Cherokee County GaArchives Obituaries.....Keeter, Malinda Bass (Mrs. J. J.) March 8, 1884 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Meredith Clapper November 25, 2017, 9:03 pm The Cherokee Advance 3 Apr 1884 p 2 Obituary of Mrs. J. J. Keeter Editor Advance:--This will bring the sad intelligence of the death of Malinda A. Keeter the companion of J. J. Keeter, who departed this life the 8th of last month leaving a husband, 8 children and many affectionate friends and relatives to mourn her loss. She was the daughter of Redding and Elizabeth Ball. The deceased was born in this county on Oct 1st, 1843, was married to J. J. Keeter Jan. 7th 1862; made profession in Christ and joined the Baptist church before she was engage in wedlock. She _____ed her profession through life and met the avocations of life ch___ly. About 9 years ago she was taken with a consumptive cough which followed her through the balance of her life. On the 4th of last month she was taken suddenly with something like the pneumonia fever in connection with her cough which lasted only four days. On Saturday morning at 4 o'clock she called her husband and told him she was nearly gone and almost worn out; her husband told her that they had done all they could and she must trust in Jesus, she replied that she did and then she asked that the children, be called. When the children came she called her oldest son to her and told him she would not be here much longer and that he too must die and that he should strive to adorn his christian profession and finally __e her in Heaven and then said to him now kiss me, he then did so. She then called her second son, said to him that she was nearly gone and he too much die she wanted him to prepare for death the first thing and not to put it off and be ready to meet her in Heaven, then said now kiss me, he did so she then admonished the other three boys in the same manner saying to each I want you to meet me in heaven, and also requesting each to kiss her, she then called Mary the youngest child and said she wanted her to be a good girl and that she gave her to her Papa. Then requested the father be good to Mary; the dying mother said to the weeping child meet me in Heaven and also requested her to kiss her; the mother threw her arms around the childs (sic) neck. She also admonished some of the neighbors children who were present. At about 12 o,clock (sic)in the day she apparently was going to sleep and fell to sleep in Jesus. May we meet her in Heaven. J. J. K. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb