Cherokee County GaArchives Obituaries.....Edwards, Edward September 18, 1884 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Meredith Clapper June 21, 2018, 10:25 pm The Cherokee Advance 16 Oct 1884 p 2 Obituary [From The Cherokee Advance] Died at his home in Cherokee county, Georgia on the 18th of September, Mr. Edward Edwards after suffering 4 months of Dropsy. Mr. Edwards was born in Greenville Dist., S. C. July 2nd 1805 ___at his death he was 79 years 2 months and 16 days old; he moved and settled in Georgia some 40 years ago making ___ being one of her most peaceful and respected citizens for near a half century; his wife Elizebth (sic), preceded him some 15 years ago. They were both members of the methodist (sic) church and for 3 weeks before his death he rejoiced in the love offered and died perfectly happy; fully resigning himself to the will of God and shouting wit (sic) joy. His dying words were "Home to Paradise Going to join the loved ones who has gone before." He was buried Saturday 20th Sept. at the Dr. Ford old graveyard near his home, followed to the grave by a large concourse of friends and relatives. Rev. Anderson of Milton county conducted the services in a very solemn and impressive manner. Mr. Edwards was waited on during his long and severe spell of sickness by Dr. She___ of Hickory Flat, for whom Mr. Edwards felt the greatest regards __ and thanked him many times for his kind attention and valuable nursing during his sickness; thanked him for his kindness of attention even when the chances (sic) was hopeless. The bereaved friends and relatives have the deepest sympathy of the entire community. May they so live as to go shouting "home paradise," to meet their friend who this day in the arms of his Savior where there is "No more sorrow not ____ no more sins nor strife." A Friend Died on the 18th inst. Old Uncle Neddy Edwards, an old an (sic) much respected citizen of Cherokee county, whose age was 83 years. He left a testimony behind that he has gone to rest and that he wants all to lay up treasurers (sic) in Heaven where "neither moth nor rust can corrupt nor thieves can break through and steal. He left an example behind which we should follow and that was to do unto all men as you would have them do unto you. He lay a long time with dropsy and suffered a great deal till the Death Angel called for him and Jesus called him to "come up higher where he would make him ruler over many things. We sympathize with the bereaved. He left a host of friends and relatives who mourn his departure of this life. Irvin Edwards File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb