Cherokee County GaArchives Obituaries.....Petree, John September 15, 1885 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Meredith Clapper May 30, 2019, 12:47 pm The Cherokee Advance 2 Oct 1885 p 3 John Petree was born February 1810, near Salem, N.C., and was married to Amanda Martin Feb. 1, 1829, who lived only three years after their marriage. He was married to his late wife, Mary T. Smith, Nov. 11, 1832 in Lincolnton, N.C. She died on the 10th and he on the 15th of September, 1885. He was, at the time of his death, in his 76th year, and had lived 41 years in Georgia, most of the time in Cherokee county. He was a mechanic, and known for the excellence of his work. He was most provident. No tax on himself or purse was too great if it was necessary for the comfort of his family. He professed religion at a camp meeting in Spartanburg, S. C., Sept. 1837, and joined the Methodist church. He lived a consistent, though not a demonstrative, member for 48 years. He was in his usual health on the day of his death, busily engaged until late in the afternoon. About sunset he went to water his mule, drew his water, carried it a few steps from the well and fell and died without a struggle. He had with him that friend and Savior, Jesus, who said, "Be ye also ready, for ye know not when the son of man cometh." W. H. Speer. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb