Cherokee County GaArchives Obituaries.....Sherman, Mrs. Dr. William H. (Nancy Roberts Boger) April 4, 1885 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Meredith Clapper July 9, 2018, 6:07 pm The Cherokee Advance 10 Apr 1885 p 2 Death of Mrs. Dr. Sherman It is with a degree of sadness we chronicle the death of Mrs. Dr. W. H. Sherman, of Hickory Flat, who died at her home on the morning of the 4th instant, after a short but painful illness of only two or three days. Her remains were enterred (sic) at Hickory Flat last Sunday in the presence of a large crowd and sorrowing friends, attended with appropriate and fitting ceremonies by Rev. A. G. Johnson, of Acworth. She was in the 43rd year of her age, and leaves a family of five or more children, a husband and many sorrowing friends to mourn her sudden demise. She was a most estimable lady, liked and beloved by all who knee her or came in contact with her noble christian every day life. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and an earnest worker in the Lord's vineyard. Her dying testimony was full of assurance that her end was a glorious one, and that she would soon be wafted away on angels' wings to that dearer, better sweeter clime where all is peace and love, and joy and glory forever and ever. We sympathise (sic) with the bereaved in the sore affliction they now bear, but "Why lament the christian dying? Why indulge in tears or gloom? Calmly, on the Lord relying, She can greet the opening tomb." Additional Comments: Her first husband was Martin Eli Boger, who died in 1872. She remarried Wm Sherman in 1873. Maiden name is Roberts. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb