Codes used in the 1880 Mortality Schedule for Georgia This document is a companion to the transcriptions of the 1880 Mortality Schedule of Georgia. Each county schedule has been loaded into its respective county directory. This schedule was to record every death which occurred beginning June 1, 1879 and ending May 31, 1880. The data on each person is listed in the following order: County - Census Family No. - Name - Age - Sex- - Color - Married/Single/Divorced/Widowed - Birthplace - Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace - Profession - Month of Death - Cause of Death - Length of time in County - Comments (Where illness started, etc.) Where there was a question as to the spelling of a name I have placed a '?' behind the name. Where the person providing the information was not sure of the age or place of birth of the deceased or the birthplace of parents a ')' has been entered. Some enumerators listed the Family Number or identified Physician Returns as 'PR' in the Family column. Where the enumerators had indicated the individuals color as 'Mu' for Mulatto someone has overwritten a B for Black on most of the entries. The following designations for race are used herein: B = Black; I = Indian; M = Mulotto; and W = White. 1880 MORTALITY SCHEDULE HT Haiti RI Rhode Island FOR GEORGIA HV Hanover Germany Ru Russia IA Iowa SA Saxe-Coburg Germany BIRTHPLACE CODES IC Iceland SC South Carolina ID Idaho SD South Dakota II India SE Sea IL Illinois SH Schleswig IM Isle of Man SL Scotland CODE LOCATION IN Indianna SN Sweden IR Ireland SP Spain IT Italy SW Switzerland AA Australia IY Indian Territory SX Saxony Germany AF Africa JA Jamaica TN Tennessee AK Alaska KS Kansas TX Texas AL Alabama KY Kentucky UN Unknown AN Arapahoe Nation LA Lousianna US United States AR Arkansas MA Massachusetts UT Utah AS Alsace France MD Maryland VA Virginia AU Austria ME Maine VI Virgin Islands AZ Arizona HI Michigan VT Vermont BA Bahamas MK Mecklenburg WA Washington BH Bohemia MN Minnesota WE West Indies BL Belgium Ho Missouri WI Wisconsin BN Baden Germany MS Mississippi WK Waldeck BR Bremen Germany MT Montana WL Wales BV Bavaria MV Monrovia WR Wurttemberg BW Brunswick MX Mexico WV West Virginia CA California NA Nancy France WY Wyoming CD Canada NB New Brunswick CH China NC North Carolina CN Cherokee Nation ND North Dakota CO Colorado NE Nebraska CT Connecticut NF Newfoundland CU Cuba NG None Given CW Choctaw Nation NH New Hampshire CZ Czechoslovakia NI Nicaragua DC Dist. of Columbia NJ New Jersey DE Delaware NM New Mexico DM Denmark NP Naples Italy DO Dominican Republic NR Norway DR Darmstadt Germany NS Nova Scotia DT Dakota Territory NU Nassau EI East Indies NV Nevada EN England NY New York EU Europe NZ New Zealand FL Florida OH Ohio FN Finland OK Oklahoma FR France 00 Ontario GA Georgia OR Oregon GE Greece PA Pennsylvania GT Germany PL Polemca HB Hamburg Germany PO Poland HC Havana Cuba PR Prussia HD Holland PT Portugal HG Hungary PU Puerto Rico HI Hawaii PZ Pfalz HN Holstein Germany OB Quebec HS Hesse-Darmstadt RH Rhineland Germany 1880 MORTALITY SCHEDULE FE Ferryman SA Salesman FOR GEORGIA FH Foundry Hand SO Steamboat Hand FL Farm Laborer SD Saddler PROFESSION CODES FM Farmer & Preacher SE Seamstress FS Feeding Stock SF Sheriff FW Factory Worker SH Shoe Maker G Convict Guard SI Sailor GA Gambler SK Store Keeper CODE PROFESSION GD Gardner SL Stiller GM Gen. Merchandise SM Saw Miller GR Grocer SO Sportsman A Artist H Hatter SP Speculator AC Accountant HD Horse Dealer SR Spinster AP Apprentice HM Harness Maker ST Student B Boarding HO Hotel Porter SV Silver Smith BA Bar Keeper HP House Painter T Teacher BB Banker/Broker HS Hostler TA Tailor BC Barber HT Hotel Keeper TC Timber Cutter BD Bridge Builder J Judge TE Telegrapher BE Basket Maker JP Justice of Peace TG Traveling Agent BG Book Agent KH Keeping House TM Turpintine Man BI Bailiff KM Knitting TN Tanner BK Bookkeeper KS Knitting Socks TP Tramp BM Brick Mason L Laborer TR Trader BO Boating LA Laundress TS Tin Smith BR Brakeman LB Land Broker TT Teamster BS Blacksmith LD Liquor Dealer TX Tax Reciever BU Butcher LK Lighthouse Keeper U Undertaker C Cook LW Lawyer V Vagabon CA Cabinet Maker M Merchant W Watchman CB Cotton Broker MA Stone Mason WA Waiter CE Civil Engineer MC Mill Cleaner WC Wood Chopper CF Cotton Factory MD Milliner WD Well Digger CG Convict Guard ME Mechanic WM Wheel Wright CJ County Jailer MI Miller WM