Chattahoochee County Georgia Plat Map File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by John Mallory Land Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: Plat Map of Chattahoochee County, Georgia (partial) This list is based on a plat map I found at the Chattahoochee County Courthouse during a 1991 visit. My copy is as difficult to read in places as the original from which mine was taken. It apparently was made before either of the phases of Ft. Benning World War II land acquisition for expansion (ca. 1939). I know the identities and family associations of some of these individuals, but there are many I don’t know. An indication of land district(s) and lot(s) where the land lies follows each name: Example: Charles George's land district 6 - Land Lot 32 1. Charles A. GEORGE (6-32) [see also, #4] 2. C[lifford] Roy MEHAFFY, Jr. (6-1) [see also, #8] 3. C. C. GRISSOM (6-31) 4. Charles A. GEORGE (6-2) [see also, #1] 5. Grace WILLIS CURLEE (6-2, 3) 6. Mrs. Laura O'PRY (6-30) [Laura Jane CULPEPPER, who m. Thomas Bush O'PRY; (per obit of daughter, Lois (O'PRY) JOHNSON, b. 1906); compare Mary WALKER (sister-in-law to #7) who m. Thomas O'PRY -- see CCH, p. 325] 7. Mrs. Lula [WALKER] GRISSOM (6-3) [husband was Charlie; CCH, p.325] 8. C. C. GRISSOM (6-30) [see also, #3] 9. Tho[ma]s J[efferson] PATE (6-4) [brother of my gg-gm - jml] 10. George W[ashington] McKENZIE (6-29) [grandson of R. D. SIZEMORE] 11. S. (O./Q.?) MOBLEY (6-29, 28) 12. Bartow G. PATE (6-28, 5) [son of #9] 13. Joseph N. KING (6-5) [see also, #16] 14. John STEPHENS Co. (6-6, 7) [see also, #35] 15. O. C. & E. W. STEPHENS (6-7, 5-7) 16. Joseph N. KING (6-27, 26, 2, 8, 9) [see also #13] 17. Fred K. SCHLEY (6-24, 9; 5-9) [see also, #68] [6-23: owner?] 18. C. K. DANIEL et al (6-10; 5-10, 11) 19. C. H. DANIEL (6-22) 20. Albertine LaFONTAINE CARNES (6-11) 21. Robert L. HARP (6-21, 12, etc?) [6-20, 19, 14, 13: owner(s)?] 22. Mrs. Edgar BURTS (6-13; 5-12, 21) 23. AME Church (5-12) 24. Martha KING PATTERSON (5-12) [see also, #26, #29] 25. T. W. WALLER (5-22, 21) 26. Martha KING PATTERSON (5-11, 21, 22, 43) [see also, #24, #29] 27. James Hickey JONES (5-9, 10, 23, 24) 28. Julia SNELLINGS (5-7, 8, 25, 26) 29. Martha KING PATTERSON (5-6. 27) [see also, #24, #26] 30. T. D. MORGAN (5-5) 31. Albert REDD (5-28) 32. Chas. L. UNDERWOOD (5-4) 33. John Rufus UNDERWOOD (5-29) 34. James M. UNDERWOOD (5-2, 3, 4) 35. John STEPHENS Co. [see also, #14] 36. E. D. PATE (5-2, 3) [who is this?] 37. D[ock] S[olomon] SIZEMORE (5-1, 2, 31, 32) [my g-gf - jml] 38. Mt. Paran Primitive Baptist Church (5-32) [land given by #37] 39. H[enry] B[artow] ADERHOLD [Sr] (5-33) [my great uncle - jml] 40. Dr. B.? A.? J_______S? (5-33) 41. Mrs. Mattie POPE MORGAN (5-31, 34, 35, 62) (see also, #45) [p. 324] Plat Map of Chattahoochee County, Georgia (partial), 2 of 4 42. O. C. MORGAN (5-35) 43. J[ohn] M[oley] CULPEPPER (5-36, 61) [see also, #81] [see p. 324] 44. E. G. WILLIS (5-36, 61) 45. Mrs. Mattie POPE MORGAN (5-60) [see also, #41] 46. ____________? (5-60) 47. B.? N.? R. TURNER (5-37, 38, 59) 48. W. L. (or W. G.?) TAYLOR (5-59) [see also, #69] 49. Heirs of Lewis _____ ___NNING (5-39, 58, 70, 71) 50. T. M. MICKLESON (5-58) 51. Joel THORNTON (5-40, 57) 52. Milly HARDISON (5-40) 53. Randall (SHORT?) (5-41) 54. Georgia KING (5-56, 55) 55. _____ KING (5-55) 56. Mrs. Edm. B.? X.? GORDY (5-41, 42, 55, 56) 57. L. M. THORNTON (5-54, 55) 58. Ed SHORT (5-44, 53) 59. J. L. McCOOK (5-14, 21, 43, 44, 45 (etc.?) 60. B. S. MILLER (5-52, 53, 77, 78, 83, 84) 61. H. V. MILLER (5-81) 62. Mrs. Frances JOHNSON PARKMAN (5-82) 63. Mary E. MILLER (5-82) [see also, #114] 64. Joe S. GARDNER (5-75, 76, 85) 65. Harry JACKSON (5-54, 75) 66. J. P. CULPEPPER (5-85, 86, 107, 108) 67. Perry KING (5-74, 87) 68. Fred K. SCHLEY (5-73, 87, 88) [see also, #17] 69. W. L. TAYLOR (5-72, 73, 88) [see also, #48] 70. J. G. MORGAN (5-89) 71. O. B. MARLEY? [could be MARKEY, HARLEY, HARVEY?] (5-89, 90, 104) (see also, #101) 72. J. H. THONRTON (5-70, 71, 72) 73. Mrs. George L. BENTLEY (5-70, 91) [mother of #74?] 74. Mamie CULPEPPER (5-70, 91) [mother of #76] 75. (Mrs. E.?) CULPEPPER (5-91) [who is this?] 76. E. H. CULPEPPER (5-92) [my great uncle - jml] 77. Annie BALL (or BELL?) REDD (5-68, 69, 70) 78. L. D.? MORGAN (5-68, 93) 79. Mrs. J. G. MORGAN (5-93) 80. H. D./A.? MORGAN (5-94) 81. J[ohn] M[oley] CULPEPPER (5-67) [see also, #43] 82. C.? C.? KEMP (5-63, 66) 83. Mrs. W.? H. PRESTON (5-63) 82. Mrs. Verna CULPEPPER WEED (5-86) 85. J. D.? MORGAN (5-95) 86. Geo.? E. WEED (5-95) 87. Andrew Wiley CANNON (5-97, 98, 127, 128) 88. W. F. HALE (5-128) 89. J. W. UNDERWOOD (5-129, 130) 90. C. E. KEMP (5-126) 91. Mrs. Rbt. D. WEED (5-99) [perhaps dau.-in-law of Martin V./Lucy?] 92. Raphael MORGAN (5-99, 100) [see CCH, p. 324] Plat Map of Chattahoochee County, Georgia (partial), 3 of 4 93. Hubert MORGAN (5-100) [see CCH, p. 324: m. Pearl SIZEMORE, my gm's 1st cousin] 94. Lewis MORGAN (5-100, 101) [see CCH, p. 324] 95. E. R. MORGAN (5-125) 96. W. I. MORGAN (5-125) 97. Mrs. Fannie ROIALS? HANCOCK (5-124) [land bounds property of County Line Church] 98. Mrs. Catharine HARBUCK (5-124) 99. T. D. MORGAN (5-101) [see CCH, p. 324] 100. W.? H. URQUHART (5-123) 101. A./O.? B. MARKEY (5-102, 123) [could be MARLEY/HARLEY/HARVEY] [see also, #71] 103. Ouida/Quida? P. PRESTON (5-103, 122) 104. Shipp? _______ MELTON (5-103) 105. J. H./W.? URQUHART Estate (5-122) 106. Mrs. A. W. PRESTON (5-104, 121) 107. Irene & J. A. LAWSON (5-105) 108. E. R. P__________ (5-120) 109. A. L. THORNTON (5-106) 110. J. G. MORGAN (5-106, 107) 111. W. C. DANIEL (5-118, 119) 112. David & Harry GERSON (5-117) 113. Henry TAYLOR (5-109, 117) 114. Mary E. MILLER (5-109, 110, 115, 116) [see also, #63] 115. Mike PATTERSON (5-115) 116. P. M. ABERCROMBIE (5-110) 117. Robert W. REVEL (5-83, 110, 111) 118. Tom HARRIS (5-111) 119. Samuel B. HATCHER, Jr. (5-114, 115; also, 5-112) The following cemeteries are located in the area shown on this plat map, according to land districts and lots given in the listing of cemeteries on Ft. Benning Reservation (1981): -American Methodist-Episcopal Church (dist. 5, lot 13) -BROWNING (dist. 6, lot 7) -CLARK (dist. 5, lot 118) -COOK (dist. 5, lot 60) -CULPEPPER (dist. 5, lot 38) -FARMER (dist. 5, lot 70) -HARDISON (dist. 5, lot 44) -HICKEY (dist. 5, lot 7) -JOHNSON (dist. 5, lot 272 or 273 [listing gives dist. 6, lot 13, which is incorrect] -MATTHEWES (dist. 5, lot 116) Plat Map of Chattahoochee County, Georgia (partial), 4 of 4 -McCOOK (dist. 6, lot 9) -Mt. Paran Church #2 (dist. 5, lot 32) -O'QUIN (dist. 6, lot 26) -Prosperity Church (dist. 6, lot 9) -SYLVESTER (dist. 5, lot 60) ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============