. Pentecost do Solemonly swear that this writing contains the true and Last Will of the within named. John Bonner deceased, so far as we know or believe, and shall we will well and truly execute the same in accordance with the laws of the State, - So help us God. Lucy J. Bonner W.S. Bonner J.W. Pentecost Sworn to and subscribed before me Nov 30th 1893 S.J. Brown Ordinary Filed in office Aug 30th 1893 S.J. 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