Wagon Maker CK Carriage Maker MK Mill Worker WO Wood Mechanic CL Clerk ML Mail Contractor WW Wash Woman CM Cotton Mill KM Miner CM Child's Nurse MR Mill Right CO Cosmopolite HS Mother Superior CP Cooper MV Midwife CR Carpenter N Notary CS County Surveyor MM Nurseryman CT Commercial NU Nurse Traveller 0 Overseer CV Convict/Prisoner P Physician CZ Asylum PA Pauper D Dentist PB Plough Boy DE Depot Worker PD Patent Dealer DG Druggist PE Performer DI Distiller Pr Painter DM Depty Marshall PH Postmaster DR Doctor PM Printer E Engineer PR Preacher/Minister ED Editor PS Prostitute F Farmer R Repairman FA Fatilognist? RR Railroad Worker FD Farm Domestic S Servant 1880 MORTALITY SCHEDULE FOR GEORGIA COMMON DISEASES ASCITES - Cancer of the ovary. APOPLEXY - Sudden loss or impairment of the power to feel or think or move, caused by injury to the brain when a blood vessel breaks or the blood supply becomes obstructed. BILIOUS FEVER - Caused by the over production of bile by the liver and characterized by indigestion, nausea, dullness, dizziness, or other disorders. BRIGHT'S DISEASE - A kidney disease characterized by albumin in the urine. BRONCHITIS - Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. CHOLERA - An acute disease of the stomach and intestines, characterized by vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea. COLIC - Characterized by severe pains in the abdomen. CONGESTION - Too much blood gathering in one part of the body. CONSUMPTION - A wasting disease of the lungs or other part of the body; Tuberculosis of the lungs. CONVULSIONS - A violent, involuntary contracting and relaxing of the muscles; Spasms. CROUP - An inflammation or disease of the throat and windpipe characterized by a hoarse cough and difficult breathing. DENTITION A growth of teeth; Teething. DIPHTHERIA A severe contagious disease in which a false membrane grows over the mucous membrane, usually in the throat or nose. DROPSY - An abnormal accumulation of watery fluid in certain tissues or cavities of the body. DYSENTERY - A painful disease of the intestines, producing diarrhea with blood and mucus. ENTERITIS - An inflammation of the small or large intestine characterized by diarrhea, cramps, loss of appetite, and loss of weight; caused by food poisoning, typhoid, or dysentery. EPILEPSY - A chronic nervous disease whose attacks cause convulsions and unconsciousness. FLUX - An unnatural discharge of blood or liquid matter from the body. GRAVEL - A small hard substance formed in the bladder and kidneys. HEPATITUS - An inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or poor sanitation. HIVES - Characterized by itchy skin and patches of red. HYDROCEPHALUS - Fluid build up in the brain; Water on the brain. INANITION Weakness from a lack of food. JAUNDICE A disease that causes yellowness of the skin, eyes, and body fluids, and disturbed vision. LOCKJAW Tetanus of the lower jaw. MALARIA Characterized by periodic chills followed by fever and sweating. MEASLES An infectious disease characterized by a bad cold, fever, and a breaking out of small red spots on the skin. MENINGITIS - Disease resulting in the inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal card. PNEUMONIA - Disease resulting in the inflamation of the lungs PUERPERAL FEVER - Fever related to childbirth. QUINSY - Tonsillitis with pus; Very sore throat with an abscess in the tonsils. REMITTENT FEVER - Fever that lessens at intervals. SCARLET FEVER - A very contagous disease characterized by a scarlet rash, sore throat, and fever. SCROFULA - A form of tuberculosis characterized by the enlargement of the lymph glands, especially those in the neck. SPASMS - A sudden, abnormal, involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles. SYPHILIS - A contagious verneral disease. TETANUS - Caused by bacilli entering the body through a wound and characterized by violent spasms, stiffness of many muscles, and even death. THRASH or THRUSH - A contagious disease of infants characterized by white patches on the lining of the mouth, throat, and tongue. TYPHOID - A fever with intestinal inflammation, caused by a germ taken into the body with food or drink. WHOOPING COUGH - Characterized by fits of coughing that end with a loud, gasping sound. WORMS - A disease caused by worms in the body. ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Torbert ====================================================================